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Casey Jones the union scab
  • He wasn't actually a scab, he sacrificed himself trying to prevent a train crash that could have been much worse. The Pete Seeger song is a parody of the folk ballads praising him that spread up and down the railway after his death. He should be honoured as a working class hero

  • Casey Jones the union scab
  • Just a reminder that the real Casey Jones was a proletarian hero that sacrificed himself trying to stop the passenger train he was operating from crashing full speed into the rear of another. He was also a dues-paying union man and not a scab. He could have saved himself by jumping from the cab, and he ordered his fireman to do so saving his life, but he manned his post and applied the breaks until the end. He was the only fatality in a collision that could have been much worse.

    The Pete Seeger song is good but in life Casey Jones was more than a hero, he was a union man

  • US Abrams tanks failing in Ukraine as Russia mocks them as ‘empty tin cans’
  • Yea they were constantly murdering civilians and fucking up basic shit like abandoning their own supplies (including the special magic flag!) and having to ration their food because they abandoned all their MREs in the desert. Not to mention a bunch of friendly fire and other random fuck ups. I don't know how anyone could watch that series and come to the conclusion "waow the marines are heckin' based soldiers! Oorah!"

  • How'd we get so much freedom in burger land without bombing ourselves?
  • Well ignoring the fact that amerikkka has bombed amerikkka, prior to the invention dropping freedom from planes and helicopters freedom had to be delivered individually via bayonets, bullets, swords, disease, and starvation! Don't forget that amerikkka had to free most of the continent from the original inhabitants!

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • College is mostly for the ruling class to network and meet other members of the ruling class. The relatively new phenomena of widespread university attendance was a ploy to saddle workers who have no need of a university degree with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. This of course has not affected the ruling class of their original purpose for going to college at all

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Titanic Submersible Run Guitar Hero Controller Only Any% Run

  • Breaking: Jeremy Clarkson embraces Mao Ze Dong thought.
  • I've said before that people should be drafted to work essential jobs for a year or two when they're 18.

    I work as a cashier and you can always tell whether someone as been on the worker's side of the till

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I hate to sound like a doomer but we're so fucking boned. I don't think people are going to take it seriously until it's much too late. We're going to have mass graves of plague victims and chuds will still insist it's fake until they're the ones on deaths door

  • Thank you, Lowe's.
  • All you have to do is look up the MOS number or whatever it's called for some really boring military job like logistics, public affairs, or some other random bullshit that no-one is going to bother verifying. Stealing valour is easy and everyone should do it for the perks, only dumbasses that actually want the "respect" that comes with being a troop impersonate seals and rangers. Be smart, claim to be the regimental prophylactic supply sergeant or something, and park in whichever veterans spot you want

  • Still no healthcare.
  • It's just a joke playing on how there are a bunch of pics of Ukrainian soldiers wearing fascist symbols, I haven't seen an SS missile with a sonnenrad painted on the side

  • Still no healthcare.
  • So when people were frothingfash about musk being a secret Putinist it was really just starlink being jammed?

  • Still no healthcare.
  • No that's the next wunderweapon, the Shadow Storm missile (don't pay attention to it's initials or the sonnenrad on the side)

  • some international survivors saying they were used as a "sacrificial unit."
  • Some "operator" right before being told to charge across a minefield and assault a prepared defensive position- "What do you mean I can't UberEats some BurgerKing? War really is hell!"

  • some international survivors saying they were used as a "sacrificial unit."
  • I love that these dipshits would have never considered they would be viewed as more expendable than Ukrainians to the Ukrainian government. They thought their status as westerners would shield them when all it did was mark them as first to die since they have no connections to Ukraine in the first place.

    These were the dumbasses that were posting their location in a warzone with complete disregard for opsec after all so no one should be surprised they had zero understanding of what modern war entails

  • some international survivors saying they were used as a "sacrificial unit."
  • Those articles they wrote about how they didn't have access to airstrikes to "shape the battlefield", being unable to just call in a medivac helicopter for every stubbed toe, being told to hold a trench to the death instead of going on special operations missions, and otherwise finding out that war is actually dangerous when your opponent can fight back were chefs-kiss

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • I can't stop thinking about how isntreal's genocide of Palestinians is covered in the media, specifically how CBC was using a graph to illustrate ongoing Palestinian deaths vs isntreali deaths on October 7. I remember thinking when they started it that there was no way they would keep it up as the genocide continued and I was right.

    This is the last time they used it that I could find, from October 31. Since then there has been 25000+ confirmed deaths and god only knows how many people have been murdered that haven't been counted.

    Death to amerikkka and every single one of their lapdogs

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • lmao skyrim npc level of tactical awareness. They see two dudes get fucking blown away and they just stand there saying "hmm must've been the wind"

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • A map of the countries that recognize a Palestinian state from Al Jazeera. As always its the Same Map international-community-1international-community-2

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Turns out people don't like it when their family, friends, and neighbours are murdered and are willing to fight against the murderers! I would have thought that would obvious to the rulers of amerikkka especially after their invasion and occupation of Iraq and the whole "Global War on Terror" failure, but then again I didn't go to Yale so what do I know?

