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I am 1pm friend
  • What I wouldn't give to be somewhere where stores don't close down while the sun is still up. This is a capital city, even.

  • I am 1pm friend
  • When the Dr was investigating my insomnia I had a sleep study done - sleep apnea with 17 events/hr. I don't snore so the diagnosis was a bit of a shock. CPAP worked wonders for the quality of sleep, but I still had the insomnia. Other happenings led me to giving up on keeping "normal" hours, and the CPAP didn't register a single apnea event for over a year after I settled into the 4am-noon cycle. The sleep specialist wasn't expecting that result, but was content enough to roll with it and tell me to keep doing whatever worked, and use it if I felt I needed to. On the bright side, he now is a bit more open to shifted sleep cycles. Official diagnosis, hurrah! When I started seeing him he was adamant it was just poor sleep hygiene causing me problems. The machine's logs he could trust. >.<

  • I am 1pm friend
  • 6am friends could have also brought about world peace, but no, they had to wake up the 11am friend.

  • Any funny/interesting misheard lyrics in songs?
  • Shower the horse, ya bum.

    (Ciao adios - Anne Marie)

  • I am 1pm friend
  • I've done this. Don't recommend it, but it's great to point at when telling people not to wake me.

  • I am 1pm friend
  • I want to punch whoever thinks being a shifted sleeper (4am-noon or 6am-2pm in my case) is a bad thing. I had a job that loved me for taking all the late shifts that my age cohort didn't want so they could have a social life. I just didn't want to have to wake before noon. :D

    If I try (and fail) to keep social hours, aka business hours, I have to contend with severe insomnia (in bed by midnight, awake til sunup), or I just don't sleep. Either is bad for me, my health, and the sanity for those around me.

    Where I live, most things are finished by noon, and stores close at 4 on the weekend. Late night shopping means open til maybe 7pm on a Friday. (I miss my home city/country. Weekend hours til 6pm, late night (open til 9pm) three nights a week. Moving here was like going back in time forty years.)

    Grr Argh and stuff.

  • I just posted Gowron for the glory of the empire!
  • I cleaned a shelf in my studio for the glory of the empire?

    ... Oh well. At least one shelf of three dozen is tidy.

  • Do you personally know someone who has a wikipedia page about them?
  • A few. Most recent is my neighbour.

  • The Wizard of Speed and Time (1988)

    A stop-motion movie from many years ago. An enthusiastic, campy romp that pokes fun at the movie making industry.

    It's one of those movies that leaves you giggling, or scratching your head in confusion.

    Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • I don't actually want to be nomadic, I'd love nothing more than to have a group of gaming friends that lasts. Inevitably, each time finding a new group gets harder.

    I have no support network, No real social group either. I am for all intent and purpose a ghost. My opinions don't matter, my presence isn't wanted. No one notices when I leave.

  • Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • To be a woman online means to feel unwelcome. Leaving a new community is pretty much inevitable unless you are willing to swim in toxicity.

    I've lost count of how many 'welcoming' communities for game/hobby/interest that I have left because of the inevitable creep of (male) toxicity and harassment.

    And it sucks to watch so many people not speak up, and to be targeted for further harassment simply because I said rape jokes weren't funny. (Or tying and drugging up a woman so T could have a girlfriend, if the group I play online games with are stalking my account read this. You guys are part of the problem.)

    I just want liked minded people to share my interests and play games with.

    I, and other women shouldn't have to navigate or ignore toxicity to simply exist in public spaces.

  • Don't give up
  • I don't get it.

  • Removed
    No hope
  • My big bowl broke in a move. Still have the plates and smaller bowls. Not sure where the mugs ended up. [Edit to add: Got them in Canada. Haven't seen any in Australia.]

  • Fox News is now claiming that young people are identifying as seasons. They made it up.
  • I think he got his mom's color palettes mixed in with his derp.

    (Mostly older) People have been claiming they were a summer or autumn for decades.

  • When you do it yourself and it looks like you did it yourself lol
  • Don't stress about it. There are plenty of professionals unclear of the concept of smooth.

    I've just finished repairing the professional drywall plastering around our house, you could see the seams from every angle. I spent longer than I like to admit fixing those seams so they weren't visible when we painted.

    Worked every second or third day on any given wall, so I knew things were dry. Also life wouldn't let me speed run the mudding and painting.

    Happy with my newly painted wall, I'd laid tape out so I could paint the window trim and when I took off the tape, the original paint and plaster job that ran along the drywall seam came with it.

    Took the putty knife and was able to flake off most of the seam.

    I had to do the plastering and painting again, and by the time I'd finished redoing my work, I was ready to hunt down the tradies who did the work when the house was built and have a polite chat with them.

  • George Santos's latest money-making plot? Reviving his drag persona, Kitara Ravache
  • Santos wrote, “I just single-handedly made the left hate Drag queens lol,”

    Nah dude, we just hate you.

  • Gloves should be a requirement to keep in a glove box.
  • Trunk of a car, maybe. Used to be a literal trunk (box) strapped to the car.

    It's called a boot in Australia. It looks nothing like a boot!

  • Choose wisely
  • oooo, toss up between Rick Berman and Lens Flare.

  • Dvixen Dvixen

    Whatever, I don't exist.

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