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‘Call of Duty’ Doesn’t Just Depict Bad History—It’s Pro-War Propaganda
  • @knokelmaat As someone who used to play call of duty I don't think anyone plays the campaign and thinks its anything more than fantasy.

  • New Zealand's housing density experiment saw approvals for new builds in Auckland 'skyrocket' while house prices kept climbing
  • @Zagorath I see it up on our lemmy instance now. Most of the people in my life hate it because they hate change. It seems to be resulting in a lot of small compact houses with no room to park a car. As someone looking for houses atm I am seeing a lot of new medium density homes that are a direct result of this legislation and they are a blessing because the other houses are old and poorly designed.

  • What does Bluesky have that Mastodon doesn't?
  • @otter money behind it

  • China is forecasted to reach 1,000GW of installed solar capacity by 2026 (from 500GW today), which is pretty much equivalent to the total global solar power capacity today.
  • @zephyreks I don't under what is your point? They are allowed to make no progress because they are producing the solar?

    I disagree that them producing the tech used for green energy is good. China has no environmental standards or ethical standards for how things should be produced. This allows them to outcompete the rest of the world.

    If China wasn't making solar, other countries would produce solar. The result wouldn't be no solar production.

  • China is forecasted to reach 1,000GW of installed solar capacity by 2026 (from 500GW today), which is pretty much equivalent to the total global solar power capacity today.
  • @NoneOfUrBusiness @yogthos @bioemerl they don't have a point. They absolutely hang off per captia emissions stats because it's the only way they can dismiss the extreme damage China is doing to the environment. Having more population doesn't allow you to pollute more. That output still harms the earth all the same.

    Majority of the west is trending towards less emissions where as China is increasing emissions exponentially year on year.

  • China is forecasted to reach 1,000GW of installed solar capacity by 2026 (from 500GW today), which is pretty much equivalent to the total global solar power capacity today.
  • @yogthos All good and well to "forecast" things that make them look good. Currently they consume over half the worlds coal and only account for 1/3rd of the solar. They are the biggest climate change threat on the planet and they are doing nothing to change that. Infact the forecast increasing emissions until at least 2030.

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