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I miss the Mario & Luigi RPGs.
  • the fact the devs used their last resources making 3DS remakes of DS games after the switch had already launched just boggles the mind

  • Why are there so many bad horror games?
  • for the same reason there's so many bad horror movies, it's a genre that welcomes a smaller scope, lower budget, dark lighting so it's harder to see said low budget, and game-wise bad controls are welcomed as a way to increase the tension

    i don't mean this in a hater way, horror is one of my favorite film genres and i like horror games, they're just very accessible to make and you get all of the downsides of that fact with the upsides

  • RIP in piss
  • honestly looks like he would be an antagonist in a 80/90's tech company show/movie played by Jeff Goldblum

  • share if you love jizz
  • niko-yawn

    the term jatz predates jizz, the disney "rename" mentions it's also known by other names, they've also used jizz in a disney canon novelization before

  • choose your nintendo console
  • I spent hundreds of hours playing monster hunter 3U in bed on the gamepad and never had a problem with it. I found it pretty comfy and the steam deck basically copied its ergonomics so they must have been doing something right

    but regardless the pro controller exists which can be used in like 95% of Wii U games and has an abominably long battery life

  • choose your nintendo console
  • Wii U easily, if you jailbreak it you can play every generation before it

    switch can't emulate Wii and GameCube games, and on top of that half of its good games are Wii U ports anyway

  • Sony backed down
  • got severe whiplash from seeing Ian Miles Cheong in the replies, but I'm not surprised considering this game's community lmao

  • tag yourself
  • yeah i didn't see any outrage at helldivers 2 locking a majority of the new content each update behind a monthly ten dollar battle pass microtransaction lmao

  • Will I like A Hat in Time if I like 3D platformers like Psychonauts and Mario?
  • id say yeah

    i only played a bit when it came out like half a decade ago, but gameplay wise it felt kinda like Super Mario Sunshine/64 with the aesthetic of Wind Waker + Super Mario Galaxy

    it has owls in it too

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • obama-spike

  • its bat appreciation day, post your favorite bats
  • the robin williams bat from fern gully

  • Dragon Dogma 2 is a horrible game
  • i mean i remember hearing "WOLVES HUNT IN PACKS!" and shit about harpies and fire weakness at least 42069 times while playing the first game twenty years ago so it seems they're keeping the legacy of having 5 pawn voicelines for a whole ass game intact

    that being said i'll find out first hand when the game is finally cracked in 27 months shrug-outta-hecks kinda excited for the FMV cooking footage

  • China restricted how many children people could have until 2015!? I thought that was like a 1970s policy. What's up with that?
  • my useless and mostly uneducated guess is that it was to try and make sure that population growth didn't exceed the pace of industrialization/number of houses that could be built, but that's simply just my brain from playing too many 4X games