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There are a lot of low-paying jobs out there. I'm just saying...
  • I read up on it a few years back. Long story short, the number of "T-bone" type accidents where the side of the car gets hit decreased, while the number of people getting rear ended significantly increased (allowing that some rear end collisions also go unreported due to lower degrees of damage.)

    There was a whole rethink of the use/benefits and disabling/not installing them further, but I can't remember the outcome.

    Like I said, I spend a lot of time driving, so forgive me for not pulling sources in the middle of my work day. Gotta drive to the next patient's house lol.

  • There are a lot of low-paying jobs out there. I'm just saying...
  • Yep, that and the inconsistencies of timing. Some areas yellow are very long, some are short, and some seen to vary within the "allowable range." In other words, encouraging people to slam on the brakes because God only knows when the lights will change.

    I hate the cameras (I spend most of my work day driving city/suburban areas) and think that if they're going to exist, they should have longer yellows to give more opportunity for drivers not to panic between getting ticketed or rear ended.

  • Placeboz
  • It's been a while since I looked at this, but different color pills "work" better for different ailments. Also the size and numbers of pills effect results as well. Two pills are "stronger" than one, bigger pills over smaller as well.

  • Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue
  • Ham, pineapple, onions, green peppers, and jalapenos, no sauce. One of my favorite pizzas.

    There's enough goodness that you really don't need pizza sauce on it, or at least I've never come across a sauce that works with pineapple. But the flavors and textures work well together.

  • Free Speech
  • There's the "One Drop rule." (Wikipedia)

    "The one-drop rule was a legal principle of racial classification that was prominent in the 20th-century United States. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ("one drop" of "black blood")[1][2] is considered black (Negro or colored in historical terms). It is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status, regardless of proportion of ancestry in different groups.[3]

    This concept became codified into the law of some U.S. states in the early 20th century.[4] It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness"[5] that developed after the long history of racial interaction in the South, which had included the hardening of slavery as a racial caste system and later segregation. Before the rule was outlawed by the Supreme Court in the Loving v. Virginia decision of 1967, it was used to prevent interracial marriages and in general to deny rights and equal opportunities and uphold white supremacy."

  • Every time in order take out I save the bag for miles .
  • I adopted mine as well, he was "Tuffy" at the time but my son kept calling him "Baby." I didn't want to name my cat Baby, so I found out that Miles is the character's real name in Baby Driver lol.

  • Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study
  • You and I both know that they should be vented outside, but I'm guessing how often it isn't would be quite frustrating.

    My shitty starter house (1995) didn't have a vent, but there was a window in the kitchen, so did that count? My boyfriend's house is in a higher cost of living area with absurdly expensive houses, and he was told (after purchasing the house when he was getting some things updated) that his vented into the attic. He doesn't use it because he doesn't want to blow aerosolized oils all over whatever's up there.

  • Cathedrule
  • She may have insecurities, unsure of how her body looks or smells, or whether or not she's "normal" down there. Fear of judgement can be a huge mood killer.When I was growing up I was never told there was anything wrong with me, but discussion of bodies was rather taboo. It took MANY years before I was comfortable with myself. Also, if she's ever experienced any trauma, that could make her less comfortable as well.

    Are you guys able to have discussions about intimate matters? What turns you on, what kinds of touch, how and where? She may or may not know why she's not comfortable with it, but communication is so important for the health of the relationship. Patience, kindness, and to be supportive and non-judgemental of each other goes far with intimate matters.

  • He gets us!
  • Since birth our brains are wired to look for faces. It helps with survival when the helpless wiggly thing bonds with the giant who is full of hormones telling them to protect it.

    As we grow we learn to recognize other patterns, which help us find food, be safe, find a mate, etc. Our brains are constantly looking to match everything we see with something from a previous experience. Which is unfortunately one of the places PTSD can pop up. Say you had a traumatic experience - you may not remember seeing someone wearing a red hat just prior to something terrible happening, but your brain might. In the aftermath it's possible that you find yourself uncomfortable around someone wearing a red hat but can't figure out why. You may not remember, but your brain does and thinks it's helping by alerting you too a problem.

  • The ice must flow
  • The last hotel I stayed at (fancy expensive hotel for a company gathering) had a mini fridge stocked with ridiculously expensive items, in such a way that the fridge was unusable for outside items. There was also a note that any items removed from the fridge would automatically be charged to the room. There was one bottle of complimentary water on the counter though.

  • Seems appropriate today...
  • I believe they had a typo entering their PIN. The property number is like 15 digits long with multiple hyphens. It was fine last year, but this year they got "wE cAn'T vErIfY yOuR pRoPeRtY tAxeS" .🙄

  • Seems appropriate today...
  • My son made a mistake on his state taxes and his return was rejected. The letter he got back basically said "we couldn't verify your reported property taxes, so you can resubmit a correction or do nothing and accept our version of your taxes" (where he gets back about $200 less because of a typo.)

    So, like, yeah. They're just comparing your notes to theirs, with the default benefiting the state.

  • Nurses with an overbearing manager, how do you pass time at work without getting caught?
  • More like "how do you find a moment to catch your breath and let your brain reset after you worked through your breaks, haven't gotten to use the bathroom, and feel like you're going to punch your patient in the face if they bitch about not getting a hot meal at 11:30pm."

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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