  • What's the worst natural disaster you've been in?
  • Either the worsening wildfire smoke blankets (do these have a name aside from just saying its smoky af?), one of the heat domes from recent years, or one of the bouts of terrible snow storms/deep freezes

  • Ryan Mcbeth's Bizarre Novel Better For Everyone | mysite

    The Handmaid's Tale meets Red Storm Rising.

    Better For Everyone | mysite

    I don't know how many of you are familiar with Ryan Mcbeth and his osint youtube channel, but he's also written a novel that's so odd and full of all sorts of American brainworms that I just have to share it. The backbone of America is the Mormons and the Nauvoo Legion, a sleazy exploitative pornographer plays a large part in saving America, Ospreys fly and don't crash, Muslims are bribed to start a jihad against the handmaiden's tale government, and there's a focus on and fascination with gay refugees specifically that just strikes me as weird as hell at the least.

    I don't even know what else to say but I can't be the only one cursed with this knowledge

    Also he's just such a le epic reddit whiskey and cigar guy that HAS NEVER EATEN SOY and he needs you to know this




    Chick Tracts Day 3: Charlie's Ants, in which God's relationship with humanity is compared to that of a child's relationship with an anthill







    I think my favourite part of this tract is the background demonstration of how Jack Chick's version of Christianity works with regards to the shithead kid background character. Throughout the story you see him abusing animals (pulling the cats tail, shooting at a bird with a slingshot, kicking at the cat) but as soon as he accepts Jesus as his savior all is instantly forgiven, no matter what you've done in the past. In Jack Chick's flavour of Christianity that's all that matters, good deeds are not required (this same idea is further explored in Flight 144)

    Big Daddy?


    Charlie's Ants

    Creator or Liar?

    Flight 144

    Gold Fever

    Heart Trouble

    Hi There

    Holy Night

    How to Get Rich

    I See You!

    It's All About You!

    It's The Law!

    Killer Storm

    Somebody Angry?

    Somebody Loves Me

    The Choice

    The Long Trip

    The Walking Dead

    Who Murdered Clarice?

    Up next is Creator or Liar?, a pretty dull retelling of creation so I might do a double feature with the more interesting Flight 144, I'll see what I end up doing.

    Chick Tracts Day 2: Boo! About the evils of Halloween and Satan worship! CW: Chick Tracts







    This one is a Friday the 13th ripoff, but it's the devil himself that's running around having a great time killing teenagers, but also the teenagers deserve it because they're satan-worshipping delinquents and not in the church like the good boy. Also, can't forget that Halloween is literally a satanic trap so your soul will be dragged to hell for all eternity. Again, nothing too wacky/bigoted (at least compared to other Chick Tracts), though I'm suspicious of the devil's depiction as an individual with a huge hooked nose trying to mislead proper Christian folk

    Big Daddy?


    Charlie's Ants

    Creator or Liar?

    Flight 144

    Gold Fever

    Heart Trouble

    Hi There

    Holy Night

    How to Get Rich

    I See You!

    It's All About You!

    It's The Law!

    Killer Storm

    Somebody Angry?

    Somebody Loves Me

    The Choice

    The Long Trip

    The Walking Dead

    Who Murdered Clarice?

    Up next is Charlie's Ants, where God's relationship to humanity is compared to that of a child and an ant hill

    Sharing my collection of Chick Tracts starting with *Big Daddy?* CW: Chick Tract bigotry







    Pretty standard CT fare, set up a straw man professor and have the Chad Christian student destroy them with facts and logic, leaving the professor a shell of a man who has instantly discarded everything he knew in favour of Jack Chick's flavour of fundamentalist Christianity

    My collection currently includes the following:

    Big Daddy?


    Charlie's Ants

    Creator or Liar?

    Flight 144

    Gold Fever

    Heart Trouble

    Hi There

    Holy Night

    How to Get Rich

    I See You!

    It's All About You!

    It's The Law!

    Killer Storm

    Somebody Angry?

    Somebody Loves Me

    The Choice

    The Long Trip

    The Walking Dead

    Who Murdered Clarice?

    I'll continue with them alphabetically unless there's specific ones people want to see next, I'll probably post one a day depending on how busy I am.

    Next up is Boo!, a Halloween themed tract to kick off October!

    feedback FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
    What's the best way to post albums of 12-15ish pictures?

