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A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit.
  • Yes, hallucination is the now standard term for this, but it's a complete misnomer. A hallucination is when something that does not actually exist is perceived as if it were real. LLMs do not perceive, and therefor can't hallucinate. I know, the word is stuck now and fighting against it is like trying to bail out the tide, but it really annoys me and I refuse to use it. The phenomenon would better be described as a confabulation.

  • Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23, again challenging Trump to another showdown
  • Yeah, I don't think it would lose her a lot, but some. Little enough that it would be a notable net gain in her favor. I was just acknowledging that it's a non-zero amount. I'm voting for her, and it wouldn't bother me any either, as you probably assumed from me suggesting it. I do have opinions on gun control (neither more nor less, just make it better tuned), but I barely consider it when voting because I have much stronger opinions on social safety nets, capital's disproportionate influence, the health of the environment we live in, and so many other issues.

  • Weevil time
  • Ties are worn around the base of the neck, and the neck is the flexible thin part that connects the head. I see position A as being well below the flex point, which would be like wearing the tie low on the shoulders. That's why I would prefer it at the bottom end of the joint, position C. One could reasonably argue that anything above where the body narrows down towards the neck is part of the neck, in which case A would also make sense.

    Semantics on where a neck starts aside, position B is clearly at the top of the neck and is therefore just nonsense not even worth considering.

    Also position C lets the tie hang neatly down the front of the body as it should, rather than dragging the ground or dangling loosely in midair.

  • Square!
  • A square? A square?! Wake up sheeple! That things not even a rombus! Don't you see the lies? Look at the lines! Look! Not all rhombuses are squares, but all squares are rhombuses! All squares are rhombuses and look at this thing they try to call a square. Where are the parallel lines? There's got to be parallel lines, don't you see, or then it's not a rombus and all squares are rhombuses. Don't forget that, don't let them take that fact from you and perpetuate their geometric lies. Does no one even remember what a rombus is? This is, this is basic geometry here that you should have learned in middle school or elementary school, but then you just forget it, and let people trick you with these misleading definitions and fancy diagrams but you have to remember that a Square. Is. A. Rombus.

  • Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23, again challenging Trump to another showdown
  • I'll just repeat someone else's idea I saw elsewhere on Lemmy. She and Walz should challenge Trump and Vance to a marksmanship contest down at the gun range. He'd never go for it, but the image is hilarious. Admittedly, it would lose Harris some support from her base, but it would lose Trump a lot more from his to see him being shown up in such a visible way on one of his base's favorite topics. Harris has stated that she is a gun owner, and you know she's the type to take safety and skill training before she ever bought one, while on the other hand, if pansy-ass Trump has ever handled a live firearm in his life I will eat my hat. Both VP candidates have military training, but I'd still expect a pretty big skill gap between a decorated career infantry NCO and a newspaper staffer in a uniform.

  • Inside the pro-MAGA pet company that convinced Laura Loomer to eat dog food
  • Grandma Lucy's organic dog treats are made to be fully human and dog safe and I find them just as tasty as the dog does. They're like unsweetened Teddy Grahams. I know this because my brother-in-law gets them for his dog and is very amused to offer them as a snack to people as he and the dog both enjoy them.

  • 'The Daily Show': Jon Stewart's Harris-Trump Debate Recap
  • You're right, that's not a recap, but I watched both and it does pretty well capture the spirit of how the debate went. Yes, you'll need to watch it, or an actual recap, to get the details of what the two said about the various other topics, but what Stewart highlighted was very representative of the rest of it.

  • Jill Stein is a plant to nobody's surprise.
  • That's good to know. Generally about what I expected based on the concerns about her I've read. The Greens really could use some leadership that is actually competent, because they're not wrong about their overarching point, even if she seems to be wrong about most everything else.

  • Anon is a good samaritan
  • Oh yes, I was cheekily agreeing with that. It's always good to spread the information that the end result of a person who isn't specifically trained in rescue swimming attempting to swim out and rescue a drowning person is almost always just the two drowning together, even if the would-be rescuer is an otherwise strong swimmer.

  • Anon is a good samaritan
  • I realize that other comments have already explained the law better than I could. I still wanted to say that fortunately, jumping in to drown alongside them doesn't legally count as "helping," so there is no expectations for anyone to do so.

  • Jill Stein is a plant to nobody's surprise.
  • I don't know any of her specific policy ideas, so I can't comment on those, but I was under the impression that her main idea was the whole "we should all stop trashing the planet we all live on" thing, which is, generally speaking, a very good idea. I admit that doesn't mean her plans to do something about it are any good.

  • TIL about Sebastian Münster's 1540 map of the Americas, the first one to show that North and South America were connected by an isthmus and the first to call it 'The New World.'
  • I had guessed it was Sri Lanka since it is also shown just off the coast of India. Then I figured it was more likely Indonesia given it's surrounded by so many other islands and not that close to India. But yeah, now that I know that the name meant Japan I'm wondering if it's depiction on the map is a conflagration of accounts of Indonesia and Japan.

  • Series: What are your ADHD Tools of Thumb?
  • For me, I make things like key and wallet discipline a muscle memory. I literally practiced putting my keys where they belonged like it was some sort of challenging skill to learn. As a consequence when I put my keys down without thinking as normal, they always end up where they belong.

  • Trump rebrands his ramblings as ‘I do the weave’ – but is he just losing it?
  • No, don't you all see? He's actually so genius that we mere mortals can't comprehend his brilliance, as attested to by his multiple friends who are totally real English professors who exist and spend time with him, and are definitely not fictitious people he just made up on the spot to try to strengthen an obviously bullshit argument. Well, no, you wouldn't have heard them, because they, um, teach at a different school, but the important part is that they are intelligent enough to see the clever underlying structure of his wide ranging and definitely intellectually brilliant speeches, which the rest of us apparently aren't.

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