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Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
  • I'd agree with this statement for most games, but the best way to enjoy Helldivers 2 specifically is to play it when the playerbase and the hype is at its peak. The gameplay will still be just as good a year from now, sure, but you'd miss the emergent story being built right now

  • Friendly reminder
  • You should always start your argument with an ad hominem and, if it doesn't work, slowly work your way towards insulting your interlocutor, the highest form of rethoric

  • $70 titles are doomed to go “the way of the dodo” says Saber Interactive CEO
  • I honestly thought that was what the headline meant before reading the comments. Paying 70 bucks for a single game sounds wild to me when all my favourite games from the last few years have cost me less than 40, and often less than 20

  • How do you feel about the galactic war?
  • I wasn't around for the termicide towers event but from what I've heard this is more or less the kind of stuff I would like more of, yeah. It doesn't even have to be unique for each event, but just a mission type with a real gameplay variation.

  • How do you feel about the galactic war?

    I really, really want to like that side of the game. I love the idea of players pooling together their tiny, individual actions towards a greater shared goal and what it can bring in terms of RP and immersion. Having new content gated behind community participation is an awesome idea, and I totally get the idea of simulating a back and forth war between the players and the AI for the control of the Galaxy.

    However, I can't help but feel mostly frustrated with how it's actually implemented, both in its presentation and in its actual mechanics.

    On the presentation side, everything looks so half-hearted that it ends up feeling meaningless. Apart from the major order and a few flavor lines thrown together in a corner of the screen, there's nothing that make us feel like the galactic war has any consequence on the lore of the game. Every few days we gain or lose a planet, but it doesn't really feel like winning or losing: we just get our medals or we don't, and then it's mostly back to usual business. Even the consequences are not clearly shown: the apparition of bit gunship is a clear consequence of us not managing to capture To it, but I'm pretty sure the majority of the player base won't even notice it and just think "well, I guess the update brought us some new enemy types, cool!". I get minimalism, but I feel all of this would be so much better if we had small cutscenes to mark each important step, or even just a war room in the ship where we could read strategic reports or whatever, anything to give it more context.

    On the gameplay side, the fact that the only available action the players can do to have an influence of the global war is to either launch "attack missions" on enemy planets or "defense missions" on a super earth planet feels very limited, especially since all missions are played very similarly. It just seems to devolve in a endless tug-of-war consisting of capturing a planet, then defending it over and over, with very few variations and very few reasons to care Gameplay-wise. How cool would it be if defense missions were actually about defending allied areas against an enemy invasion, with radically different objectives like supporting SEAF positions or defending strategic zones against waves of enemies?

    To close up what is slowly starting to look like a wall of text, I just want to say that I don't mean to sound whiny and that I actually really enjoy the game as it is. It just feels like a wasted opportunity to have this truly awesome idea and then do almost nothing with it.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Edit: Also, just wanted to point out I realize that budgets exist and the galactic war probably wasn't (and shouldn't have been) their top priority. Getting the core gameplay was and still is more important than the rest.

    There is no EU cookie banner law
  • It should also be noted that a directive isn't an "EU Law", since it cannot be enforced directly (as opposed to a EU regulation such as the GDPR). It's basically a framework that all EU member states have agreed they would each pass as a Law in their own jurisdiction (which explains the first quote in the article beginning by "Member States shall ensure ...").

    Since eprivacy is "just" a directive, each member state has since passed their own implementing Law that have the same basis but can vary in their specifics, so rules on tracking and cookies aren't the exact same in each member state.

  • Bänan ru🍌le
  • Very rough translation :

    In the center : "How to enjoy the banana? (..and it will provide sweetness and exquisite consolations)"

    From top left to top right : "At 18 yo ... At 20 yo ... At 23 yo"

    From bottom left to bottom right : "From 30 to 35 yo ... From 40 yo and above"

  • GOG basically acknowledges piracy in a meme
  • Selling only DRM-free games has always be GOG's whole thing (well, that and selling oldies compatible with modern OS), it's weird that this meme specifically would be considered "aknowledging piracy"

  • [Discussion] Quelles sont les sorties que vous attendez le plus ?

    Salut !

    Bon, Baldur's Gate 3 est sorti et j'imagine que ça va occuper pas mal d'entre nous pour les prochaines semaines/mois. Mais à part ça, quelles sont les sorties 2023 qui vous hypent le plus ?

    Personnellement j'attends de pied ferme Payday 3. Je sais pas trop ce que ça va donner, mais j'ai englouti des dizaines d'heures sur Payday 2 avec un groupe d'amis à l'époque, et ça sera l'occasion de nous refaire quelques petites sessions tous ensemble

    En vacances a Marseille une semaine, des conseils ?

    Salut !

    Le titre se suffit probablement a lui-même, mais en gros je viens d'arriver a Marseille où je vais passer une semaine de vacances. Est-ce vous avez des conseils à me donner sur les trucs à faire, a ne pas faire, etc ?

    Merci !

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