    I'm unsure what's the limit on pictures per post, my other plan is just use imgur but are there any better options? Thanks in advance

    How coverage of the current ukrainian counteroffensive mirrors that of the Battle of the Somme in 1916

    This is essentially my comment in the news discussion expanded upon with specific examples/citations; mainly from The Globe, precursor to The Globe and Mail, in Toronto, Canada. I’m only going to be covering the allied side of this, since I don’t speak/read german and this is a lazy effortpost. First, an extremely brief rundown of the Somme that I’ve mostly gotten from wikipedia. It kicked off on July 1st, 1916 and would run about four and a half months, with the battle ending mid November. British casualties on the first day alone were 57,470 soldiers with 19,240 of those being killed or missing, and british casualties for the whole battle would total an estimated 420,000 with 95,675 being kia or mia. People have argued about why it happened in the first place, for the purpose of this I don’t care. When the battle had ended the allies had advanced about 10 km (~6 miles) on a 26 km (~16 miles) front. It was during the battle of the somme that tanks would be used in battle for the first time, but that was in mid september so I might visit that in another post.

    Here’s a map of the battlefield stolen from wikipedia, note the locations of the villages mentioned further down.!

    Let’s start off with the front page column titled WAR SUMMARY from the July 3rd edition of The Globe. I’ll cover a few points of interest. The article starts off talking of “notable progress” being made on a 25 mile front, but it being too soon to talk of the exact extent of territory occupied or losses inflicted on either side. The british and french have captured the villages of Fricourt and Frise respectively . German resistance is described as “stubborn” but the allied progress is “satisfactory”. Sir Douglas Haig, the commander of the british forces, said the “general situation might be regarded as favorable”. The article goes on to say it is impossible to get an estimate of either side's casualties, but as an aside reports 1,500 german dead found in a single village. The seventh paragraph is of particular note, stating “It would be unreasonable to speak of the operations now in progress as the great offensive of the Allies. The writer of the War Summary believes that it will be found to have been a preliminary tryout, and that a similar breach on a wider front is likely to be made in the Lille region…”. The article goes on about the other theatres of war but I'm focusing on the Somme so i'll end it there. There’s a few points I want to make here. First of all let's find the villages of Fricourt and Frise on that map. I’ll give you a hint, they’re right next to the July 1 starting line, barely a mile into german lines. We’ll come back to them later, keep them in mind. Then there’s the incredibly nebulous statement from Haig, who’s response to almost 20,000 dead in a day was “might be regarded as favourable”. There’s also the tendency to shy away from exact numbers of casualties, except when talking about German casualties.




    The next article is also from the July 3rd edition of The Globe, titled 1,500 Enemy Dead in Dompierre. It’s a short blurb about the french capturing Dompierre (look on the map, again it’s barely off the front line), killing 1500 german troops and capturing 700 more. Absolutely no mention of how many casualties the french took, and it ends with a rousing line from Petain “We will get ‘em”


    Next is another front page column, BULLETINS OF VICTORY, again from the July 3rd edition of The Globe. It covers all the fronts but again I’ll focus on the somme. There are further descriptions of the heavy fighting on the somme, again mentioning Fricourt and another village La Boiselle (again less than a mile from the starting lines). More prisoners taken, more trenches captured, and reports of german casualties being revised because initial estimates were too low (hmm). Under the sub header “enemy losses are heavy” they have this quote “the large number of enemy dead on the battlefield indicates that the german casualties have been very severe, especially in the vicinity of Fricourt”. Still absolutely no mention of allied losses beyond vague acknowledgements. It ends with the official report from Berlin, which funnily enough seems to be closer to reality as we understand it today. It reads in part: “From Gommecourt to the region of La Boiselle, the enemy obtained no advantages worthy of mention. He sustained, however, very heavy losses. On the other hand, he was successful in penetratin at several points the first line trenches of our division in the region abutting both banks of the somme, and was able to advance. This division had to be withdrawn from the heavily shelled first line trenches into the positions arranged for checking the advance from the first to the second line. The material in the first line which was immovable, and which was rendered useless, as is customary in such cases, has been lost” This is interesting. While the allies have been reporting victories in capturing these villages and penetrating the lines, the germans are simply following a defence in depth strategy that can easily cope with the loss of the first line, and is prepared for that eventuality.


    This next article is going to be the last for tonight, I’m not giving it the attention it deserves because I'm tired and have other stuff to do. Without further ado, from the same source as the rest, BRITISH AND FRENCH SMASH FOE TAKE 9,500 MEN. Under the subheader Murderous Machine Guns, it talks about british troops being forced to “retire” under machinegun fire, while germans are “mowed down” by the same weapon. The difference in turn of phrase stuck out to me. The article continues with tales of heroism, increasing gains, more mentions of Fricourt and La Boiselle, and of german prisoners looking like shit. Then there are descriptions of british wounded returning to casualty clearing stations. I’ll quote the article- “many were slightly wounded in their hands and feet. They were wonderful in their gaiety and courage, all grinning as though just come from a “jolly” in which they had been bumped a little”. In general the reporting really tones down the horrors of war and emphasise enemy casualties and the heroic adventure that war supposedly is.

    Edit: apparently I hit an image limit so I'll post the rest later

    FALGSConaut FALGSConaut [comrade/them]


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