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Ukrainian soldiers near the front line were startled by sounds they initially mistook for a Russian tank, but it was a farmer spraying his fields.
  • @Peter_Arbeitslos @LaFinlandia yes and no. Yes, If they could do it timely. And #fuckrussia milanalysts need to be sharp. Not much proof they are. From this war also another dilemma: 'fog of war' through TOO MUCH data, or better too much 'noise' incl. Deep fakes. Unlikely but not impossible. Then you need proper ML/'#AI' to find signal in that forest of noise. #ukraine #destroyrussiaonceandforall

  • The Ukranian Navy confirmed the destruction of the Russian "Tsiklon" missile ship, the last cruise missile carrying ship in the Black Sea.
  • @NotMyOldRedditName @fuckingkangaroos (my gut says it has something to do with tactical positioning of the weapon system... Cruise missiles are slow in comparison to ballistic missiles and if you could preposition in minutes in a fighter jet you could outrun Enemy ad). A guess.

  • The Ukranian Navy confirmed the destruction of the Russian "Tsiklon" missile ship, the last cruise missile carrying ship in the Black Sea.
  • @NotMyOldRedditName @fuckingkangaroos that is a question I asked myself as well. But then it would be the like the famous US nuclear 'cruise missile' (from the @FRHoffmann1 header). If you saw these latest French turbo jet drones the line blurs imo. I think the US tomahawk can be land based. But an answer from a not armchair military guy would be great.

  • Nato’s failure to save Ukraine raises an existential question: what on earth is it for?
  • @jmcs and would have been #fuckrussia decision to make. Evidence shows the Russian scum backs down only against strength. So, still, #nato sucks. P. S. There l were a zillion options what the orcs could have done except nukes. Dont fall for their propaganda.

  • Nato’s failure to save Ukraine raises an existential question: what on earth is it for?
  • @jmcs @trajekolus yes and no. The perception is otherwise. The perception is an alliance of western values and democracy. And as we all Know perception is reality. So, yes, #nato sucks. There was no natural law of physics that denied the circling of F35, rafale or Tornados over Kharkiv 230222. None.

  • Military support for Ukraine | Federal Government (Germany)
  • @gravitas_deficiency @LaFinlandia yes and no. My gov usually only publishes after safe and sound delivery. Yes, force composition is a minus (if true - who knows?) but it's also signalling to the world. FR, IT have other policies. But I think a deliberate reasoning is behind it l. #ukraine

  • Two More Russian Oil Refineries Targeted in Overnight Drone Assaults
  • @mozz @LaFinlandia the topic of 'Strategic bombing' is a wide one...

  • Ukraine to Get 155mm Artillery Shells Found in Czech-Led Effort [Non-Paywalled link in the comments]
  • @Badeendje @LaFinlandia speculative: remember the #GRU blowing the Czech ammo depot? Perhaps they asked some weapons dealers (hey, desperate times...) where to 'find' things. The source will likely not be released...

  • NSFW
    Russian assault group is eliminated at close range by an M2 "Bradley" IFV from the 47th Mechanized.
  • @NOT_RICK @LaFinlandia bizarre. They should just not be raping and killing their neighbour. Easy as that.

  • DrGeraintLLannfrancheta DrGeraintLLannfrancheta

    \#ArmUkraineNow #FreeTheTornados #neverforgetHolocaust #DismantleRussiaNow / peace through superior firepower / Free West / Animal Rights / Pragmatic Green / Long live Schumans EU / DE / i chose my alter ego because of its stance against genocidal DE / Patton was right, we should have marched through / We are all heirs of Francis broken dream / Own nukes for DE & PL / Pro conscription in DE / Woke & Wehrhaft / Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus / #NAFO / Family man / LGBTQ ally

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