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Everytime I see an Anti-Tankie community and or a Left Anti-communist community they (almost) always side with US-NATO / First World Chauvinism and condemn the BRICS+ / Third World...

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> That's pretty much like the norm for Anti-Tankies and Left Anti-Communists, they will almost always side with US-NATO and condemn the BRICS+ almost all the time when it comes about world politics and geopolitical issues...

Everytime I see an Anti-Tankie community and or a Left Anti-communist community they (almost) always side with US-NATO / First World Chauvinism and condemn the BRICS+ / Third World...

That's pretty much like the norm for Anti-Tankies and Left Anti-Communists, they will almost always side with US-NATO and condemn the BRICS+ almost all the time when it comes about world politics and geopolitical issues...

Why do Liberals and Anti-communists claim Communists and Socialists are "Authoritarian/Totalitarian" when they (libs and anticoms) openly advocate for Authoritarian/Totalitarian Capitalism?

Why do Liberals and Anti-communists claim Communists and Socialists are "Authoritarian/Totalitarian" when they (libs and anticoms) openly advocate for Authoritarian/Totalitarian Capitalism/Neoliberalism?

I simply can't really understand why do Liberals and Anti-communists always keep saying that Socialism/Communism are "Authoritarian/Totalitarian" ideologies when they, Libs and Anticoms, can openly advocate for Authoritarian/Totalitarian Capitalism/Neoliberalism, whatever if it is advocating for the full privatization of everything and or if it is by having an Authoritarian Capitalist government with a facade democracy and with a quasi-legal appearance.

Like, I simply can't take how much Liberals always complain about "Socialism/Communism is one-party state" when clearly PRC has far more parties than in the USA and than most Westerner countries, as well as even DPRK has more parties on parliament than the USA itself. But still liberals will just go and say "yeah, the multi-party system on the West is not perfect, still it is better than the multi-party system from PRC and DPRK", and stuff like that.

Without mention they will legit say that "council/proletarian/socialist democracy is not democracy because it doesn't allow right-wing parties" but they will say "liberal democracy is democracy because ppl can vote periodically, even if it means they can only vote for liberal parties", and they will even dare to say "ppl should be allowed to have any kind of opinion on a proletarian democracy and freedom of speech should be absolute under a proletarian democracy and no law should violate the absolute freedom of speech" yet they will say "but you have freedom of speech under liberal democracy, as long as what you say don't go against the law" and they will still add "but the laws are made by the majority who voted for them on liberal democracy".

And some of them will even deny the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie because "everyone can be bourgeois" and or "but left-wing canditates are often elected" and just go full survivorship bias about that.

Without mention, you can even mention about the tyranny of the legislative power and of the judicial power and they will say "but it was the ppl who voted for the legislative and the judicial power just obey the legislative", and stuff like that. And some will even dare to say "but if it legal and constitutional, then it is not authoritarianism nor totalitarianism".

I could even mention about how much about spying and the Aiport Security Papers Please thing, but their answer is always like "yet it is not prison, if you don't do anything wrong, you shouldn't fear anything" and or "but they must counter terrorism etc". And you mention about Western political dissidents and stuff and they will say "well, they were antidemocratic, even if they advocated for more democracy, since stuff like direct democracy and democratic socialism are utopian because ppl are just too ignorant, but ppl are very aware of who they are voting on liberal democracy".

And that is fun how they always say "Socialism and Communism = Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism" yet they will just ignore all examples of authoritarianism/totalitarianism under capitalism. And some will even go to "but that is not real democracy" mode, and some will even say "well, liberal democracy doesn't mean freedomocracy, because freedomocracy means that ppl can be free and stuff, and not oppressed nor repressed as it happens under most liberal democracies out that."

And about Colletivism, that is fun how much they claim to be against "Collectivism" and they will claim "Democracy is Collectivism" etc, yet they will go to defend Javier Milei and Ancap politicians until the very end and if you say "but every state is inherently collectivist" and or "but every law is inherently collectivist" or they will just go cognitive dissonance mode and or they will just say "but look, Javier Milei is not a Collectivist himself, he is an Individualist who is just playing with the cards with the Collectivist State and with the Collectivist Laws and the Collectivist Law Enforcement, and he will abolish both three ASAP." And stuff like that.

Sorry if it is quite long post. I just think I said everything about that.

