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French General: France and allies could send 60,000 troops to Ukraine. NATO ally could command 60,000 strong force in Ukraine: General

French President Emmanuel Macron has been advancing a debate on whether to send allied troops to the country.

NATO ally could command 60,000 strong force in Ukraine: General

>Schill said France could engage a division of 20,000 troops within 30 days to operate as part of an allied coalition. Paris, he added, would be able to command a force of around 60,000 soldiers made up of French and other allied troops. The French army comprises some 121,000 soldiers, with 24,000 reservists.

By 7:00 a.m. Moscow time Putin leads Russian presidential vote with 87.32%
  • I've heard many people say they'll vote Putin till he's gone and then vote KPRF. Rally around the flag effect seems huge at the moment. Still there was one good aspect that stood out to me:

    Communists delivered 26 million copies of their program across the country (for the first time not skipping a single subject) which the other candidates severely lacked, a win regardless of the electoral result.

    Machine translation of Kharitonov's belief in its immediate implementation:

    “Our program will make its way literally from tomorrow. In all regions, in all territories, it was received favorably, and people hope for its implementation. And we will implement it directly,” Kharitonov noted at a briefing on Sunday evening.

    In his opinion, the current head of state, Vladimir Putin, has taken on enormous responsibility.

    “If he wins, one can only wish for one thing: to justify the trust of his voters,” he emphasized, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports.

    Let us remind you that Putin is in the lead with 87.26% in the presidential elections based on the results of processing 60% of the protocols. Second place goes to Kharitonov, who received 4.18% of the votes.

  • French Ukraine supporters proudly flying the flag of the flag of a literal NAZI death squad.
  • There's another one in the same rally and the cry Heroaim Slava. They also want to disclude Russia from the olympics. Finally the first logo on the bottom left corner in the image provided by OP is of the UNION OF UKRAINIANS OF FRANCE which is sympathetic of Stephan Bandera

  • The Vladimir Putin Interview
  • A new thing was him talking about the entire left bank of the Dneiper being historically Russian, this includes Poltava, Chernihiv, Sumy and Kiev in the north. Recently before this he was talking about creating a buffer zone to prevent Ukrainian attacks on Russian cities.

  • The Vladimir Putin Interview
  • As to the OP mentioning, “I like how Putin clarified that Soviet Ukrainianization and indigenization of other areas of the USSR was not a bad policy in principle” I think this is best read as reactionary nationalist stuff. Basically that people of a culture should stick together, that there’s a duty to blood there, to preserving culture, to a commonality. You hear the same stuff from many reactionary thinkers.

    How is it reactionary and nationalist to have a shared Belarussian, Ukrainian and Russian space where each national identity flourishes but is also interconnected? If Putin wants to live in harmony with Belarus or pre-maidan and to some extent post-maidan Ukraine instead of devouring them, where's the issue?

    In the interview he also admitted the superiority of China and it's economy to Russia. He said that Russia is not much of a threat to US hegemony but China is. Having a population of 1.4B to Russia's 140m and growing at 5%, having the largest economy.

  • The Vladimir Putin Interview
  • He said that it was a good idea in principle to promote the indigenous languages and culture of the Soviet Republics (Ukrainianization) around 18:55. Im not saying he's a leftist, just that he's abandoned the vocal anti-communism.

    KPRF critiqued his speech of February 2022 saying that it was Lenin who united the territories of the empire which were divided by local nationalists. What he said is similar and clarifies whether he believes Lenin made a mistake in shaping Ukraine vs just how things played out in the long run.

    He said this time that the Soviet Union lived as a unified state with harmony between Russians and Ukrainians and the fault lied to the governments of Yeltsin, Gorbachev and himself for tearing off Ukraine from this shared space.

  • The Vladimir Putin Interview


    I like how Putin clarified that Soviet Ukrainianization and indigenization of other areas of the USSR was not a bad policy in principle, makes it seem less anti-communist than his February 24, 2022 speech where he just says Lenin created Ukraine. This time he's close to the Russian leftist view, that it was the nationalists that divided Russia and the Soviets reunited and stabilized the country.

    Nikolai Kharitonov: 50 days before the elections. The mood is to win!
  • Current polling of those intending to vote

    Putin: 63-65% (low for him, 80% would be typical), most of the remaining should go to KPRF

    Slutsky (nationalist/LDPR): 3-4% (usually compared to KPRF, only managed to get support from 1/3rd of his base)

    Kharitonov (communist): "confidently ahead of Slutsky" and from the above post the sentiment is the same as in 1996 where Zyuganov won 32.49% in the first round . The percentage left when you subtract the other candidates from 100 is ~26%. So I would assume close to 20%.

