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"You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • Someday you'll be kicked into a pit, looking forward to that happening


  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • Yeah, better to be attacked from the front so I have a chance to parry than to be stabbed in the back by someone pretending to be an ally


  • My dad is a blue dog who thinks migrants should be round up and shot.
  • Reminds me of that cute penguin anime movie we watched on hextube where the main penguin has Vietnam flashbacks to all the war crimes he witnessed and participated in

  • My dad is a blue dog who thinks migrants should be round up and shot.
  • Wait where's she buried? I need to know how far away this gender neutral public restroom is

  • The Students at Columbia Have Reestablished Their Encampment!
  • I was wondering what they would do for the summer

    I do have a fun idea for the west coast students tho, burning man banned any pro Palestine art pieces so I think this is the perfect party to crash

  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • 100-com %

    I hate every president I've lived under but at least Trump and Obama gave me a few meager scraps like pandemic relief and obamacare but Genocide Joe is over here with his blood drenched hands empty, offering nothing to us but still stretching out that bloody hand at us asking for our vote

  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • If this is how I die for my comrades I am ok with that

  • My dad is a blue dog who thinks migrants should be round up and shot.
  • Probably but you never know, RFK is a racist piece of shit but he's somehow good on Native Americans

    He even called it Indigenous People's Day which hurt him with some of the racist white people he generally appeals to

    So never underestimate how weird your dad's brain worms can be, I know my dad's brain worms are pretty weird

  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • Hopefully thrown with incredible force

  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • Whatbare thos material conditions then? Try explaining how supporting a genocide and the current crackdown on peaceful protests is the har reduction choice, I'll be over there not listening to you

  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • Allow me to explain this in terms simple enough for you to understand

    When the war starts I'm gonna find you and as many other libs who supported this genocide and I'm gonna use you as decoys the same way the Joker did in the Dark Knight joker-che

  • Hahahahahahaha!!!
  • Libs will now mindlessly repeat this lie until the end of time

  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • if Clinton got to choose scotus justices instead of Trump, RvW would not have been overturned.

    Is that why she picked an anti abortion running mate in 2016? Because she cares about women?

  • Call 1-800-SAVE-RBG to donate your life force today!!
  • Except libs wish it were true and think it would be a good thing

  • Libs make me laugh.
  • Same, feeling like I'm missing an opportunity

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I'm willing to bet this is some bullshit scheme to make site traffic seem larger to pump stock prices

  • Settlerman brain is a sight of wonders
  • Hopefully people start talking more openly about not voting for Genocide Joe in November

  • A 3rd human case of bird flu detected, this one with respiratory symptoms
  • Fort Detrick is really suspicious but while there's a lot of smoke I can't see a fire or a smoking gun

    I still think that's where covid came from

  • Is this a doohickey reference? (Palworld)

    !is-this !the-doohickey

    Sorry but you're all libs for having any discourse on this game besides this


    How do I go about taking over the local progressive radio station?

    The boomers running it are so bad they may as well be actively sabotaging themselves and I can't take it any more

    Any advice?

    Second Wind (former Escapist employees) off to a based start

    Banning transphobes after dunking on them for a bit? Palestine flag emojis being posted all over? What is this place, another Hexbear?

    Please dunk on me for even having my email on whatever the fuck list this is I'm Never, Ever, Working For You

