Fuck this makes me sad, I got a man rush on Jensen and was really hoping for another instalment
Check out Becoming the Archetypes new album
I haven't really paid much attention to in flames over the years so I listened to their discography from earliest to latest release recently, lots of bands change over time but these guys changed alot! I like some, and I mean some of their new stuff but I find their earlier stuff way better personally.
I thought about it and didn't come to that conclusion. Maybe you're just a shit head?
They need to pay programmers to fix these bugs, so ads.
I'm glad you get it :) but yes, it is rather sad. Let's watch our comments delve into downvote hell..and really who gives a shit anyway lol downvote away!
I'll take money to get multiple probes shoved up my ass. Where do I sign up?
I win, you have lost. I will always be a winner and you will always be a loser. That's why I don't give a shit and you do. First comes the praise but if we don't heighten, it is nothing but caves.
By saying 'who gives a shit' is a perfectly normal way of expressing ones lack of giving a fuck about a thing/situation
Wtf would I give two shits about the thoughts and opinions of some random on the side of the world
Yep, just don't dare cross my opinion of what's right or wrong
The Stanley Parable
You are right, it does take commitment!
Soft breaches are only when we let 'them' in. Foreclosure of your connections to the old vibs is the only way to stop this. Otherwise, there remains no more lines.
What is reality when we fail to recognize ourselves? Before we dive into mixture, turn down the selflessness and reach for new beginnings.
I went to thetvdb.com site yesterday and much to my surprise, they won't let me in unless I subscribe or turn off my adblocker. Is there any workaround for this?