    Boris Nadezhdin (pro-west): 6-7%

    Davankov: less than 1%

  • Nikolai Kharitonov: 50 days before the elections. The mood is to win! Николай Харитонов: 50 дней до выборов. Настрой – победить!

    26 января КПРФ провела Общероссийское открытое партийное собрание, где свое видение актуальных проблем представили руководители Партии, представители региональных отделений и...

    Николай Харитонов: 50 дней до выборов. Настрой – победить!
    What is happening in US right now? Chance of civil war?
  • He tried once to give illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. Obama too. Non-citizens can increasingly vote in local elections. And the more of them that come, the easier to pass this. Yes ik that Biden has deported more than Trump, that's what I meant when I said that they haven't been nice to migrants in the last few years. They are also definitely be exploited for cheap labour.

  • What is happening in US right now? Chance of civil war?
  • I think the Democrats are unpopular so they've relaxed on migrants (as migrants are more democratic) which is good for migrants but also pretty opportunistic.

    Even most democratic voters call the situation at the border "an invasion", which I don't agree with but the fact is Democrats are choosing to change course when it is unpopular in their own camp. Secondly, we all know it's not cause of empathy with migrants, they clearly lack that.

    Democrats are trying to maintain power even at the cost of destabilization, Republicans don't want Texas, with it's 38 electoral seats to turn blue. Biden only lost in 2020 by 5%.

  • Deindustrialization, Germans use less electricity than in 1978 Understand low-carbon energy in Germany through Data | Low-Carbon Power

    Understand how electricity generation changed in Germany since 1971. Develop a data-based Opinion with Low-Carbon Power & Monitor the Transition to Low Carbon.


    Antarctic sea ice extent is now currently over 6 standard deviations below average
  • It is an El - nino year paired with us getting closer to solar maximum in 2025 (solar maximum can increase the temperature by up to 0.10 degrees C), climate is measured across decades to account for yearly variation.

    Also the twitter user who made this was unable to justify a normal distribution and said that he would stop doing this. So the creator of the graph doesn't even believe in it.

  • If DPRK is field testing their missiles in Ukraine that lets them confirm that they can effectively bypass NATO defences, and that's a nightmare for the occupied Korea.
  • They call themselves "communalist" ;) ;) and reject social democracy

    Communitarianism is the goal and democracy is the means and method. The goal of the People's Democratic Party is a world of community where everyone lives equally well, and in order to realize this, the entire people, including the working class, must increase their role as owners. Human society progresses from a community society to a non-community society and then back to a community society. If a community society without military occupation, political domination, or economic exploitation is the first positive stage in a society that reflects the archetype of human independence, we are scientifically convinced of the dialectical process that goes through the negative stage and then again to the negative negative stage. In Choi Chi-won's Nanrangmi Preface, “Gukukhyeonmyojidowalpungryu,” that is, “There is a mysterious way in this land, and it is called Pungryu,” we confirm that there is communality at the root of our nationality. . We oppose the social democratic concept of publicness and emphasize the communalistic concept of commonality

    Literally describing the transition of humanity from primitive communism to communism with a lot of winking.

  • DPRK reportedly fires 200 artillery rounds.

    This is news from the past hour.

    Back in 2010, a similar lie was reported:

    According to western MSM DPRK has supposedly fired 200 rounds of artillery shells at a South Korean island (it was west of not at) and in response to SK planning to do the same thing and conducting live fire drills.

    KCNA article from before this was reported:


    >On Jan. 2, almost all units of the puppet army were mobilized in the shelling drill and maneuvers of motorized troops in the frontline area. The next day, the puppet navy conducted naval bombardment and naval maneuvers in the whole waters of the East, West and South Seas.


    The South Korean president told soldiers to fight back immediately when the enemy attacks 韩总统告诉士兵敌人攻击时应立即反击,对内强硬宣示加剧半岛对抗


    DPRK records 40% GDP growth

    >The 12 goals for the national economic development were all attained with 103 percent of grain production, 100 percent of electric power, coal and nitrogenous fertilizer, 102 percent of rolled steel, 131 percent of nonferrous metal, 109 percent of logs, 101 percent of cement and ordinary cloth, 105 percent of marine products, 106 percent of railway freight transport and 109 percent of houses under construction. And the overall economy witnessed clear production growth, including 220 percent of motor production, 208 percent of transformers, 121 percent of bearings, 140 percent of electric zinc, 121 percent of lead, 113 percent of paper, 110 percent of salt, 109 percent of cosmetics, 100 percent of flat glass and 104 percent of magnesia clinker, and plan discipline was established.

