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Jazz legend Nat King Cole and itinerant songwriter George Alexander Aberle, USA, late 1940s
  • When Nature Boy became a hit, Nat King Cole and his people get to go look for Eden, who was then living in the street, to give him his royalties

  • Replace cars with velomobiles
  • That's a good argument

  • What is a product that sounded promising but ended up being very underwhelming?

    You make a very good point. Things aren't black and white and because something has produced Benefits, it doesn't mean that it has only positive consequences.

  • TIL about Sebastian Münster's 1540 map of the Americas, the first one to show that North and South America were connected by an isthmus and the first to call it 'The New World.'
  • Interesting map! Cuba is the only place that appears there with its current name. Funny that the map marks cannibals in the current west of brazil

  • What are your first principles (rules you've developed) in your life?

    It was to care about other's wellbeing. I remember when it clicked, and it was the first moral principle I consciously followed

  • Regain Control in my ass
  • Peaches in regalia in my ass

  • Turkish rulelander rule
  • Good bot

  • Turkish rulelander rule

    Turkish Homelander? Did I miss a meme?

  • The Worst TV Show Finales

    It was a good ending. Dean was never going to do anything else than hunting monsters. Sam clearly wanted a life beyond that . It was also a reminder of how easy death comes and how fragile life is

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*

    But that hasn't happened with Fmovies, right? There hasn't been a replacement since it went off

  • The Worst TV Show Finales

    I didn't mind it..I did cry when Dean died. The stuff in heaven could've been better but hey.... It was covid...

  • Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive?

    Indeed. My guess is that speaks a germanic language where the English word 'organic' translates to 'biological'

  • Rain on Other Worlds
  • Asking the right questions

  • Doll_Tow_Jet-ski Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
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