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Switching to more privacy friendly alternatives
  • It's worse for me in my country, 90% of people use Viber. Which not only has the same lack of privacy with other popular messengers, it's also ugly, filled with ads and company bots, and it's obviously targeted to teenagers. It's so weird to me that people use this app, but I guess most people's choice is always "whatever my most contacts use". I've been trying to introduce my friends to something better, I would prefer Signal but literally zero of my contacts use it. On Telegram on the other hand, I found 4-5 of my contacts already using it so I started from there, added my family too, and I'm slowly trying to add more friends. Until then, like others said, I'll use whatever for a casual message, and I'll just call the person for anything more personal or private.

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  • I've been using "Should I Answer?", it's not as popular as others so the database may be less updated, but it's free (although it does offer a subscription plan, but the free version does not lack any features). Works fine for me, I never had a spam call, but on the other hand I live in a European country and the spam and robocalls are very limited, I was getting maybe 5-10 spam calls per year before using a call blocker.

  • Twitch has stories now, because all social media has to be the same
  • Or, more accurately, you're not trying to please the product, you're trying to please the shareholders, and the advertisers who are the actual customers.

  • What is your favorite todo app without a subscription?
  • Before migrating to TickTick (free plan is good enough for me) I had be using 2do, which is pretty good but paid. I'd like to switch to but it doesn't have an OSX desktop app yet. I'm currently looking into self-hosting Vikunja, still haven't managed to set it up.

  • Do you run a Custom ROM?
  • Me too! I didn't even realize until this thread that Cyanogenmod is not the most popular custom rom anymore. I don't even know if it's still around and how custom roms have changed and improved all these years.

  • Do you run a Custom ROM?
  • Same here. It doesn't worth the time to set it up and the risk to brick my phone anymore. There are many nice launcher apps to fully customize the interface now, and I don't really care to improve resource and battery consumption. The only reason I still root my phones is to remove bloatware. I don't even need Adaway anymore since there is Blokada and Firefox + uBlock.

  • 1Password vs BitWarden
  • I jumped to Bitwarden the moment 1password switched to subscription model, and I'm very glad I did although I was a 1password user for many years. Bitwarden works perfectly fine for me. Sure, 1password is more polished, but Bitwarden is open source which I value more.

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  • I tried to do something similar a while ago, as practice while learning C#. It was just randomly picking and matching themes and templates from a list of presets, so the results were random but limited. I'd love to try your website but the link doesn't seem to work for me.

  • Has anyone used or contributed to OpenStreetMap?
  • OSM is my favorite, I love the clean interface. Since Google maps has no option to disable advertised and promoted business pins on the default map, I don't use it at all.

  • Droid_B612 Droid_B612
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