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DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates
  • I think you meant revenue and not profit. I believe that they are still operating at a loss of several hundred million dollars with a shrinking user base.

  • DJT shares tumble 13% as Trump Media stock sell-off accelerates
  • Roughly 3 months to go in this game of hot potato before Trump can sell his shares without special permission from the board.

  • Rudy Giuliani suffering ‘possible’ 9/11-related lung disease, his lawyers claim
  • "Am I going to fight this case until I die? Yeah,” Giuliani said. “I’d rather die poor with my principles than cave in to a destruction of my country that I love so much.”

    Da fuq is he talking about?

  • Which comic book publisher did the Multiverse first?
  • My favorite thing about the internet is hearing questions that I would never think to ask and seeing answers like this.

    Thank you for helping to make the internet a bit more interesting.

  • Unmasking counterprotesters who attacked UCLA’s pro-Palestine encampment
  • The young man sporting the white mask and a white hoodie in widely shared video clips is Edan On, a local 18-year-old high school senior, his mother confirmed to CNN, though she later said he denies being at UCLA.

    His mother must be so proud 🙄

    “Edan went to bully the Palestinian students in the tents at UCLA and played the song that they played to the Nukhba terrorists in prison!” his mother boasted in Hebrew on Facebook, referencing Hamas. She circled an image of him that had been broadcast on the local news.

    Oh, I guess that she is.

  • Gov. Abbott pardons Daniel Perry for 2020 fatal Black Lives Matter protest shooting after recommendation from pardons board | CNN
  • Let me know if I got this correct.

    • Perry drives his car, through a red light, into a crowd of protesters.
    • After the collision, Garret Foster approaches the vehicle while legally openly carrying an AK-47
    • Perry shoots and kills Foster.
    • Perry's admits that the legal weapon was not being aimed at him. In his own words "I believe he was going to aim it at me … I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me, you know."
    • Perry has a history of "racist and inflammatory social media posts"
    • Perry's own defense team admits to him having "psychological issues, including complex post-traumatic stress disorder"

    This is who Texas Governor Greg Abbott pushed to be pardoned? Is that correct?

  • Is this the new American dream?
  • Does China not have debt collection agencies that the credit card companies can sell the debt to?

  • Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled
  • Nice. Thanks for the link.

    FYI: There is an "s" missing from the end of that url.

  • Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled
  • Thought they might sell these specialty tools online, but 3 minutes of searching came up with nothing. Might be time to get creative.

    Do you have the room to get a Dremel in there the cut it so a regular flathead will work?

    If not, maybe try to use needle noise pliers as your screwdriver.

    As a last resort, pick up a cheap screwdriver and cut it to make it slotted.

    Edit: I love how quickly several people have commented with links to the needed tools. Thanks to all of you!

  • Deleted
    Long distance relationship red flags?
    • he’s adamant that I don’t visit him
    • He’s saying that we probably won’t see each other again for at least a year
    • We had made plans to move closer to each other, but he recently decided to move in with a friend instead

    These are all huge red flags. My guess, from these alone, is that he has moved on (or is ready to), but doesn't have the courage to tell you directly and is hoping you will either do the breaking up for him or you will just drift away.

  • Why do people say 'queer folk' instead of 'queer people'?
  • Folk is pretentious? It literally means common people, the opposite of pretentiousness. I am thinking that you don't have much familiarity with the word nor the people that use it. It does not carry the meaning that you seem to think it does.

    You are likely hearing /seeing it being used by people raised in an area where that is common vernacular to casually identify a group of people that share a culture.

  • The food prices at the Hard Rock Beach Club at the Miami GP
  • Add 1oz Caviar*

    🙄 sigh

  • U.S. police have arrested more protesters in just two weeks, than the Hong Kong police arrested in four violent months in 2019.
  • Does anybody know where they getting the numbers for this claim? I see that they cited "Associated Press and other sources" for the US protest arrest numbers, but no source for Hong Kong protest arrests numbers.

    I would like to find some corroboration for this claim and all I can find for Hong Kong is a count of deaths, injuries, arrests, and charges once public protests had effectively ceased.

  • Supreme Court: Drivers hauling baked goods are in transportation, not baking
  • For others with so many questions about the why of this case...

    This ruling allows the independent contractors that deliver goods for a large bakery (Flowers Foods) to be exempt from arbitration requirements under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), and instead take their pay dispute to court.

  • The efficiency is bonkers
  • Hey ladies. How you doin'?

    Did you know that heat pumps are often considered a superior method for household heating for several reasons:

    1. Energy Efficiency: Heat pumps are highly efficient compared to traditional heating systems like furnaces and boilers. They transfer heat rather than generate it, using electricity to move heat from the outside to the inside (even in cold climates).

    2. Dual Functionality: Heat pumps can provide both heating and cooling. This versatility means you only need one system for year-round climate control, rather than separate systems for heating and cooling.

    3. Lower Operating Costs: Although the upfront cost of a heat pump can be higher than some other heating systems, the energy savings over time often result in lower overall operating costs.

    4. Environmentally Friendly: Heat pumps produce fewer emissions compared to systems that burn fossil fuels for heating. As the electricity grid becomes greener, the environmental benefits of heat pumps increase even further.

    5. Safety: Heat pumps do not use combustion to generate heat, which means there is no risk of carbon monoxide leaks or other combustion-related dangers.

    6. Long Lifespan: Heat pumps generally have a long lifespan and require minimal maintenance compared to other heating systems, making them a cost-effective choice over time.

    7. Quiet Operation: Heat pumps tend to operate more quietly than traditional HVAC systems, making them a more pleasant option for household heating.

    8. Consistency: Heat pumps can provide consistent and even heating throughout the home, improving comfort and potentially reducing hot and cold spots.

    Overall, heat pumps offer an energy-efficient, versatile, and environmentally friendly way to heat and cool your home.

    If you'd like to further explore the benefits of heat pumps over the current, conventional, home environmental control option, I have one installed at my place that I would love to show you.

    What do you say? Wanna come over to my place and check out my heat pump?

  • Tesla Cybertruck No Match For Car Wash
  • The Cybertruck’s owners manual does caution against ever washing the truck in direct sunlight, and there is a section expressly mentioning that the truck has to be switched into “Car Wash Mode” before washing to avoid damage to parts of the vehicle.

    Da fuq!?

  • They're openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections now in Arizona.
  • I was thinking more that the documentation provided when registering to vote would be verified, not that a person would be looked up in a large centralized list.

    But that was just a guess, the board of elections may just ruberstamp all requests for all I know about their processes.

  • They're openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections now in Arizona.
  • This is a guess, but I am assuming that when people register to vote (since that is not automatic, but rather an opt-in right in the United States), the person's information is sent to the local board of elections that can perform a search for the citizenship status of that individual.

    I would expect the Arizona to already know if an individual is a citizen or not, so this requirement is more about preventing votes rather than securing the integrity of the voting process.

  • They're openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections now in Arizona.
  • Only US citizens can vote in US federal elections. That is a federal restriction which is not impacted by this.

    This is adding an additional requirement to show proof of citizenship before even being allowed to cast a vote.

    According to this, people cannot vote for local or state level issues if they do not show a passport, birth certificate, certificate of citizenship, or other such document. Pretty sure drivers licenses and state issues IDs are not proof of citizenship, so a lot of people are probably going to be surprised when they show up and are not allowed to vote for governor, state legislature, etc because they don't have the right documentation.

    This makes voting more restrictive, not less.

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