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I got this
  • So no drink&fly in exit rows on Boeing planes?

  • What film did you watch when you were too young, and how did it traumatize you?
  • It's only a mild trauma, but I couldn't sleep after Spy Kids and Monsters, Inc and was especially scared of the Robot Kids appearing in the dark for a few years.

    I think this is due to me being too young to be able to catch the plot twists in the end. So those movies to me ended with no changes and the bad guys still doing well.

  • [MonkeyUser] HTTP Status Codes - Community Suggestions (19 Jan 2017)
  • For anyone else, who doesn't know these by heart:

    • 302: Found
    • 402: Payment required
    • 403: Forbidden
    • 406: Not acceptable
    • 409: Conflict
    • 418: I'm a teapot
    • 420: Enhance your calm
    • 422: Unprocessable entity
    • 423: Locked
  • Removed
    This is all I rule...
  • He wants to watch discovery channel

  • 2 Wolves
  • So 8? Her two inner wolves, the two baby wolves and their two wolves. 2+2+2*2=8

  • xkcd #2862: Typical Seating Chart
  • So they're carry-on only seats with no extra baggage?

  • It's a trap!
  • How would one enter the petting tournament trap? Asking so I know what not to do.

  • xkcd #2862: Typical Seating Chart
  • Why does the fighter escort waste the space on its wings?

  • Why do you still look worried?
  • Why do I hear dark souls music?

  • pot of greed
  • Here's a more readable version:

  • Unfiltered and unpasteurized suffering
  • No thanks, I prefer various flavoured sugars to move my suffering to the future

  • Mouth Stones
  • Sometimes the market demands blood

  • hmmm
  • Cat

  • Needs consent
  • to him

  • Needs consent
  • sudo apt-get install consent

  • long story: god of Arepo
  • I like the story, and I like the afterlife it implies. Where everyone gets to be the god of something after they died.

    Although that will lead to millions of gods, so maybe it's best not to think too much about that.

  • 🐈 Stray, 25% OFF 🐈
  • The game is more interactive movie/visual novel(?) than game, sort of like "Life is strange" or "To the moon". So a litter box mode sadly doesn't make sense

  • Litany Of Fearule
  • I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

  • Ediacarium Ediacarium
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    Comments 19