Djfok43 @ Djfok43 Posts 11Comments 141Joined 2 wk. ago
Neighbours waking me up in the middle of the night every day
Yeah, retaliate when attacked. But why the fuck are you attacking someone that didn't do anything?
Sorry it's the only one near me I can't not go
And by dressing differently you’re sending a message they can read as an opportunity to bully you with little risk.
What why
on other persons they don’t think could get them into trouble
Damn ok so that's basically every customer here lol
Why do people online constantly assume random shit that isn't true and they have no evidence of
I don't think I stand out
Office jobs, AP/AR, that kind of stuff
I mean to say, I always begin each interaction with being nice. I don't come to them with a crap mood or aggression
They are working in a store and are women, that's what they have in common
How should I be
No, I don't live there. I used to.
You're being unnecessarily antagonistic
Edit: i see you have edited the comment
It's a place where nobody gives enough of a fuck to fire people (eastern Europe) good luck getting the police to come even if you're getting murdered
Okay. Well I found workplace bullying common in the GTA. Not sure if it's like that in smaller towns, but in day to day outside I pretty much never got treated poorly there. Customer service and grocery/store workers never bullied me.
Yeah and this country is perfect for getting away with things, because there are zero repercussions for anything
Ok bully, keep circlejerking your just-world fallacy and get a grip. Back to your privilege bubble
Thanks for looking at my post history. I'm sure if I told him I won't move, I would be labelled as aggressive, uncooperative and problem creating.
You can never win.
"You seem so disdainful" yeah maybe it's because I'm nice to people every day and all I do is get treated like fucking garbage and this is my only outlet
Still don't appreciate you trying to insinuate it's my fault
He said, and I quote:
"Unless you’re on either extreme end of the bell curve, or in some other way sticking out way more than you should, it’s strange to me that anyone would deal with being bullied."
Why would it be strange to him that anyone is getting bullied? It's incredibly common especially in workplaces
Where do you live if I may ask? I'm also curious to hear the other places where it's more common. I've been looking into moving cause of the amount of bullying here unironically
Idk. When I was at a cafe not too long ago with my ex boyfriend.. he was ordering and I sat down at a table.
To put a long story short this dude basically harassed me to move to another table cause he decided the table was better for him and his 2 friends or some bs. I'm honestly not even sure. But he was a total jerk and literally made me get up and move twice, at which point I told him to go fuck himself, but he had no shame at all.
Later my ex told me he probably wouldn't have told a girl with her nails done and a purse to do the same. In this country there are a lot of women that dress fancy. I dress casual. So basically, i do think part of it is that.
I'm just wondering if it would actually stop people acting this way though.
It's weird though cause they always pick on me. For example a cashier was really rude to me, and then there was a guy right after me who she was super nice to.
I don't know wtf is happening I'm so sick of it cause it happens way too often I just want to go outside without being treated like garbage for 2 seconds