Zionism is Folkism, it shouldn't be controversial to say so

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> Yes, Zionism is folkism. You can't say you're for anti-folkism if you're for Zionism

Liberals defending liberal "democracy" until the very end be like:

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> All of these arguments were used by a liberal I was arguing with on r/BrasildoB

I have just called the West/USA/NATO "National Socialist (Nazi)" while arguing with a NATOist in another instance

I dunno if such kinds of posts are allowed here on Hexbear, but, is it too bad to unironically say the West/USA/NATO "National Socialist (Nazi)" / Fascist while arguing with NATOists/NAFOists/Liberals online? Because by seeing the amount of stuff NATOists say online, I really can't differ their discourse from NS discourse, except maybe by just replacing Germany by the West but still with the same speech about ethnic cleasing and genocide against non-Westerners, against Natives, against Leftists, against Jews of Conscience (Anti-Zionist Jews), against ppl from Third World Countries / Global South Countries, against Western political dissidents, against colonized nations etc.

Sorry for saying "National Socialist" and "NS", I am mostly saying so for do not trigger some users here who mind find the word "Nazi" just too intense/offensive.

This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme
  • And yes, liberal democracy is the moderate branch of national socialism and the moderate branch of fascism, and liberalism is just national socialism (fascism) in disguise just like neoliberalism is just neo national socialism (neofascism) in disguise.

  • This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme
  • And if you both that, it is very well proven that the Yellow-Blue-Brown Alliance (Liberal-Conservative-Far-Right Alliance) is pretty much real, mainly when it comes to the West and Westerner countries, like countries from the Americas + Europe.

  • This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme
  • Yes NATO, the USA, and the UK are National Socialist countries/states/organizations (more specifically Neoliberal/Capitalist National Socialist Countries/States/Organizations). As a Brazilian myself who had food insecurity under Bolsonaro's government, I am very aware of how much capitalism and neoliberalism are straight up National Socialism just like supporters of capitalism/neoliberalism are very likely to be moderate national socialists to hard-line national socialists... Bolsonaro, Trump, Biden, Milei, Meloni, Angelo Bonelli, the folks from Centrão, the folks of the PL (Brazilian Liberal Party), Democrats, Republicans, and most ppl from the Three Powers from Westerner Countries (the Americas + Europe + Israel + Taiwan + South Korea + all of the First World / Global North) are indeed National Socialists. Capitalism and Neoliberalism are National Socialist ideologies lmaooo

  • This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme
  • Bro is a NATOist lmaoooo

    NATOists have no right to talk about Non-West "Aggression" because NATO itself and US itself are inherently aggressive nations/organizations...

  • This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme
  • That is fun how you liberals talk about "Russian aggression" at the same time it is also about an US-NATO Proxy War too, what's next? Say that the Gaza War was an HAMAS aggression rather than a systemic apartheid of Palestinians by Israel? Lmaooo

    I wonder what you liberals think about the US bombing on the Middle East and on Libya

  • This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme
  • And that is fun because Communists and Tankies say that both sidesing cleary favoring US-NATO proxy war in Ukraine lmaoooo

    And what's wrong in being a tankie? Better than be a liberal/radlib/NATOist/NAFOist lmaooo

  • Why do Liberals consider the Holodomor as a "Genocide" but not the 1990s Russian Federation famine; at the same time they consider the Uyghur Issues as a "Genocide" but not the European Minorities+
  • Yeah, you're right about that.

    I don't have anything to criticize on your comment, you were very complete on that.

    I would also add that terms like "Democracy", "Authoritarianism", "Totalitarianism", "Extremism", "Radicalism" and the like are also political/social categories. Like, Liberals want we all to believe that a political system where you can only participate by voting periodically and where you can barely choose your candidates because the candidate appointed by the Capital-Market almost always wins is "democracy" but a political system where you can actively participate of politics and even directly help your community without the risk of your community project be crackdown by a privatization and or prohibited by a parliament and or a supreme cort is "dictatorship". Same way Liberals legit want us to think that we must tolerate everyone under a Council/Proletariat/People's/Worker's Democracy, including racism, xenophobia, fascism, ableism, homophobia etc because it is all "opinions" and "freedom of speech" while liberals are fine with Liberal "Democracies" brutally suppress Leftists and Pro-Palestinian people because it is "the law". Same way liberals legit think that the mere fact of we socialists/communists make opposition to a political group like the right-wing and or new atheists (Reddit/RationalWiki-style Atheists - Neopositivists, Scientificists and the like) and or religious fundamentalists (like Christian Nationalists, Zionists etc) is "wanting to genocide everyone you disagree with" yet liberals/radlibs wanting the mass arrest/prison of Socialists/Communists/Leftists is "fine" because "it is law enforcement".