    >Compared with the total growth of the economic sector in 2020, the previous year of the 8th Party Congress, the production of important indices largely went up in 2023 by raising the production of iron trioxide 3.5 times, pig iron 2.7 times, rolled steel 1.9 times, machine tools 5.1 times, cement 1.4 times and nitrogen fertilizer 1.3 times and the GDP grew up 1.4 times.

    DPRK updates stance on reunification, peaceful reunification is impossible

    full Report on 9th Enlarged Plenum of 8th WPK Central Committee:

    relevant section:

    The General Secretary made a detailed analysis of the gigantic geopolitical changes in international geo-political situation and balance of forces in 2023, the main features of present international situation and the external environment of the Korean peninsula. And he advanced the strategic and tactical policies to be held fast to in the external affairs and clarified the need to newly formulate the stands on the north-south relations and reunification policy and make a decisive policy change in the work against the enemy.

    The field of external affairs should actively and tactically cope with the changing and developing international situation and write a diplomatic history of the DPRK which accords with the position of a powerful country on the principle of defending the dignity of the Party, raising the national dignity and protecting the national interests.

    He set forth the tasks for concentrating the main efforts on the development of relations with the ruling parties of socialist countries to further expand and strengthen the external sphere of the country, further consolidating the foundation of support and solidarity to the DPRK by further developing the relations with the anti-imperialist independent countries opposed to the hegemony strategy of the U.S. and the West under ever-changing international situation and waging a dynamic anti-imperialist joint action and struggle on an international scale.

    We should consistently adhere to the anti-U.S. and anti-enemy struggle principle of power for power and head-on contest and pursue the high-handed and offensive toughest policy.

    This year we reaffirmed the unshakable will to counter the frantic nuclear war threat racket and all-out confrontation of the U.S. and its vassal forces with nukes and all-out confrontation and inflicted insurmountable security crisis and horror upon the enemies by the overwhelming exercise of the thorough war deterrent.

    Whatever the enemies attempt and whatever they choose, it is our unshakable principle and mode of struggle against the enemy to control by super-tough counteraction beyond it and by the exercise of powerful ability overwhelming it.

    The conclusion put forward the line of making a fundamental turnabout in the sector of work toward the south on the basis of a cool analysis of the bitter history of the north-south relations which has repeatedly suffered only distrust and confrontation.

    The Korean Peninsula is now constantly in the grip of an uncontrollable crisis due to the reckless anti-DPRK confrontation hysteria and military provocations of the U.S. and south Korean puppets.

    It is a well known fact that physical clash can be caused and escalated even by a slight accidental factor in the area of along the Military Demarcation Line where large armed forces of both sides are standing in confrontation with one another, and no one can deny the fact that the two states, the most hostile toward each other, are coexisting in the Korean peninsula at present.

    Such abnormal situation is not a random phenomenon like mutation in the light of the successive puppet regimes' extension of their policies but an inevitable result of the history of the north-south relations.

    For a long period spanning not just ten years but more than half a century, the idea, line and policies for national reunification laid down by our Party and the DPRK government have always roused absolute support and approval of the whole nation and sympathy of the world as they are most just, reasonable and fair. But none of them has brought about a proper fruition and the north-south relations have repeated the vicious cycle of contact and suspension, dialogue and confrontation.

    If there is a common point among the "policies toward the north" and "unification policies" pursued by the successive south Korean rulers, it is the "collapse of the DPRK's regime" and "unification by absorption". And it is clearly proved by the fact that the keynote of "unification under liberal democracy" has been invariably carried forward although the puppet regime has changed more than ten times so far.

    The puppet forces' sinister ambition to destroy our social system and regime has remained unchanged even a bit whether they advocated "democracy" or disguised themselves as "conservatism", the General Secretary said, and went on:

    The general conclusion drawn by our Party, looking back upon the long-standing north-south relations is that reunification can never be achieved with the ROK authorities that defined the "unification by absorption" and "unification under liberal democracy" as their state policy, which is in sharp contradiction with our line of national reunification based on one nation and one state with two systems.

    Even at this moment, the south Korean puppets are unhesitatingly contending that the DPRK and its people are territory and population of the ROK that should be reclaimed, and it is shamelessly specified in the constitution of the ROK that "the territory of the ROK contains the Korean peninsula and its attached islands".

    The reality urgently requires us to adopt a new stand on the north-south relations and the reunification policy.

    Now we need to admit the reality and make the relations with the south Korean puppets clearer.

