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Political discourse
  • Its your dumbfuck Trump since birds of a feather flock together. Not a conspiracy if you follow the money, pretty easy to see conflict of interest since doctors are paid by huge drug companies and would lose their license if they don't tow the line. Relying on injecting yourself to make you healthy is dumbest things popular culture can come up with. Your body has millions of years of evolution and works better without being tricked with synthetic chemicals.

  • Political discourse
  • Lol if tv repeats something enough times it must be true eh? It is pointless, see me; never sick never got shots. They have people conditioned with fear only so money goes into their pockets.

  • Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe
  • There is a bunch of cults breeding like rabbits for sure, I don't know what is us and them besides that we should protect and make better the land we were from and history has shown humans are a virus on the land killing biodiversity for shiny trinkets, so why bring more assholes here to pollute?

  • Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe
  • Have you been to the Canadian shield? You cant grow food on rock thats covered in snow 7+ months of the year. Overpopulating canada in our more temperate areas just leads to less farm land to continue to feed the world with.

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