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Fears for patient safety as GPs use ChatGPT to diagnose and treat illness
  • This is on a post about chatgpt use. Chatgpt is from the set of llms, which is a subset of ai.

    Ai is cool. The current batch of LLMs/PISS can leave.

  • Fears for patient safety as GPs use ChatGPT to diagnose and treat illness
  • I never said AI = bad. AI is much broader and contains worthwhile and non-plagiarized approaches.

    If it's worth doing, do it properly.

  • Fears for patient safety as GPs use ChatGPT to diagnose and treat illness
  • They need to lose their licenses.

    Everyone anywhere using one on the job should be fired, but medical personnel is endangering people.

  • what would be the best way to tell your supervisor to stop inquiring about your personal life and mobbing you into opening up?
  • You used a Germanism. Do you have a Betriebsrat?

    Also, don't make introversion your entire personality.

  • Triangle rule
  • The fastest way do get from A to B is not a straight line but to bone C.

  • Triangle rule
  • Or they are geodesics in non-euclidian space.

    I.. don't know what this implies.

  • Windhover
  • ... This picture makes me smile.

  • Windhover
  • Weird name for a windfucker.

    I'd be curious to see one of the shots with the head in the shade but less drastic postprocessing. I can imagine it looking actually kinda cool!

    Otherwise: Amazing shots, as always. :)

  • Vegan Nutella, made with chickpeas and rice syrup, to hit shelves
  • "Well, here in Germany, chickpea is relatively exotic."

    Where? Because.. I've been around a little bit and it wasn't. But maybe somewhere rural where pizza is still seen as weird foreign food?

  • Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • Maybe, but among the rpgs, the Hasbro one is most LLM-like.

  • Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • Fuck D&D, fuck Hasbro. There's plenty of better alternatives.

  • Sozialabgaben für Gutverdiener könnten deutlich steigen
  • Zinsertraege? Bah, Armeleutezeugs. Ich hab einfach keine Einnahmen und kein fluessiges Vermoegen. Mein Haus? Bezahlt durch guenstige Kredite mit meinen Aktien als Ruecklage. Alles geliehen, eigentlich mach ich ja sogar Verluste!

  • Sozialabgaben für Gutverdiener könnten deutlich steigen
  • Sicher? Sieht irgendwie nicht nach inhaltlicher Verbindung aus.

  • Arzttermin geschwänzt: Strafgebühren für Patienten sinnvoll?
  • Aber ja, Strafzahlungen sind hacks, keine Loesungen. Innerhalb der hacks nichtmal besonders gute.

  • Arzttermin geschwänzt: Strafgebühren für Patienten sinnvoll?
  • Also meine aerztlichen Wartezeiten waren bisher beobachtbar nicht aufgrund von Notfaellen. Einzige Ausnahme: Tieraerztliche Praxis.

  • Arzttermin geschwänzt: Strafgebühren für Patienten sinnvoll?
  • Ach deshalb geht das in der systemischen Gruppentheorie grad los. 🤡

  • Sozialabgaben für Gutverdiener könnten deutlich steigen
  • Auf den falschen Beitrag geantwortet?

  • Photography Don Piano
    Photography Don Piano
    Northern English frog (street photography)
    Egyptian goose in infrared light

    This is only IR light and kinda reduces the camouflage effectiveness a bit.

    Band practice

    Anyone wanna guess whom I photographed there?

    Haupteingang Don Piano
    Gaeb es Interesse an einer Community ueber Hydroponik im Allgemeinen?

    Frage im Titel. Ich meine mit "im Allgemeinen" z.B. dasses nicht spezifisch um Cannabis gehen wuerde (zu was sowas mal schnell werden kann..) sondern eben alles moegliche in der Richtung.

    Wenns genug Interesse gaebe wuerd ich da was aufmachen.