    I would even say that the law and justice are political/social categories and are just like the terms previously mentioned here, I mean, treating about political/social themes, of course. Yet, that is fun how much Liberals think that ppl can't criticize "democracy" because "It is the will of majority" and they will just go like this:

  • Why do Liberals consider the Holodomor as a "Genocide" but not the 1990s Russian Federation famine; at the same time they consider the Uyghur Issues as a "Genocide" but not the European Minorities+
  • When the West commits a famine, it is untentional and "the fault of the ppl who starved" but when it is non-west it is an intentional famine... Just look at how the West treats the Holodomor compared to the Irish Potato Famine and the Bengali Famine.

  • Why do Liberals consider the Holodomor as a "Genocide" but not the 1990s Russian Federation famine; at the same time they consider the Uyghur Issues as a "Genocide" but not the European Minorities+
  • Well, in this case, I am mostly asking so because of how much liberals and anti-communists talk about "muh Holodomor", "muh Communism/Socialism is a genocidal ideology" at the same time they just ignore all the genocides made by capitalism/neoliberalism.

    I am mostly asking this because I am done of liberals instant banning me and or mass downvoting me on Lemmy and outside Lemmy for saying things like "the Holodomor was not intentional" and or "there were more far more famines and genocides under capitalism than under communism".

    And I think the last paragraph already says everything btw, I can't take how much liberals can talk about "muh Uyghur genocide" and that's it, and if you disagree with them you're a "genocide denier" yet they will straight up deny all literal genocides of minorities on Europe and on the Americas... And that is fun how much they are for a "Uyghur Nation" yet they will call you "ethno-nationalist" if you support that all minorities from Europe (Catalonians, Basques, Galicians, Sami, Venetians, Scots, Welsh, Cornish, Northern Irish etc) have the right to have their own nations and to be members of the European Union and of the Schengen Space...

  • Why do Liberals consider the Holodomor as a "Genocide" but not the 1990s Russian Federation famine; at the same time they consider the Uyghur Issues as a "Genocide" but not the European Minorities+

    Why do Liberals consider the Holodomor as a "Genocide" but not the 1990s Russian Federation famine; at the same time they consider the Uyghur Issues as a "Genocide" but not the European Minorities (Scots, Welsh, Irish, Bretton, Catalonians, Basques, Sami etc) as several genocides?

    I don't think I need to elaborate any more here, except that I simply can't understand why the whole "genocide denial" thing always apply to Ukrainians and Uyghurs but never to 1990s Russians and or to Scots, Welsh, Irish, Bretton, Catalonians, Basques, Sami, Venetians, Occitanians, Galicians, Cornish and the like. And even about the Indigenous peoples of the Americas and of Africa and Oceania too. And also, if Liberals are too obsessed with Holodomor, why don't they talk about 1990s Russian Federation famine and about all the post-1990 famines all around the world on capitalist countries? Or even about historical capitalist famines like the Irish Potato Famine and all the famines on the British Raj? At this point liberals are even more genocide deniers than any tankie ever.

    Personally, I'm half-Italian (half-Venetian) by blood, and there are literally very few content about the genocide / ethnic cleasing / cultural genocide Venetians have suffered over centuries under Austrian and Italian occupation... Brazilian Venetians have some things in common with pre-Italy Veneto than post-Italian Unification Veneto. Without mention it is also possible to talk about the genocide of Catalonians, Basques, Brettons, Occitanians, the Cornish, the Scots, the Welsh, the Irish, the Sami, and so over Europe, without mention all of the genocides that happened on the Americas against Natives as well.

    This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme

    publicação cruzada de:

    > publicação cruzada de: > > > publicação cruzada de: > > > > > I agree with a Second October Revolution yes, despite I am aware that this war is mostly an US-NATO proxy war on Ukraine and how much the Euromaidan was a pro-US, pro-NATO, and pro-EU coup d'etat...

