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TIL almost all vanilla plants are pollinated by hand.
  • I just looked at the Wikipedia page and I think it’s fine. They’ve cited some sources which detail the debate about which pollinators actually pollinate the plant. Compared to someone who’s got a degree studying plants, I know basically nothing. I’m just repeating what I’ve heard. If they’ve got a list of pollinators and are trying to narrow down the right one, then they’re closer to the truth than I am.

  • TIL almost all vanilla plants are pollinated by hand.
  • That’s only outside their native range. In Mexico, where they’re from, they’re pollinated by the Melipona bee. Mexico is currently 3rd place in vanilla production at 6.5%, so you’re not wrong to say the majority of vanilla plants are pollinated by hand, but they do have a natural pollinator. In theory, you could introduce the Melipona bee to areas where Vanilla has been imported to cut down the labor time/costs.

  • Netanyahu dismisses Hamas ceasefire proposal, insists on total victory
  • That’s just the price of being an invader nation. By definition, Israel can never know peace, only armistices between further acts of war. Unless they manage to genocide Palestinians world wide, they will always face attacks on their invader population/infrastructure/society. It’s a feature of colonization. Netanyahu knows this, but is trying to maintain his position by bringing home an unattainable victory.

  • Andrew Yang: Biden going to deliver us ‘Trump the sequel’, endorses Democrat Dean Phillips for president
  • The Dems are fragmenting and it’s Biden’s fault. He’s too old and frail to be president. Ideally he would’ve taken the route LBJ took and announced his decision to abstain from running a re-election campaign, then endorsed the chosen nominee.

  • U.S. launches fourth round of strikes in a week against Houthi targets in Yemen
  • The Biden administration tried to prevent the war from expanding.

    At every point in the development of this conflict, his administration has enable Israel to escalate and expand its military attacks upon countries within the region.

  • Why??
  • Two things people forget:

    1. Spanish people were the first Europeans to colonize the Americas, setting the precedent for the violence and discrimination which has continued for the last 500 years.
    2. The longest lasting Fascist country in Europe was Spain, which was fascist from 1939-1975.
  • Top White House budget official warns of ‘dire’ situation on Ukraine aid
  • This is completely false. Also, Ukraine has been begging to join NATO since Russia invaded. Western Europe rightfully refused to allow their inclusion (because it’d start WW3) and told them it was tough luck that the Ukrainian Regime was foolish enough to believe the Brits and Americans. They should’ve gone along with the peace negotiations Russia offered in 2022 or just honored the Minks agreements.

  • Top White House budget official warns of ‘dire’ situation on Ukraine aid
  • Yeah, I am. The Americans sponsored a coup in 2014 to overthrow the democratic government of Ukraine to expand their influence in Eastern Europe. Once the government was overthrown, the country fell into civil war.

    Russia tried to negotiate a peace to the civil war twice, with the Minsk Agreements. Then the Ukrainian coup regime refused to enact the agreements to end hostilities after being told by the Americans that they could join NATO and have nuclear weapons.

    Russia, understanding the threat of nuclear weapons being stationed on their border, invaded Ukraine in 2022 to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO.

  • Viktor Orbán: The EU is blackmailing Hungary
  • Hungary isn’t worried about Russia invading them. They know Russia won’t, because if Russia wanted war with NATO, they’d have already invaded. Russia already stated that its goal was to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and obtaining nuclear weapons.

    Hungary is more concerned with keeping its costs down and avoiding going along with NATO aggression against Russia (provoking a war Russia doesn’t want). They know better than anyone that giving into all your allies’ demands will spell disaster.

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    On the Rising Homogeneity of Textiles in Fashion Industry

    When I was in university, one of the major questions of international economics was globalisation and its effects. At the time, debates on whether globalisation will bring about convergence or divergence remained inconclusive; will we be seeing cultures merging into homogeneity, or will we be celebrating plurality in aesthetics and philosophies. Ten years later, we finally have the answer.

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