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Starfield Review - Buy, Wait, Never touch
  • That's fair, but also, the fact that it has procedural generation should not be a surprise to anyone at this point, they were very open about it.

    I'm just hoping there's an easy way to distinguish in game between the procedural stuff that's not worth exploring and the stuff that is. I'm hoping it can be safely ignored, but it WILL be annoying if they hide really interesting questlines on otherwise barren planets.

  • Starfield - Review Thread (87/100 OpenCritic)
  • There's quite a wide range of reviews. I tend to trust the ones who talk about how much fun the side content and faction quests a lot more than I trust the ones that were underwhelmed by the main questline. I've been playing these games since Oblivion and the only main questline I ever finished was Fallout NV.

  • Starfield - Review Thread (87/100 OpenCritic)
  • Not really the same type of game at all. Elite is a fun simulation but there's essentially no story.

    In the same way, I'm sure the space combat will be fun in Starfield, with essentially no depth.

  • Starfield Launch Details, PC Specs and More
  • Yeah I watched that. It was almost all dev talk, some views on the major city, and some promises. I meant like, I haven't seen ANY impressions from outside the company that made the game.

    But yeah, review embargo is up so let's see

  • Starfield Launch Details, PC Specs and More
  • Man I wish I could even get a consistent impression out of anyone. I've been scrounging for pre-release footage but Beth is being weirdly tight lipped about this one.

    100% a wait for the reviews situation, the less they show off the more I worry they're hiding something. Just a reminder to everyone, Fallout 76 was the last game they released...

  • Starfield Launch Details, PC Specs and More
  • Am I crazy or has there been almost no pre-release coverage of this game?

    Oblivion and Fallout 3 are two of my all-time favourite games (I've played the others as well but those 2 stuck with me the most) but I just cannot get hyped for this game. It's like a black box with people's hopes and dreams, and it feels like people are just hyping themselves up by imagining what could be inside it.

    I couldn't imagine pre-ordering this game in particular. Beth has been so quiet I'm worried it may just be a total flop.

  • The sneaking suspicion that I'm being robbed
  • Unfortunate but this is the truth. Too many of us have been accustomed to small luxuries like "affording takeout", but we unfortunately have been priced out of being able to afford stuff like this.

    It's a tough pill to swallow if you've been doing it your whole life and think that a functioning adult with a full-time job should be able to afford some takeout every now and again. We are not the generation that gets to enjoy that privilege, it seems.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Centrism being villified in America is really weird, as that is explicitly championing extremism over moderation.

    Leaping so hard onto one side that you cannot tolerate anyone's toe out of line, the party line must be upheld at all costs, is exactly the same kind of extremist shit we go after the right for. Just be better. It's easy to get caught up into the "us vs them", "black vs white", "red vs blue" thing, but it's really not that simple.

    The example above is a strawman. I can do it too. One side says "kill all minorities", and the other side says "all minorities should become the new upper class of society." Neither side is actually pushing for either of those things, and we've turned real issues into disconnected make believe.

    You're simplifying the problem to the point where you don't even have to think about it or consider a single argument. It's much easier if you make up some extremist shit and then say anything and everything is justified in opposition of that extreme.

  • The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned
  • That's what makes the "I'm not bought and paid for so I can say it's a hoax freely" line so weird.

    I've never understood how people not being paid to intentionally misunderstand the topic can go on about the hoax line.

  • Ex-Tesla employee reveals shocking details on worker conditions: 'You get fired on the spot.'
  • Yes, I think if your political views are actively hurting someone or advocating for harm to a group of people then you should be held responsible for the shit that comes out of your own mouth.

    This is not even remotely comparable to being unable to fire someone just because they're black, or gay, or a woman.

  • Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap
  • That's the thing though, it's not Netflix vs cable anymore. It's Netflix + Disney + Prime + whatever other streaming services have the shit you actually want to watch. And when you add it up, it's just like cable packages. The only advantage is it's all on demand.

  • Ex-Tesla employee reveals shocking details on worker conditions: 'You get fired on the spot.'
  • Are you comparing an intentional political stance that someone (hopefully) reasoned themselves into as equally inescapable of the colour of one's skin, or sexual orientation?

    Crazy thought, if you're getting put on blast due to your political views you absolutely do not need to continue sharing them with the class.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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