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tonight's plans
  • this annoys me so much, they'd probably be better of selling them as DIY sandwich kits, because they never look anything like the ads. I've mostly skipped fast food and now go to the nicer combined gas station/reststops with their own food that is better made.

  • The C++ learning process
  • Rust's cargo is great, I'd say it would be best to make the switch sooner rather than later once your code base is established. The build system and tooling alone is a great reason to switch

  • Judge Rules $400 Million Algorithmic System Illegally Denied Thousands of People’s Medicaid Benefits
  • Honestly executives and board members who receive performance bonuses and golden parachutes should carry extra liability, such that these perks can be denied or even clawed back (and used to help the damages) when their decisions have these sort of outcomes. Nothing wrong with making more when things go well, but if you're going to take a larger piece of the pie, then you need to be prepared to take a smaller piece when things go wrong (aka, cut executive pay before layoffs, etc.).

  • Every American's Social Security number, address may have been stolen in hack
  • Honestly, we need to replace social security numbers if we insist on using them as a form of identification (they never were designed for this); they follow a pattern (which is publicly available) and can be partially predicted without knowing too much about the individual. They were originally for Social Security only (hence their name), but then the IRS decided to use them for ID and then others followed suit, and we got to where we are now

  • Question from an educator
  • what software are you using and how is the class structured? It sounds like this might be a rotating group of students all using the same ipads? Does the school have access to some sort of storage medium that requires unique (per student) login credentials that the students could save their files to?

  • What is this tiny thing?! (Consensus: tick larva or nymph)
  • Deleted my previous comment as it was cursed somehow and inserted constant spaces....

    The middle one here looks a lot like a tick to me, likely in the nymph phase; also a quick search for 'bird mite' also included a good number of images of ticks as well (I had included a screenshot with some circled). You might be able to send them to your local agriculture department to be formally identified if you wanted to.

  • What is this tiny thing?! (Consensus: tick larva or nymph)
  • I agree with this, could also be tick larva (really young ticks, they go through a multihost lifecycle). If you're finding a bunch of those extra tiny ones, I suspect you walked through a nest and picked them up (good news is I believe that nymphs are less likely to carry any diseases (key term is less)). Good luck, those are a pain to spot, I'd spend a bunch of time checking everyone over throughly, the diseases that ticks can cary are no joke (then be extra alert for a while to make sure no weird rashes show up, such as the traditional lyme disease bullseye).

    A site that provides some useful info:

  • Southwest Airlines to assign seats, breaking 50-year tradition
  • I never received this survey and I fly Southwest specifically because I found their boarding process to be less of a hassle (for a single traveler who doesn't care where they sit). The only way I could see this being beneficial is if they board people in order of assigned seat in such a way as to optimize time to seat, not the BS boarding that other airlines do to try and maximize price of fair, otherwise they will have lost the whole reason I like(d) to fly them... Their simplier, no bs, boarding process.

    P.S. I really don't get people liking to pidgen hole themselves to a specific spot for any of these things, just makes it easier to inflate the prices later

  • Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet
  • This sounds odd to me, unless you connected to an Ethernet port behind a desk or somehow forced open a network closet… They also might not like it if you disconnected one of the public computers to use its cable/port; otherwise if this was an open and public port, you used it as designed and the librarian probably has watched too many Hollywood hacking movies. I have to admit, I never thought of this as a way to bypass the captive portal (sorta just assumed everyone going through the public network would have to hit it, kinda of the equivalent to having everyone sign a liability waiver).

    With that said, I can see some institutions not liking connections that aren’t part of the more traditional/commercial networking (but it doesn’t sound like the library took issue with your traffic, just the librarian didn’t like the PHY link you chose to use). For the SMS thing (I haven’t seen that used in a while, you might be able to use some sort of burner number app if they don’t filter them).

  • North Korea is evading sanctions by animating Max and Amazon shows
  • The article isn’t talking about taking the end product, it is about North Korean’s involved with the movie’s production by providing low cost manual labor for animating or ‘drafting’ the images for the shows (and then presumably a portion of this income is fed into the state). They’re not supposed to be doing this, but have identified ways to get jobs passed to them via some sort of broker who allocated part of the work to them or gets their citizens placed using fake credentials.

  • People that don’t wear antiperspirant…
  • I usually wear deodorant (which generally has an antiperspirant in it), but there are days when I don't/haven't; in this limited experience I've noticed I would generally smell worse if I haven't been active. It seems like being up and moving around and sweating from 'labor' rather than sitting and sweating (not sure how to word that) is less likely to significantly smell. With all that said, I do try to shower after the gym or when I return inside after working on significant outdoor projects.

    P.S., another data point to consider is the individual's age, as hormone levels (generally tied to age) could also influence perspiration

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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