    I think it is a mistake we should no longer make to regard the clan, who publicly defined us as the "principal enemy" and is seeking only the opportunity of "collapse of power" and "unification by absorption" in collusion with foreign forces, as the partner of reconciliation and reunification.

    It is not suitable to the prestige and position of the DPRK to discuss the issue of reunification with the strange clan, who is no more than a colonial stooge of the U.S., just because of the rhetorical word the fellow countrymen.

    South Korea at present is nothing but a hemiplegic malformation and colonial subordinate state whose politics is completely out of order, whole society tainted by Yankee culture, and defence and security totally dependent on the U.S.

    The north-south relations have been completely fixed into the relations between two states hostile to each other and the relations between two belligerent states, not the consanguineous or homogeneous ones any more.

    It can be said this is the present situation that shows the relations between the north and the south today.

    The conclusion, lucidly looking into and recognizing the reality, stressed the need to take measures for readjusting and reforming the organizations in charge of the affairs related to the south including the United Front Department of the Party Central Committee and to fundamentally change the principle and orientation of the struggle.

    Minsk Oblast's GRP up by almost 10% in January-November, to beat goal of 9.5% Minsk Oblast's GRP up by almost 10% in January-November

    The gross regional product of Minsk Oblast rose by 9.9% in January-November 2023, Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Denis Kurlenko told a press conference.

    Minsk Oblast's GRP up by almost 10% in January-November
    2 KCNA articles

    DPRK Military Commentator's Article

    2nd article

    Pyongyang, December 3 (KCNA) -- The full text of "The 'Republic of Korea' can never evade the blame for having scrapped the North-South Military Agreement", an article issued by a military commentator of the DPRK on Dec. 2, is as follows:

    The Korean peninsula is now under uncontrollable and alarming situation.

    On Nov. 22, the political and military gangsters of the "Republic of Korea" abruptly announced suspension of some provisions of the September 19 North-South Military Agreement, groundlessly pulling up the DPRK over its launch of a reconnaissance satellite, the legitimate and just right of a sovereign state. And since the afternoon of the day, they all went into the military confrontation racket, reminiscent of the eve of a war, in the area along the Military Demarcation Line.

    The introduction of manned and unmanned aerial reconnaissance assets, the elevation of firepower alert posture in the frontline area of the puppet army and the "general drill for defending the northwestern islands" on Paekryong Island, hotspot waters in the West Sea, etc. were conducted in a frantic manner.

    Military units equipped with PAC-2 and PAC-3, interceptor missiles deployed on land, and Chongung-2, ground-to-air guided missiles, were also put on combat standby.

    All units of the three wings of puppet armed forces have been ordered to wear combat uniform and the defense minister, the army chief of staff and other bosses of the puppet military are busy inspecting the missile strategic command and the Pusan naval operation base to review the combat posture.

    The puppet marine corps in Phohang of North Kyongsang Province staged a large-scale actual war drills for landing on the targeted coast under the covering of bombardment of naval vessels, air force fighters and army attack helicopters.

    Foreign media focus on the south Korea-U.S. combined naval drill with the U.S. nuclear carrier Carl Vinson and nuclear-powered submarine Santa Fe as a main force, which intruded into the naval bases in Pusan and Jeju Island, timed to coincide with the unusual military moves in the area along the Military Demarcation Line and all other areas of puppet south Korea.

    All these are being enforced in parallel with the unilateral declaration of the puppet group on the suspension of some provisions of the September 19 North-South Military Agreement.

    The buffer zone along the Military Demarcation Line, which had been maintained for the past five years, is completely destroyed and the unpredictable danger of war is escalating.

    Upon the serious situation, traitor Yoon Suk Yeol and his group are misleading the public opinion, claiming that the DPRK is responsible for it.

    As the puppet group of traitors is going so impudent to shift the responsibility for the scraping of the North-South Military Agreement and the deterioration of the situation with illogical far-fetched assertions and sophism, I clearly reveal the truth behind the fact.

    Who is chiefly responsible for "constant breach"?

    Traitor Yoon Suk Yeol and his group are claiming that the suspension of some provisions of the September 19 North-South Military Agreement was an inevitable measure taken by them as the DPRK had no "will to abide by the agreement" and constantly repeated the "breach" of the agreement.

    Who is the one that totally denied the agreement and consistently violated it, far from having the will to abide by it?

    First, let us look back to the "will to abide by the agreement".

    It is well known to the world that traitor Yoon Suk Yeol denied the existence of the agreement before he took power, terming it a "written abandonment of security" and a "political drama".

    Later, he unhesitatingly revealed that he has no will to implement the North-South Military Agreement by declaring the DPRK and its army as the "principal enemy" and adopting the military confrontation as a "state policy", which were proved by the farce of preparations for the scrapping of the agreement.

