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ExxonMobil Accused of “Deceptively” Promoting Chemical Recycling as a Solution for the Plastics Crisis.
  • What bothers me is some of my friends heard about plastic recycling being fake and immediately assume all recycling is fake. So now they don't even try to recycle normal cardboards, papers, and metals because "recycling is a myth".

  • Stop drinking bottled water: Experts warn of health and climate impacts
  • Given the amount of variety of materials that water interacts with before it reaches your house and the fact that RO can remove the majority of organic and dissolved pollutants, it is probably still better to get a bit of plastics from the RO than the plethora of pollutants that are otherwise present. The benefits of this may vary widely based on the quality of the tap water.

  • There is the theory that they are a money laundering business
  • Or maybe a marriage only gets the tax break if they prove they are raising a child. Otherwise straight childless marriages still benefit from the tax break while childless gay marriages do not. If more kids are the goal, make kids the deciding factor for the tax break.

  • It's not only dangerous to drive drunk, it's also dangerous to walk drunk outdoors because of cars.
  • I think drunk drivers make it unsafe for every pedestrian regardless of their soberity. I see kids, adults, and seniors all crossing a busy intersections in a relatively small town every morning. Nearly every day i see a near miss fron a driver turning right on red and nearly hitting a very visibile pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk while they have the right to cross. And most of these drivers arent even drunk or impaired, many of them are texting though.

    Most often, the driver is looking up the road to ensure the traffic lanes are clear but many forget to also ensure the crosswalk is clear. What really bothers me is when most drivers almost hit someone, including seniors or children, they honk and throw their hands up as if that pedestrian is the asshole. At least the honk might give someone just enough time to avoid being hit.

  • It's not only dangerous to drive drunk, it's also dangerous to walk drunk outdoors because of cars.
  • I think drunk drivers make it unsafe for every pedestrian regardless of their soberity. I see kids, adults, and seniors all crossing a busy intersections in a relatively small town every morning. Nearly every day i see a near miss fron a driver turning right on red and nearly hitting a very visibile pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk while they have the right to cross. And most of these drivers arent even drunk or impaired, many of them are texting though.

    Most often, the driver is looking up the road to ensure the traffic lanes are clear but many forget to also ensure the crosswalk is clear. What really bothers me is when most drivers almost hit someone, including seniors or children, they honk and throw their hands up as if that pedestrian is the asshole. At least the honk might give someone just enough time to avoid being hit.

  • Canadian provinces seek to treat more drug users against their will
  • This doesn't help the people already stuck. On these drugs, homeless, and dealing with the mental health issues that come with that is a huge burden, even if we fixed the issuess that push people into these addictions, they may not be able to get out of these situations on their own. Things like getting housed or employed become increasingly difficult when homeless and addicted. Ideally these involuntary treatments include housing treated people and assisting them in getting their own housing and employment.

  • Stop drinking bottled water: Experts warn of health and climate impacts
  • Most people i know that prefer bottled water prefer it because of the chlorine taste in their city tap water. Most bottled water goes through several processess including softening or reverse osmosis which can impact the taste quite a bit. They often remineralize the bottled water and add flouride as well. They do make undersink reverse osmosis systems for people who have taste or odor concerns from their tap water, essentially getting a similar quality to bottled out of a tap.

  • Insanity
  • Intended for all users but designed quite specifically for one type of user. I can make a product designed to clean glass, it can clean other things but its intended purpose is to clean glass, this doesn't change it from glass cleaner to an all-purpose cleaner. "General lanes" are designed for cars and the vast difference of needs between different transport types means we should do more at building and seperating specific lanes.

  • Insanity
  • You will be tailgated, honked at, rolled coal, maybe even hit by a mirror on an agressive pass by a truck if caught doing that in my area. I barely even feel safe walking on the sidewalk as most people don't look for pedestrians at intersections or entrances. Yes the lanes are meant for everyone, but the nature of a car or truck means they can easily take more than their fair share of the lane if they want.

  • Emotional Support Vehicles
  • I hate blue or other bright colors on a dashboard. Red is by far the best color for driving at night. I'm very lucky that both my car and work van have orange or red for the majority of dash lighting. Im also lucky that neither one has touchscreen only settings.

  • Emotional Support Vehicles
  • Little hatchbacks are awesome. Not sure about the details for fitting child car seats but my little hatchback can fit a full ice fishing sled with hut and enough gear to camp on ice for a few days. All my friends with big SUVs and trucks are blown away by the amount of gear that fits into my "clown car" as they call it.

  • Insanity
  • People refer to them as car lanes because they are designed and prioirtized for cars. Can a bicycle fit in the lane? Sure, but the lane was not designed for bicycle and in most places the lanes are not designed to share with a bicycle. Many people feel unsafe on a bike with 60+km/h traffic flying by them with barely enough room to pass.

  • inconsistency with comments

    I've been having some minor issues with comments. Once a comment thread gets longer than 3 or 4 comments, accesing those deeper comment chains becomes very inconsistent/impossible. The "view more" button to see the rest of the comments will sometimes just disappear or do nothing when pressed. When accessing deep threads from my inbox or profile it will start at the top of the comment thread and fail to load/access the deeper comments, including the comment I used to navigate to that thread. Has anyone else had similar issues or found solutions?

    Sort by "hot" is inconsistent and often shows really old posts.

    The past couple updates whenever I'm browing "all" with sort set to "hot" the first few pages of scrolling is accurate but then it turns to posts that are 6months-2years old. This is only after 1-2 minutes of scrolling. Has anyone else had this issue?

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