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Just getting into JS
  • Well, if it gets the job done. I'd only argue about maintainability there maybe, as other devs get involved.

    In my final apprenticeship work, I also only used vanilla php and argued that it would take too much time in this project to evaluate and learn a framework and that I know the vanilla way pretty good, so it's valid this way around.

  • New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now
  • But by not sharing anything, you'd loose users who don't want to sign up for each instance individually. I think it would be a good way to be able to sign up once on one instance and then being able to use all other instances available, but the chats etc of one instance being private to the instance itself.

  • Another Command and Conquer Remastered Collection Hinted By EA’s Lead Producer
  • The rereleasing was kind of a fan service. EA wanted to add some older titles on Steam, some CNC fans at EA heard about it and pushed them to also add CNC to it. I'm also now holding off with purchasing the collection with hopes of a generals remaster.. one can only hope, lol.

  • GTA Online - What is this green tractor?
  • I'm guessing it's a bug/texture glitch. Since your mates couldn't see it, I guess it was loaded by error or very likely by a hacker. Probably your game couldn't handle it and the texture loading for it went wrong because of that.

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  • Well in this example, I'd say it's just differently formatted. The borders are not visible and Text isn't centered.

    In the example before, I feel like it is that Sync hides the table when it is too wide/or the multiple tables are tried to be placed side by side instead of below each other? I'd also prefer the left side, probably 👍 But tables are a nightmare these days with dynamic layouts.

  • Automating xdcc downloads

    Hey there, I've been using for example abjects irc for some time now with great pleasure, but it's kind of bothering me that I don't find a way to automate it in some way.. I wanted to try Overseerr and radarr, etc., but I noticed then, that those don't support ircs/xdccs.

    Does anybody have a way with Plugins or something to enable xdccs on those?

    I also found cli xdcc downloaders, but those are not offering search options.

    Then I tried using irssi, for now this would kind of be enough, together with other measures. But I am not able to configure it nicely and there are many question marks on that.

    Does anybody know a different/better irc cli client, which also supports xdcc?

    I'm open for all hints belonging to xdccs :) Torrenting isn't my thing tbh.

    Greetings :)

    What's the purpose of multiple quality profiles existing in parallel in Radarr/Sonarr?

    Well hello there, I'm diving into the *arr suite of things currently and am trying to setup everything to my usecase. I think I mostly already understood, how a single quality profile works within itself, like upgrading quality and so on. But what I didn't get yet, why would I want multiple different quality profiles to exist?

    I mostly am having this priority list:

    • BluRay 1080p
    • Any 1080p
    • Any <1080p

    Would there be a difference of having these three as separate quality profiles or having them within one quality profile? What's the preferred way there (if that's not just dependant on the usecase)?

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