    It is necessary to recall that in January this year traitor Yoon instructed the puppet State Security Office, "Ministry of Defense" and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to step up the suspension of the September 19 North-South Military Agreement and, accordingly, the puppet military even staged a drill for mastering the procedures for suspending the agreement from March.

    Sin Won Sik, puppet minister of Defense who took office in October, repeatedly said on public occasions that the North-South Military Agreement was a wrong agreement and it should be scrapped without fail and that he would do his best to suspend the effect of the agreement at the earliest possible date.

    It is by no means fortuitous that media in the region of south Korean puppets commented that Yoon Suk Yeol and the authorities have denied the existence of the agreement, far from implementing it.

    Such facts clearly prove that the puppet group's scrapping of the agreement has been planned as part of its policy of confrontation with the DPRK and has been carried out in perfect order.

    However, the puppet group is resorting to shameless farce as if the scrapping of the agreement is attributable to the DPRK, concealing everything it had committed.

    The puppet group of traitors is the arch criminal who has constantly breached the agreement.

    The agreement stipulates for the total stop to all hostile acts against the other side, the root cause of military tension and conflict in all spaces including the ground, sea and air.

    Then, have the puppet military gangsters abided by it? They went quite contrary to it.

    Since traitor Yoon took office, military drills have been staged at all levels for mastering the mode of surprise attack on the DPRK every day on the ground, at sea and in the air of the whole region of south Korean puppets.

    The large-scale joint war drills targeting the DPRK, including Ulji Freedom Shield joint military exercises, Vigilant Storm combined air drills, Ssangyong joint landing drills and operation training of anti-special warfare unit, amount to more than 80 times which have been opened to public.

    The number of anti-DPRK war drills staged by the puppet army alone is countless.

    The puppet group organized and operated with its American master the "Nuclear Consultative Group", aimed at making a nuclear attack on the DPRK, in April this year, introduced the U.S. super-large strategic nuclear submarine carrying 80 nuclear warheads into the Pusan operation base in July for the first time in 42 years and landed B-52H, a U.S. strategic bomber with nuclear missiles, at the Chongju Air Force base for the first time ever, etc. It will take time to mention the constant deployment of various other nuclear attack strategic assets of the U.S.

    Extreme military hostile acts in the area along the Military Demarcation Line are more beyond imagination.

    In the period from January to October this year alone, the puppet group of traitors committed more than 3 200 loudspeaker broadcasting provocations in the forefront area, more than 1 100 warships of the puppet army invaded the territorial waters of the DPRK for 1 270-odd times and reconnaissance planes intruded into the territorial air of the DPRK side over 150 times.

    In particular, the over 10 hour-long shelling provocation in the frontline area of the 5th Corps of our Army in the eastern front in October last year and the shelling at the Chori Firing Range in Jindong myon, Phaju City of Kyonggi Province in the western frontline area in March this year were typical violations of Clause 2 of Article 1 of the North-South Military Agreement on the stop of shelling drill in the area along the Military Demarcation Line.

    Needless to say, the puppet group will persistently deny or justify these stark facts.

    Explicitly speaking, the DPRK has ample evidence proving the facts that the enemies wantonly violated the agreement.

    The Yoon Suk Yeol group of traitors has persistently violated the North-South Military Agreement in an all-round and comprehensive way on a step by step basis, obsessed with the hostile consciousness toward the DPRK and the hysteria for military confrontation. It is the height of profound confusing of right and wrong that they talk about "constant violation" of someone.

    For whom was it needed to scrap military agreement

    The Yoon Suk Yeol group of traitors cited the DPRK's legitimate and just launch of a reconnaissance satellite as a direct excuse for the suspension of some provisions in the North-South Military Agreement.

    It is quite natural that people are doubtful about this.

    This is because no article and phrase in the agreement stipulates any content that reconnaissance satellite should not be launched.

    This is the reason why the DPRK brands the enemy's act of pulling up the DPRK over its reconnaissance satellite launch as a deliberate provocation to scrap the agreement and a far-fetched assertion that can not justify itself even a bit.

    If the DPRK's satellite launch is a "violation" of the north-south military agreement, what are the satellites launched by the enemies so far?

    What about the launch of a reconnaissance satellite, which was finally carried out with the backing of the U.S. master on Dec. 2 after delaying it from Nov. 30?

    Even shameless ones can never call it "observance of agreement".

    The puppet group's assertion which is no more than a self-contradiction is nothing but a revelation of its sinister intention to scrap the agreement at any cost.

