Djfok43 @ Djfok43 Posts 11Comments 143Joined 2 wk. ago
He said, and I quote:
"Unless you’re on either extreme end of the bell curve, or in some other way sticking out way more than you should, it’s strange to me that anyone would deal with being bullied."
Why would it be strange to him that anyone is getting bullied? It's incredibly common especially in workplaces
Where do you live if I may ask? I'm also curious to hear the other places where it's more common. I've been looking into moving cause of the amount of bullying here unironically
Idk. When I was at a cafe not too long ago with my ex boyfriend.. he was ordering and I sat down at a table.
To put a long story short this dude basically harassed me to move to another table cause he decided the table was better for him and his 2 friends or some bs. I'm honestly not even sure. But he was a total jerk and literally made me get up and move twice, at which point I told him to go fuck himself, but he had no shame at all.
Later my ex told me he probably wouldn't have told a girl with her nails done and a purse to do the same. In this country there are a lot of women that dress fancy. I dress casual. So basically, i do think part of it is that.
I'm just wondering if it would actually stop people acting this way though.
It's weird though cause they always pick on me. For example a cashier was really rude to me, and then there was a guy right after me who she was super nice to.
I don't know wtf is happening I'm so sick of it cause it happens way too often I just want to go outside without being treated like garbage for 2 seconds
Did you literally just use all those words to imply adult bullying doesn't happen
Have you not noticed that tons of people are choosing not to have children now?
Why do people keep suggesting something I already said isn't possible, it's disrespectful af
Nah it was a legal advice group for my country, and everyone there viciously attacked me saying those people did nothing wrong and that I'm completely insane for not wanting people to sit on my car etc.
I think they all just felt personally attacked cause they do the same thing cause that's my only explanation.
Everyone here is a scammer. There's like no way to find a knowledgeable lawyer. Even Google reviews suck and aren't reliable.
Do you mean like find somewhere else to nap?
I've heard some people say they're really painful so idk :/
I mean, Germany doesn't even have English on their labels. Everything except English 💀
Idk why my phone doesn't pick up the stuff well.. they can just use plausible deniability for everything, it's extremely hard to prove anything malicious is occuring.
It's not their fault their children cry. It's not their fault the door slammed, it was an accident. They're allowed using the parking lot, it's a shared space. Etc.
Can you recommend any cameras? I have one pointed at the parking lot but I literally need to manually go through the footage for an hour every single fucking day, cause it's too far and it doesn't accurately detect the motion.
As for the car, idk how that would work I guess I would need to leave a phone with a data plan inside it? And connect it to the camera in the car? Idk
Stop playing asshole games Wat did I do tho
Maybe in america something could be done but I live in a literal shithole where the police literally won't do jack shit and seems like all of the lawyers don't even know any basic laws
Lol. The law here is a joke. People will laugh in my face (they already have)
No, it's not illegal to smoke near children. Lol
It's even legal to smoke inside your apartment and directly in front of public entrances 😃
I've tried various kinds, but the ones that work best hurt too much and I literally cannot wear them. I am a side sleeper, but i don't even think it would work when lying on the back, unless it's without a pillow maybe?
Idk I already sleep in the kitchen/living room, I turn the kitchen exhaust on and put the tv on too. I guess I could put the TV louder but I think then it's too distracting for me.
wtf are your neighbours doing
- Their kids literally scream at the top of their lungs throughout the night
- They slam their doors really loudly to where the whole apartment shakes
- they drop heavy stuff on the ground
- On top of it all they also wake up around 7am and then scream across the apartment to each other for at least an hour, ensuring I'm not able to sleep in
- Apartments here generally have poor noise insulation, I've lived in several and even in the better ones I still get woken up
I am in Europe though, where do you live that it's hard for apartment neighbours to wake you lol
Edit: the police here don't even track don't people who steal wallets, break in, and assault others if it's caught on camera.. so that's not an option lol. There is a property manager who is also completely useless. I tried bringing a more minor concern up to him and he basically told me to go fuck myself.
They all have crap reviews, including the ones that are this style :/
Amazon stuff is totally not literal garbage
I didn't neglect it. I have no choice.
I do all of that tho
Damn. See the thing is I've been sleep deprived for a few days now. I feel like at this rate if I don't study I'll never achieve my goals. Idk
My neighbours wake me up that's why
The problem is I don't know when I'll be able to have a rest