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Finish this sentence: "I'm as leftist as they come, but-
  • ... I just can't stand having to breathe weed smoke all day. Puffing on fat doinks in public is worse than cigarettes.

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • I think my list of least dangerous to most dangerous is Blackbear, fellow hiker man, Grizzly Bear, man in woods not hiking, and man who owns property next to said hiking trail.

  • Dare I ask what the man vs bear meme is all about and why it seems to be upsetting men so much? [CW: sexism]
  • No, please no more unfamiliar people hiking in the woods. Especially folks arguing about stuff like this. The two most dangerous things in the woods are sprained joints or broken bones from an accidental fall and being exposed to extreme weather.

  • Ah, yes. Trump's America under Genocide Joe's.
  • That was the first thought that crossed my mind and all I could think thereafter was, "My god, they really are blue MAGA".

  • What was your most lib moment before you were radicalized (or at all)?
  • I thought Obama would help me go to college and stop my parents from getting their home foreclosed.

  • Husband leaves loaded gun on bed
  • The first thing that crossed my mind when I read this story. Lady, your daughter is suggesting that a very cool thing happen to your partner.

  • *hits techbro bong* check out my idea to fix the bridge
  • My buddy uses his 3D printer to make figurines and organizers for board games. That's the best use I've seen from them.

  • Regret to inform you that SJW is now officially retired. It's been replaced by DEI.
  • I'm reminded of the old days of Chapo when everyone celebrated the first time news outlets accused Bernie of being a communist instead of a socialist.

  • I love the range of usernames we have here lmao
  • My username was too long. You could say the mods have been my oppressors since before I even joined.

  • When was the last time you felt like you got your money's worth for an item?
  • Lamee as shit take, but NBA gametime is my only streaming app right, 15 bucks a month for the season is worth it especially if you aren't in your home teams region. I get to watch my wolves 2-3 nights a week and they're is usually a good game on the nights they aren't playing.

    Also shoutout to secondhand wool shirts off eBay, I look for Pendleton or Woolrich stuff if it's made in USA.

  • Been on a rabbit hole trying to figure out the true fate of hipsterdom
  • I think my emo/hipster friends all grew up to be mostly granola types, but some of them leaned into the yuppie metropolitan lifestyle if they could afford it.

  • "You should lose your rights to vote & bear arms if you're terminated for cause."
  • Better yet, someone would report them for being terminated for cause therefore disenfranchising them. They literally stated they should not be allowed to appeal, they'd be fucked.

  • How the fuck do you make friends?
  • I play disc golf and my city has a weekly random doubles league which is more focused on making friends than competition. I joined a community organization to push our local officials to fix stuff. I also try to take art classes when possible. I've done all that stuff for a year now and still only really have acquaintances or distant friends, it will take time to figure out which ones I truly feel comfortable with and can confide in. For reference most people I see at these things are 30+, those folks are slower to warm up to each other since they usually have adult commitments. I did a lot of these same activities in my 20s too and you're right it was easier to become close with people in a shorter timeframe than it is now.

  • Anybody planning on going to see this solar eclipse in less than a month?
  • Upstate New York is buzzing with excitement about the eclipse. Rochester police are worried about traffic congestion from all the folks visiting. The DEC rangers are concerned people are gonna get hurt trying to hike up mountain tops.

  • What's the most cringy shit you've seen on reddit?
  • Reddit has gone down hill from 2016 too. I genuinely think it's just a big migration pattern from one social media platform to the next. The idiots started in YouTube comments, then Facebook around 2016, Twitter has really gotten fucked since the pandemic, and now it's moved to Reddit. It's in the same vein that chuds simply can't keep to themselves on social media, they have to feel like they're involved in the discourse.

  • Why are .world libs so anti-fun?
  • Jager, Goldschlager, and Rumplemintz was a popular shot when I was in college. I think it was called a dead Nazi with a gold tooth.

  • Sigma grindset
  • I have always told my lib friends that no communist society could ever do away with gambling or flea markets because all the counter revolutionaries would be told to go the casino or thrift their way to prosperity if they complained.

  • I hesitate to say that Biden is better than Trump at this point.
  • Crazy to think this could be the 8th and final year of the Sanders admin. Would democrats be entirely different people if they didn't have to be so invested in the Trump/Biden dichotomy?

  • Shutout to all the white people on the site. All the hate your have received is being countered in exact equal opposite by the mass of love I'm sending you via these words and DMs once I work up the..
  • No, I am half Irish and half German descent. I spent my first 32 years in Minnesota and I plan to spend 32 years in New York in which I will perish. My headstone will read, 'Here lies, an Irish German Minnesotan New Yorker.' If you call me white you will be haunted by a poltergeist that smells like stale cigarettes and rumplemintz.