    The remarks made by an official of the puppet military on Nov. 14 offered counterevidence. He unhesitatingly blustered that if the north launches a reconnaissance satellite, it is their goal to extend the range of suspension by taking the north's "additional provocation" as an excuse with the start of the suspension of some provisions of the north-south military agreement and finally nullify the agreement.

    Then, why is the Yoon Suk Yeol group of traitors going so frantic to scrap the September 19 North-South Military Agreement?

    The group's intention is, above all, to remove obstacles to inciting the hostile feelings toward the DPRK and making military provocations against it in the area along the Military Demarcation Line.

    It is needed to probe into the fact that the puppet military gangsters suspended the effect of the Clause 3 of Article 1 of the agreement, which bans the flight of drones and balloons together with fixed- and rotary-wing planes in the sky above the Military Demarcation Line.

    The puppet group, which set up the "command for drone operation" to carry out the anti-north psychological warfare together with the tasks for monitoring, reconnaissance, attack and electronic warfare against major strategic targets of the DPRK on September 1, has since cried out for nullifying the north-south military agreement in order to resume the drone operation in the area along the Military Demarcation Line as early as possible.

    Clear-cut is the intention of the puppet group of traitors to persistently fly balloons in the sky above the Military Demarcation Line.

    It is quite obvious that the puppet military is going to conduct the anti-north psychological warfare in full swing through the direct operation of leaflet scattering machines, instead of maneuvering "civilian organizations" into anti-DPRK leaflet scattering campaign which has been done so far.

    The intrusion of drones and leaflet scattering toward the area of the DPRK side attempted by the enemies are a grave military hostility equivalent to the provocation of a war.

    Herein lies the gravity of the puppet group's recent hurried suspension of the military agreement.

    It is another sinister intention of the Yoon Suk Yeol group of traitors to trigger off the DPRK's military counteraction by causing a shocking incident in the area along the Military Demarcation Line and seek a way out of the serious ruling crisis.

    It is the inveterate bad habit of the successive conservative forces in the region of south Korean puppets to rally the conservative group through the fabrication of the "north wind" and brand the anti-government forces as the "anti-security forces" and thus maintain the ruling system whenever they are in the grip of political dilemma and ruling crisis.

    Traitor Yoon Suk Yeol and his group are now faced with daily-growing massive protest and actions for the "resignation of regime", due to their extreme ignorance, irregularities and corruption and unpopular misrule.

    The "impeachment of president" is hotly debated at the puppet parliament as Yoon's mother-in-law was put in prison for illegally acquired wealth and a special inspection system for probing into the past crimes of his wife is about to operate.

    Yoon is now like a fish out of water as even Kyongsang Province, the "citadel of conservatism", and conservative media are turning their backs against his regime's arrogant and self-righteous behavior.

    It is the unanimous public opinion inside the puppet regime that the ruling party will suffer a heavy defeat in the puppet National Assembly election to be held in April next year and traitor Yoon be ousted from the post of "president" under the present situation.

    Therefore, the traitor and his group are resorting to foolish military gambling in a bid to divert the public sentiment against the government.

    This is proved by the rumors that traitor Yoon can provoke military provocations at the "cease-fire line" to maintain his "power" and laments that he scrapped the north-south military agreement just like Lee Myung Bak and Park Geun Hye who spoiled the projects for tourism of Mt Kumgang and the Kaesong Industrial Zone in a bid to tide over the ruling crisis in the past.

    Provokers should surely pay high price

    Owing to the reckless and imprudent moves of the puppet group of traitors to nullify the north-south military agreement, the extreme military confrontation as serious as that before the adoption of the agreement has been created again on the Korean peninsula.

    It is needless to say what consequences will be entailed by the complete disappearance of the minimum mechanism and the final line for preventing accidental military conflict in the area along the Military Demarcation Line where huge armed forces stand in highest density and sharp confrontation in the world.

    The physical crash and war on the Korean peninsula have become a matter of time, not possibility.

    The puppet group of traitors is ridiculously claiming that the suspension of the effect of the north-south military agreement would be a “bitter counteraction” to the DPRK and that they have nothing to lose.

    This is nothing but a foolish deception to justify the crime of nullifying the agreement and cover up the catastrophic disaster to come.

    If one has an elementary military common knowledge and insight, it is easy to judge which side will pay irretrievable fatal price due to the nullification of the north-south military agreement.

    In fact, the agreement weighs against the military operations of the DPRK army.

    However, the DPRK adopted the agreement out of a single mind to minimize the danger of armed conflict in the area along the Military Demarcation Line and promote peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and has displayed its utmost patience and self-restraint.

