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What was the last amazing JRPG you played?
  • Final Fantasy VII. Not the remake.

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  • Yeah, like what leads to this decision? Handstand while peeing but too shy to tell?

  • Özdemir zeigt Verständnis für Bauernproteste
  • ...kauft er auch ein Brot?

  • How to use a analog microphone plugged into Realtek ALC1220 chip in PipeWire
  • Thank you for pointing me at bias voltage, I've never heard of that. The text explicitly mentions condenser mics requiring that voltage. Does this also apply to dynamic mics?

    Besides, even if the signal is nasty, I would like to receive that in the system. So if this is an issue, it's currently rather a side quest.

  • How to use a analog microphone plugged into Realtek ALC1220 chip in PipeWire
  • That might be the case, but despite this, I would like to receive the miniscule signal I can loop back in my system. But do dynamic microphones require phantom power?

  • How to use a analog microphone plugged into Realtek ALC1220 chip in PipeWire
  • It's a dynamic mic. I feared the same, but the fact that I can hear something using the loopback suggests that phantom power isn't the cause, right?

  • How to use a analog microphone plugged into Realtek ALC1220 chip in PipeWire

    I got a microphone connected via a XLR adapter to the rear mic jack of my mainboard. The audio dialog of KDE seems to detect that, as does not mark it as not connected (which it does for the front mic and line in). But selecting the audio device as source does not produce any useful sound. What makes you sure that the mic work, you may ask? If I enable the loopback in alsamixer (and pump up the boost), it works. Unfortunately, that is the only way I can get sound out of that.

    It seems, as if the system realizes two possible sources from the audio device. But there is no option GUI wise where I can select the second input to test if that helps. ``` alsactl info

    Sound card

    • card: 0 [....]

    Sound card

    • card: 1 id: Generic name: HD-Audio Generic longname: HD-Audio Generic at 0xba600000 irq 68 driver_name: HDA-Intel mixer_name: Realtek ALC1220 components: HDA:10ec1168,10438724,00100003 controls_count: 47 pcm:
      • stream: PLAYBACK devices:
        • device: 0 id: ALC1220 Analog name: ALC1220 Analog subdevices:
          • subdevice: 0 name: subdevice #0
        • device: 1 id: ALC1220 Digital name: ALC1220 Digital subdevices:
          • subdevice: 0 name: subdevice #0
      • stream: CAPTURE devices:
        • device: 0 id: ALC1220 Analog name: ALC1220 Analog subdevices:
          • subdevice: 0 name: subdevice #0
        • device: 2 id: ALC1220 Alt Analog name: ALC1220 Alt Analog subdevices:
          • subdevice: 0 name: subdevice #0 hwdep:
      • device: 0 id: HDA Codec 0 name: HDA Codec 0 iface: 16 [...] ```

    arecord -l Do 14 Dez 2023 14:53:16 CET **** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices **** [...] card 1: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: ALC1220 Analog [ALC1220 Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 1: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 2: ALC1220 Alt Analog [ALC1220 Alt Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 [...]

    Does anyone have any clue what I could do to use that mic?

    Selbst Augustiner ist von Glyphosat betroffen. Das macht betroffen.
  • Als Getränk interessiert mich die Plörre nicht. Aber wirkt dann jetzt Hasseröder gegen das Unkraut im Vorgarten?

  • [DE] Angebotsmieten großer Städte 2009 und 2022
  • Ja, so etwas habe ich befürchtet...

  • [DE] Angebotsmieten großer Städte 2009 und 2022
  • Teile von Berlin und Köln sehen auch nach "hier wird nicht einmal mehr etwas angeboten" aus. Also geschätzt anhand fehlender Pixel.

  • Proof that Regex is Hate Speech!
  • My guess is, that someone started with a small share of features to find a simple solution for the problem, but the complexity of the problem got waaaay out of hand.

  • Jens Petry (AfCDU)
  • Hast du nicht getan! 🤣

  • Milde interessant: Mein Friseur ist scheinbar ein mutiger Hobby-Elektriker
  • Bei mutig fehlt noch die Fettschrift. Privat dies zu bauen ist schon 🤨, aber im dienstlichen Umfeld eher 🫨.

    Übersetzung beider Smileys: No go.

  • added oil to car. left oil cap off. drove around.
  • Ja, habe letztes ein bisschen geweint vor lachen, als ich die Seite mal wiederderenteckt habe!

  • added oil to car. left oil cap off. drove around.
  • Ja, habe letztes ein bisschen geweint vor lachen, als ich die Seite mal wiederderenteckt habe!

  • If it showers, don't change it
  • Dafuq this dude is more effective using duct tape as sealant than me fiddling with PTFE tape.

  • Is there an alternative to "motherfucker" that people would actually use?
  • ...or for an insult so accurately aiming at the person to be insulted like pissing through a key hole from a 11.5 ft distance.

  • added oil to car. left oil cap off. drove around.
  • you lost your 710er

  • Github User Density
  • Well, the scale is given. Just the unit isn't.

  • Wochenende, wie das duftet - der Laberfaden
  • Die Pillen sind nur eine Hilfe, der das schafft bist du!

  • What purpose would this be used for?
  • The stars of username, comment and upvotes aligned

  • Did anyone have any positive results with CBD products?

    Not too long ago, regulations on CBD changed in Germany leading to a plethora of products containing it. As someone who occasionally needs pain medication, I tried some of the products to avoid regular pain killers (ibu). Especially on days with lighter pain, I wished for an alternative to the sledgehammer meds. But I was left standing in the rain. I didn't feel any effect. That's why I would love to hear from your experiments and experience.

    American Football auf Deutsch

    Hallo miteinander,

    Ihr mögt American Football und möchtet euch darüber austauschen? Egal ob NFL, ELF, XFL oder GFL – let's talk football! Egal auf welchem Niveau, Hauptsache es geht um's Ei.

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