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  • Considering the extreme risk involved despite the low odds, I would not.
    It is tempting and the odds of hitting that 1% on the first press are low, so the chance of a payoff is very good, but on the other hand, you won't get any money if you hit that 1% first try, so even leaving money for loved ones is out of the question there.

  • voltage rule
  • Except superconductors often conduct better when they are cold (unfortunately, would be nice if a room temperature one was found but probably isn't going to happen).

  • voltage rule
  • Silicon isn't a conductor, it's a semiconductor. Also conductivity is dependent on temperature, hot stuff usually conducts easier, though some things conduct easier when they are colder. Even at the low voltage it's more complicated than "Conductors" and "Insulators" we learn in those ultra basic electronics guides online (or in school if you're lucky).

  • Featured
    Rules, regulations, or: why am I banned???
  • I've seem many people from Europe refer to communist parties and Russia as far left because they do embody certain socialist ideas that are leftist but take it well beyond the point of being a good thing, so in this regard yes they are far left. Thing is you absolutely can go way too far with any philosophy. I do agree that what they did with the political compass is good though because it reflects the actual nature of being an extremist socially while also representing the economic value, though in these situations they are still very far to the left of countries with economies that aren't exclusively controlled by state (North Korea is a great example).

  • Should I join "free speech" alternatives?
  • Also tracking protection in the browser to prevent reading browser history and such. Security and privacy practices are absolutely paramount if you're planning on visiting services like that. Of course the best thing is to not visit them at all but some people feel they need to see it for themselves, if they choose they should be prepared and keep themselves safe.

  • Eurulevision
  • Also helps with NonBinary representation too.

  • Denuvo Outage Makes Hit Single-Player Game Persona 5 Royal Unplayable
  • The problem is that basically any anti-cheat that isn't server side and is installed locally on the machine is in one way or another a rootkit (especially the ring 0 ones), and because their purpose is obfuscation they often do more than they say they do and their operators have no accountability, we can't, and shouldn't trust them. Server side ones make sense and I don't have any issues with those, as those can't affect the host machine (except due to vulnerabilities).

    Though I’d argue it should be optional for “private” experiences, like private servers.

    I'm a big proponent for decentralized online play where the servers aren't based on the company which has a desire to make money off you (the whole reason they're trying to put rootkits in people's computers). Especially after all the shit around online games terminating their services and becoming unplayable, for games with decentralized online play and matchtaking services this basically wouldn't happen, sure a game could become unpopular but even if there were no servers for a game like that, one could still start up a server for their friends to play on together, these games never really die.

  • Based on recent events
  • Yeah I couldn't agree more, they've caused enough issues to prove that it really isn't and hasn't been a joke for a long time.

  • Denuvo Outage Makes Hit Single-Player Game Persona 5 Royal Unplayable
  • Considering how awful I've seen anti-cheat discussions on Steam and Xbox go I really don't have much hope for those people's ability to unite together against something like this. Oh and in case people try and say that anti-cheat and DRM are different things, that is true, but also not really, they're both software designed to restrict the things that a user can do with a game they have bought, the only difference is that anti-cheat is way more accepted, and the community is willing to witch-hunt and slander people who don't accept it. Also I've seen cases of Anti-cheats in singleplayer games being used as a sort of anti-tamper DRM, so they're really not that different.

  • Based on recent events
  • You're either confusing me with someone else or whatever app you're using is broken because I am not an instance admin here.

    Also even if I was it still wouldn't be my decision alone and would be up to the rest of the team to decide, because that's how a large instance is run, you don't just go do big things like that randomly without having a discussion about it first.


  • Based on recent events
  • Most people on hexbear with any desire to participate in good faith will have other accounts elsewhere, Hexbear is already isolated as can be so multiple accounts is basically required for them to participate on the rest of the Fediverse. Shouldn't feel too bad about cutting off their Hexbear accounts since they almost certainly have others.

  • Based on recent events
  • Really wish people would take the time to learn how the options work and not just assume they work a certain way, instance blocks are just for communities and not the users on the instance:

    Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

    When people frame this option as if it's an alternative to defederation it is both deceptive and dishonest because it does not help with the current issues instances like hexbear bring to the table, it just blocks the communities of that instance.

  • Denuvo Outage Makes Hit Single-Player Game Unplayable [Persona 5]
  • Most of the people who shill for DRM are such sad and pathetic trolls that they usually get banned from most sensible communities and platforms, there are still a good amount on Reddit but even there they often get buried with downvotes.

  • Based on recent events
  • You are a sad and pathetic troll, it's funny because you'll just be banned, have the messages deleted and then everyone will forget all about you. It's literally pointless for you to even be doing this.
    I will admit that it is funny and enjoyable when the time comes for trolls to be banned.

  • Based on recent events
  • But I’m sure we’d be loosing good people from hexbear too

    Not really, the good people will just make accounts elsewhere and start using those accounts to interact here and on the rest of the fediverse, most of the good ones already do that because hexbear is already very isolated by virtue of the fact they're using whitelist federation and also the fact that they already have been defederated for the spam, trolling, and harassment their less savory members bring about (and more importantly the fact that it is unpunished by their instance's moderators if not encouraged).

  • Based on recent events
  • Yeah they're posting from a account, doesn't tolerate spammers, which is what this guy is. He is posting emoji spam.

  • Based on recent events
  • You may want to remember that blocking servers in lemmy only really targets the communities and doesn't target users from the instance. So in these situations it kinda doesn't do anything. It's a common misconception that instance blocking in Lemmy is stronger than it actually is and many people think it does things that it doesn't actually do.

    Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

  • Do you think switch hacking will become safer in the future?
  • By use of a voltage glitching chip that glitches the chip to bypass checks and inject the boot code. It's a different exploit altogether and requires hardware modding. That method can mod all Switches from Late v1 systems all the way up to the OLED and the exploit might even work on the Switch's sucessor (would require a new chip for the new hardware and likely modifications to the glitching routine)

  • minerule
  • The issue is the server doesn't use plugins since they had lots of issues after each update while using plugins and the maintainers decided it wasn't worth it to maintain that. So as is it only has a script to minitor chat for commandts like :home :spawn :warp etc. and is otherwise completely vanilla.

    There are some downsides like that villagers don't breed but they also do give out spawn eggs and occasionally spawners, so it's still reasonably easy to renew villagers. Big downside is that farmers can't replant crops, so all crop farms are manual.

  • Do you think switch hacking will become safer in the future?
  • Well the 3ds is much older and also never had it's hardware exploit released to Nintendo before the New 3DS came out.

    Not the case with Nintendo because as Kate Temkin on her moral high horse decided to kiss Nintendo's ass and give it away to be patched on all later Nintendo Switch revisions (wasn't entirely her but she helped Nintendo directly). So there goes the Switch's equivalent of NTRboot and also probably its eqivalent of B9S as well since the New SoCs also disable auto payload rebooting functionality in AMS.

    With how much the bootloader has been documented it seems unlikely anything besides a glitching exploit (or massive leak at Nintendo) will be able to mod the later Switch revisions, you never know of course, but it doesn't look promising

  • Draconic_NEO Draconic NEO

    "Let Chaos storm, let cloud shapes swarm; I wait for form"

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