    Since the puppet group of traitors challenged the DPRK's good faith and magnanimity with hideous provocation, the army of the DPRK has been able to conduct regular military activities at will, not hampered or bound by any agreement from now on.

    The army of the DPRK makes itself clear once again that it has not regarded the puppet army as its worthy opponent from the very beginning.

    If the political and military gangsters of the “Republic of Korea” dare to commit an outrageous military provocation in the eyes of the DPRK’s army, it will show no tolerance and contain and punish with the immediate and powerful strength.

    The future situation will go quite contrary to the enemy's expectations.

    Inhabitants of the border area and five islands in the West Sea including Paekryong and Yonphyong islands have cried that “the authorities are now bringing a second Yonphyong Island crisis” and that they "can't live because of uneasiness”. And various circles are strongly condemning the suspension of the north-south military agreement by the group of traitor Yoon Suk Yeol as self-wrong of pulling out the last security mechanism for peace and the “worst choice” increasing the war danger on the Korean peninsula. This is undeniable reality.

    We make it clear to the puppet group of traitors, engrossed in bravado and blind bravery while talking about additional counteraction and strong punishment obsessed with extreme anti-DPRK confrontation hysteria and intemperate blind belief in and submission to “south Korea-U.S. alliance”.

    Any hostile act of the puppet group against the DPRK will lead to the miserable destruction of the puppet army and the total collapse of the “ROK”.

    The prevailing situation proves once again the validity of the choice of the DPRK which has pushed forward with the bolstering of nuclear war deterrence and modernization of armed forces under the leadership of the great Party, despite all sorts of trials and hardships, and underlines the need for the DPRK to invariably advance along this road in the future, too.

    The provokers who completely nullified the north-south military agreement will have to surely pay a high price. -0-

    2nd article:

    Deployment of U.S. Nuclear Strategic Assets Is Root Cause of Ever-escalating Tensions on Korean Peninsula: Int'l Affairs Analyst of DPRK Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) -- Kang Jin Song, an international affairs analyst of the DPRK, released the following article "Deployment of U.S. strategic nuclear assets is malignant cause of vicious cycle of escalating tensions on Korean peninsula" on Saturday:

    The nuclear war exercises racket of the U.S. and its followers gravely threatening the security of the sacred DPRK and all the Korean people pushes the situation on the Korean peninsula and its vicinity to the brink of explosion.

    The U.S. brought its nuclear carrier Carl Vinson and nuclear-powered submarine Santa Fe to its Pusan operation base and Jeju naval base in the region of south Korean puppets one after another on November 21 and 22. It launched tripartite maritime exercises with Japan and the south Korean puppet forces in open waters near Jeju Island on November 26.

    During the exercises involving the nuclear carrier Carl Vinson, Aegis destroyers and combat forces of the U.S. navy, the Japanese Maritime "Self-Defense Force" and the south Korean puppet navy, the enemies stirred up extreme fever for a nuclear war against the DPRK, staging anti-air drill and maritime mobile drill in the situation simulating "north Korea's missile and aircraft provocations".

    The enemies seek to cover up their aggressive nature at any cost, insisting that the exercises, which pushed the acute military confrontation on the Korean peninsula region, the world's worst flashpoint, to the brink of a dangerous nuclear conflict, were aimed to cope with the "situation where north Korea's nuclear and missile threat is escalating".

    But the ground, maritime, air and underwater traces, left by the U.S. strategic nuclear assets deployed for a black-hearted purpose, and the joint military exercises staged against the DPRK all the year round, led by the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, indicate who is behind the ever-escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula.

    This year alone, the U.S. deployed its strategic nuclear submarine near the Korean peninsula for the first time in 40-odd years and orchestrated the first ever landing of its nuclear strategic bomber on the region of south Korean puppets, continuing to renew the records of deployment of its nuclear war assets including nuclear carrier on the Korean peninsula.

    According to data available, the U.S. deployed the strategic nuclear submarine Kentucky equipped with 80 nuclear warheads and nuclear-powered submarines Springfield, Michigan, Annapolis and Santa Fe one after another in the Korean peninsula region this year. It also deployed there such nuclear strategic bombers as B-1Bs and B-52Hs 22 times.

    The U.S. nuclear carrier strike groups led by Nimitz, Ronald Reagan, etc., which carry the forces huge enough to carry out a full-scale war, made their appearances in the waters off the Korean peninsula three times.

    The number of large-scale joint military drills, including Freedom Shield joint military exercises, Ssangyong joint landing drill and "combined joint fire annihilation drill", staged by the U.S. in and around the Korean peninsula with Japan and the south Korean puppet forces in a bilateral and multilateral way as of now since the outset of this year, runs to over 60.