    Five Years, Top Shelf Idiots, Puffy Armpit

    I'm Never, Ever, Working For You

    >I'm Never, Ever, Working For You Five Years, Top Shelf Idiots, Puffy Armpit SAMANTHA BEE OCT 18 > >All that I have watched, and read, and witnessed over the last week has left me dumbfounded. This war is a moral horror, the pain is incalculable, and the only worthy goal in my view is to end human suffering. I don’t know how to achieve this, I do not know how to achieve peace, and I also know that we never will. > >I continue to believe, and in fact say out loud in my live show—that we should give women all the power and control in the world for five years. Then, if things don’t get better within that five year time frame, the men can have it all back. The rest of us will go live elsewhere, perhaps on a better planet—one that we smartly discovered during our brief reign. > >Obviously, this is a beautiful fantasy. For truly, we spend most of our days sadly marinating in the atrocities, the war mongering, the brutality, the petty rivalries, and tough talk of the majority men who dominate our world stage. > >I am sick of it to the core of my being. > >In our own country, as I write this, a vote is underway to make Jim Jordan Speaker of the House (Update: before I hit publish he lost the first vote…but STILL). Jim Fucking Jordan. Staunch Trump ally, agent of chaos. Best known as someone famous for obstructing the normal operations of our government in an artfully disheveled rolled-up-sleeves dress shirt, pits moistened with EFFORT. > >Don’t let me get ahead of myself. He is also known for his failure to protect his wrestling team from a sexual predator when he was their assistant coach. > >His grinding effort makes me think of this Marie Davidson song, which I love so much it hurts. > >Work to Be A Winner, Jim. > >He is terrible. The kind of terrible who really knows how to use all the levers in his toolbox, and that is dangerous. > >This shrill little pugilist has been out there all weekend threatening Republicans to give him their vote for the speakership, lest they face the flying monkeys he plans to unleash in their districts. Cool cool. Can’t wait to see what this country looks like next month when we face another government shutdown, and the guy who voted to overturn the election result is doing the negotiations. I wish I still had a tv show so that he could see how much I loathe him! Alas! > >The subversive messages hidden in The Wizard of Oz - BBC Culture Rep. Jim Jordan (right, green face) with aforementioned flying monkey (left, blue face) and America (cute, pigtails, center) Here’s another top shelf idiot: > >RFK Jr. > >This election-spoiling-ass-motherfucker right here, doing what we ALL knew he would do, running as an Independent. I know, I know–the prevailing theory is that he will siphon Republican votes and ruin it for them, but that, my friends, is a child’s wish whispered into a flaming volcano. > >I have gone to PLENTY of left leaning events of late and have witnessed perfectly rational people clapping their asses off at the mere mention of him. > >I am telling you that he is MORE POPULAR THAN YOU WANT TO BELIEVE IS TRUE, and a danger to all of us. > >It reminds me of…Full Frontal…circa summer 2016. We took a bus and interviewed many people all over the country, for a week or so, trying to get the lay of the land. > >After speaking to a wide cross section of voters I came back to the office and directly said to my executive team, “Hillary is going to lose this election.” Then we all had a good chuckle at my stupid assessment and went back to the muffins in the shared kitchen, trying to dig out their moist centers. > >All of it forgotten, purposely shut out of my brain, locked away, until it wasn’t. > >Remember when Marjorie Taylor Greene was a fucking joke? Turns out, nobody is a joke. The joke is on us. Every scenario we think is funny and absurd seems to materialize? > >So no, I don’t think Donald Trump is going to be in jail next year, I think he’s going to be the president again, and you can take that to the BANK. > >Due to this tour I am on—which, by the way, come see me in Pittsburgh, Michigan, and lots of other places—I got the updated Covid shot a couple of weeks ago. The injection site was sore for a bit, my head hurt, I looked like a dented can of dog food, and my armpit fully swelled up, which felt new? I am not a medical doctor, but I did diagnose myself with a case of “puffy armpit”, and tbh, it’s…still a bit puffy as I write this. Like, half of a potato bun’s worth of puff. > >Many people in my life had proposals for how to feel better afterward, including such suggestions as two day fasts, three day fasts, or SEVEN DAY FASTS. Anyone who truly knows me, knows that you might as well ask me to grow a third breast. The best remedy I could personally find, and again, this works for me, and again, I am not a medical doctor, but I DO prescribe the following: 8 back-to-back episodes of Great British Bakeoff: The Professionals, and a sturdy yuzu poundcake. > >I believe in vaccines. It feels insane to have to say that? Do I get them ALL? No. Should I get the Shingles one? YES. Will I? Perhaps. Probably my hesitation has more to do with admitting that I am old enough to need it. Still, I continue to be floored by peoples’ disdain for vaccines, and frankly believe that this long-ignored Nobel prize winning woman would like a word. > >This is the best part of the article, for me: > >Yet Karikó also was sensitive to perceived affronts. Once, while chatting with colleagues at a department Christmas party, a professor mentioned that Karikó was working for him on a project. > >“You think I’m working for you?” Karikó asked him, livid, according to someone who witnessed the episode. “I’m here to advance science, I’m never, ever, working for you.” > >I SECOND this sentiment. HARD. > >Samantha Bee is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    The Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart is available for purchase on Digital DVD/Blu-Ray:

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    !doomer wish it wasn't over

    How Shrek's Massive Success Kneecapped American Animation

    This video essay isn't sufficiently pro Shrek but it does explain why the writers of Shrek hated Disney and Michael Eisner

    No one on cytube wanted to watch:bawllin-sad:

    Can I beat Elden Ring as Shrek?

    :shrek-pixel-despair: :praise-it:
