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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts
  • Except that most support groups use mainstream social media to coordinate. Just because the information isn't important to you, doesn't mean it isn't important for someone else.

    As someone who does not have Meta or X or Tiktok, I can confirm that you absolutely need an account to access most everything. Even Reddit seems to be going down that road.

  • Alaska Airlines 737 MAX 9 passengers may be crime victims: FBI
  • And they (Boeing) get a slap on the wrist and a waggled finger.

  • Hasbro Calls Larian an 'Incredible Partner' After Studio Confirms it Won't be Making Baldur's Gate 4 - IGN
  • Larian is one of the best things to happen to Faerun in quite some time. Hasbro is hands down the worst thing to happen to both Faerun and D&D in, well, ever. Larian showed us what Faerun can be. Handing the reins back to Hasbro is understandable but I weep for Faerun.

  • Dems launch 11th-hour meddling operation in Ohio GOP Senate primary
  • The DNC leadership isn't brainless and I never said they were. Theu know exactly what they're doing: Promoting fascist opponents as a core strategy. The Clinton campaign did so in 2016, so they share responsibility for Trump. Them's facts. That the rank and file aren't outraged (and indeed excuse it away) suggests that its more about team victory and less about anything else.

  • Dems launch 11th-hour meddling operation in Ohio GOP Senate primary
  • And Democrats are "merely" authoritarians who 1) have colluded with fascists for decades to secure a duopolistic stranglehold on power, 2) have endorsed many of the same positions, historically, 3) place power above all else, including risking lives by boosting the cred of a literally insane psychopath fascist so they could win in 2016, 4) share many of those fascists views on privacy, personal security, freedom of expression.

    Democrats only look good when compared to fascists. Is that really the best we can do?

  • Dems launch 11th-hour meddling operation in Ohio GOP Senate primary
  • The real issue here is that this has been a strategy of the DNC for years. As much as they'd like to deny it, they are responsible for the rise of Trump and extremism. But we'll be asked to pretend that didn't happen, again.

    When you endorse racist fascists to win, you're no better than those wh osupport them.

  • US trying to overthrow Netanyahu, senior Israeli official says
  • Israel is not a protectorate of the US but an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who choose the government

    Okay cool, can we stop supplying weapons and Intel now?

  • thinking of trying linux,
  • Vouching for PopOS, which has been my primary OS for years. The only thing I run a Win VM for is the old Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas & Campaign Cartographer. I suppose I could tinker with Wine, but it tends to be finicky with the latter.

  • thinking of trying linux,
  • Constantly having issues

    You're going to see a lot of issues on Linux boards because people go to then for help. I've been running Linux since 2020 and though there have been hiccups, its been remarkably reliable. Having said that, when there ARE issues, it can take some digging to find answers.

    Is it not stable

    Moreso than Win 11, in my experience. I use Win 11 at work and I've needed a system wipe twice. Once because networking just... stopped... and once because appx apps decided not to load.

    Ongoing issues

    Plugging PopOS as a good "set and forget" distro that is easy to grasp. The workflow is very MacOS and the tweaks they've made make for a friendlier interface v Ubuntu, IMO.

  • Thank you American software
  • World systems theory woukd suggest that the inner core should have shifted in the 21st century to include at thd very least China. Western powers may have been dominant in the mid to late 20th century but that is decidedly no longer the case; China fits every metric offered by the theory.

    I doubt OP meant that anyway, given that their statements were directed at individual actors and not national powers.

    Regardless, expressing concern because an app that both has ties to an authoritarian regime AND is effectively banned in that regime is understandable. Screaming RACIST at anyone who dares criticize China and calling them Anglos is both ridiculous and racist itself.

  • New to Lemmy. Why did you choose Lemmy when there are bigger alternatives such as 4chan and reddit.
  • I chose federated networks, not Lemmy per se. Right now I use:

    • Firefish (Mastodon with a better kit)
    • Kbin (Developing Lemmy alternative w/o problematic devs)
    • Pixelfed (Instagram alternative, good except export tools lacking)

    Federated is awesome because its more open and encourages choice, and I actually feel like there are friends to be made.

  • New to Lemmy. Why did you choose Lemmy when there are bigger alternatives such as 4chan and reddit.
  • I chose federated networks, not Lemmy per se. Right now I use:

    • Firefish (Mastodon with a better kit)
    • Kbin (Developing Lemmy alternative w/o problematic devs)
    • Pixelfed (Instagram alternative, good except export tools lacking)

    Federated is awesome because its more open and encourages choice, and I actually feel like there are friends to be made.

  • New to Lemmy. Why did you choose Lemmy when there are bigger alternatives such as 4chan and reddit.
  • I chose federated networks, not Lemmy per se. Right now I use:

    • Firefish (Mastodon with a better kit)
    • Kbin (Developing Lemmy alternative w/o problematic devs)
    • Pixelfed (Instagram alternative, good except export tools lacking)

    Federated is awesome because its more open and encourages choice, and I actually feel like there are friends to be made.

  • Thank you American software
  • Calling people "Anglos" as if their race somehow defines their worldview is racist. Expressing concern because an application with alleged ties to an authoritarian regime is sending data to an endpoint within said regime's borders might be silly, but it has nothinvg to do with race. With respect, that right there is some Israel "pointing out our human rights atrocities is antisemitic" level of bullshit.

  • Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down
  • Is this the same system they use to slow down basically everything at AMS? Like seriously, that's the worst, dirtiest major international airport I've ever had the misfortune of having to use.

  • Trans youth will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England says
  • I've seen space vampires enslave circus clowns in a plot to corner the world's market on instant ramen, too.

    Source: Trust me bro.

  • Trans youth will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers, NHS England says
  • I've seen space vampires enslave circus clowns in a plot to corner the world's market on instant ramen, too.

    Source: Trust me bro.

  • Joe Biden suddenly leads Donald Trump in multiple polls
  • Or you know, vote for someone who wouldn't support it in the first place...which you could do if the DNC didn't collude with fascists to keep alternative voices silenced.

  • Joe Biden suddenly leads Donald Trump in multiple polls
  • Reducing a systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing to an "international policy" is gross.

  • Joe Biden suddenly leads Donald Trump in multiple polls
  • If it were up to me, I would see the Republican party dismantled. Were I a member, I would vote for it's dissolution. But thing is, they can nominate whoever they like, including a fascist psychopath. That he's second most likely to win is a direct result of GOP and DNC collusion.

  • Mapping the Demographics of the Western Heartlands

    Sorry for the mere preview; I'm not sure how to upload multiple images on Kbin, if there is a way at all.

    If it piques your interest, you can find the rest of it on my Erisly profile here.

    So what is this? Basically, we've created a comprehensive random person generator for the Western Heartlands (where Baldur's Gate takes place) based on demographic data gleaned from Forgotten Realms sourcebooks. I know it's isn't strictly Baldur's Gate III, but we thought those of you who also enjoy tabletop play might find it handy.

    Use, enjoy, or ignore as you like!

    Proton Support Issues

    I've been trying to get answers from Proton for literal months concerning critical functionality issues with their mobile Android client. Messages are often truncated / missing data; clearly, there's a disconnect between the cached version of the message and the message the user sees. Unfortunately, every attempt to resolve this with support is met with boilerplate "try our beta app" at best, ghosting at worst.

    I have supported Proton as a paid user since 2018. It would be nice to think that they value their early adopters, but... honestly... their actions suggest otherwise.

    Edit: Proton acknowledges the issue, offers no timeline for a fix:

    > > > Please be informed that the issue has been reported and our developers are aware, they are look for fixing it in one of the future updates of the app. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an ETA on when the permanent fix will be available. > >

    Issues with Android Client: Truncated messages?

    Good afternoon (or whatever time it may be for you!) Long-time supporter of Proton here with a strange, possibly deal-breaking issue. For the past few months, my users have been noticing that outgoing mail is often missing the end of their message. So far, Proton has been unhelpful, pasting in boilerplate about using the beta client (we did, no luck) and promising that they're working the issue.

    With the issue reported in September and it now being December, I'm not super hopeful! We use Proton for professional stuff, so this truncating messages deal is not cool. Anyone have any magical fixes we can try?

    Here's to hoping!

    Diotima Diotima
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