    At present, U.S. nuclear strategic assets are deployed once every ten days and one warring side's nuclear war drills precisely targeting the other side are staged once every five days in the area of the Korean peninsula. There is no such place on this planet.

    The U.S. deployment of nuclear strategic assets and the anti-DPRK nuclear war drills led by the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces are escalating to the degree giving such mistaken impression that the base and homeport of U.S. nuclear strategic assets were shifted from Anderson Air Force Base on Guam and Yokosuka Port of Japan to the area of the Korean peninsula. This is damning evidence proving that the U.S. is the arch culprit of ever-escalating tensions on the peninsula.

    Nevertheless, the U.S. has misled public opinion, always disguising itself as "victim" of escalating tension on the Korean peninsula. Not content with this, it deliberately linked the recent U.S.-Japan-puppet south Korea joint naval exercises with the DPRK's reconnaissance satellite launch, while crying out for someone's "provocation" and "threat" like a guilty party filing the suit first. This is the height of impudence never to be understood by anyone.

    If a belligerent side brings huge nuclear war assets near the boundary with the other side in the world's biggest hotspot, and if the former is the undoubted worst-ever war state, it is an inevitable option and a very natural exercise of the right to self-defence for the latter to opt for the possession of reconnaissance capability to monitor and grasp the nature of the actions of the hostile forces.

    The DPRK accelerates its drive for possessing reconnaissance satellites, instead of communication satellite, meteorological satellite or prospector satellite, after setting it as the major target, while exercising its right to space exploration, universal right of a sovereign state recognized by international law. This is directly related to the moves of the U.S. destroying stability of the Korean Peninsula and its vicinity.

    If satellite launch, an internal affair of a sovereign state, should be questioned, the U.S., the world's biggest satellite possessor, will have to stand in the dock of the UNSC for frantically monitoring other countries with its countless spy satellites and intelligence assets above the Korean peninsula and its vicinity.

    That's why the fair international community, including those countries around the Korean peninsula, is becoming increasingly vocal unanimously urging the U.S. to withdraw its pressure policy such as joint military exercises and deployment of nuclear strategic assets as regards the present military and political situation in the region where vicious cycle is repeated.

    The U.S. should reflect on its sinister behavior shown in front of other's gate before impudently interfering in the exercise of the legitimate right to self-defence of a sovereign state and think seriously about the consequences to be entailed by it.

    The biggest hotspot in the world is not an abstract expression. The Korean peninsula and its vicinity are the biggest danger zone in the world where the military conditions for the first ever outbreak of a thermonuclear war are fully mature in actuality.

    Under the present international military situation, in which armed conflicts and bloodshed break out frequently in the hotspots across the world in recent years, due to the ever-escalating U.S. hegemonic military policy, there is no guarantee that the Korean peninsula will not become the next war theatre.

    Given that hostility among the forces around the Korean peninsula is worsening, the U.S. frantically deploys its nuclear strategic assets there, betraying morbid repugnancy toward the inviolable exercise of the right to self-defence of the DPRK. This is very dangerous as such moves may result in breaking the last psychological pillar of the responsible nuclear weapons state seeking to deter the outbreak of a war and restore stability in the region.

    This is not imaginary concern but a stark reality which no one can deny.

    In case an unexpected clash happens in the Northeast Asian region around the Korean peninsula, the U.S., which has continuously put pressure on the security space of the DPRK by escalating military threat and blackmail, will be held wholly accountable for the catastrophic situation. -0-

    Argenina's new president and BRICS


    From Ben Norton:

    >Far-right extremist Javier Milei won Argentina's presidential election.

    >Milei wants to: -legalize the sale of children and human organs -abolish public healthcare, education, and transportation -abandon monetary sovereignty and adopt the US dollar

    >He says his dead dog Conan speaks to him from the afterlife and advises him on economic policy.

    >Argentina was invited to join BRICS, but far-right president-elect Javier Milei has pledged to withdraw.

    >The extremist boasted: "Our geopolitical alignment is with the U.S. and Israel. We are not going to align with communists"

    Austraya moment

    Off the coast of China... !


    “These deployments demonstrate Australia’s commitment to a global rules-based order as part of an international pressure campaign on North Korea to denuclearise.”

    Bernie Sanders Arrests Anti War Protesters for Holding up His Own Word

    One of them is a long-time voter of Bernie from Vermont, damm.

    Current situation according to wikipedia

    Palestinian control around Gaza before yesterday in red, gains in blue :)


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