    The place for leftist memes Dumuabzu [he/him, they/them]
    This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme

    publicação cruzada de:

    > publicação cruzada de: > > > I agree with a Second October Revolution yes, despite I am aware that this war is mostly an US-NATO proxy war on Ukraine and how much the Euromaidan was a pro-US, pro-NATO, and pro-EU coup d'etat...

    This have been my take on the Russo-Ukrainian war since February 2022... I dunno what you comrades think about this take/meme

    I agree with a Second October Revolution yes, despite I am aware that this war is mostly an US-NATO proxy war on Ukraine and how much the Euromaidan was a pro-US, pro-NATO, and pro-EU coup d'etat...

    A two-state solution for the Time Frame (Marco Temporal) in Brazil

    publicação cruzada de:

    > I would also make one for: Tawantinsuyu National Authority; for Aymara National Authority; Guarani National Authority; Anahuac National Authority; Maya National Authority; Turtle Island National Authority; Mapuche National Authority; Aboriginal National Authority; and so on. But that's just too much effort and I don't think it is needed for now lol.

    A two-state solution for the Time Frame (Marco Temporal) in Brazil

    publicação cruzada de:

    > I would also make one for: Tawantinsuyu National Authority; for Aymara National Authority; Guarani National Authority; Anahuac National Authority; Maya National Authority; Turtle Island National Authority; Mapuche National Authority; Aboriginal National Authority; and so on. But that's just too much effort and I don't think it is needed for now lol.

    Imaginary Maps - Your source for fictional maps. Dumuabzu [he/him, they/them]
    A two-state solution for the Time Frame (Marco Temporal) in Brazil

    publicação cruzada de:

    > I would also make one for: Tawantinsuyu National Authority; for Aymara National Authority; Guarani National Authority; Anahuac National Authority; Maya National Authority; Turtle Island National Authority; Mapuche National Authority; Aboriginal National Authority; and so on. But that's just too much effort and I don't think it is needed for now lol.

    A two-state solution for the Time Frame (Marco Temporal) in Brazil

    I would also make one for: Tawantinsuyu National Authority; for Aymara National Authority; Guarani National Authority; Anahuac National Authority; Maya National Authority; Turtle Island National Authority; Mapuche National Authority; Aboriginal National Authority; and so on. But that's just too much effort and I don't think it is needed for now lol.

    Why is Lemmy-world so reactionary, radlib/liberal and religious intolerant?
  • I mean, the main idea of the LemmyLeft/LeftLemmy would basically allow DemSocs and Left-Wing SocDems too. And also, allow users to create the same communities as there is on Lemmy-World.

  • Why is Lemmy-world so reactionary, radlib/liberal and religious intolerant?
  • Ngl, I think Hexbear/Lemmygrad moderators/admins should consier making a left-unity instance inspired on Lemmy-world, I think that is needed for sure. But I don't know how to convince the left on Lemmy to doing so. I even let the idea of a hypothetical instance like LemmyLeft or LeftLemmy, I dunno which name to use. But still, I think they should consider making a left-unity instance for go against Lemmy-world and try to get the most amount of leftists, socialists, communists, tankies, Anarchists, etc as possible.

    TLDR: Basically the moderators of Hexbear/Lemmygrad should consider making a Left-Unity United Front instance for deal with the far-rightism from Lemmy-world.

  • Liberals try not to be Fascists in defense of the West challenge [Impossible]
  • I mean, I was referring to stuff like astral projection, mediumship, channeling, NDEs, psychic powers, kinesis, and the like.

  • Liberals try not to be Fascists in defense of the West challenge [Impossible]
  • Yeah, I see.

    I can agree with you on that btw.

    And, what about other leftist tendencies like Communalism, Libertarian Municipalism etc?

  • Liberals try not to be Fascists in defense of the West challenge [Impossible]
  • Yes, do that.

    The paranormal community needs Socialism/Communism too, and vice-versa.

    It was my spiritual/divine experiences that made me to stay as a socialist/communist for long time before I got social sciences classes at university.

    And also, I think it is just like Earth Liberation Studio says about religion and the like.

  • Liberals try not to be Fascists in defense of the West challenge [Impossible]
  • Here is the response from the r/TankieTheDeprogram comrade