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I love the range of usernames we have here lmao
  • I make it no secret that I’m proud of this one

  • Lib Green thinks Biden is Doing His Best
  • Hank Green is just that guy from Mentopolis. You can’t convince me he’s a Youtuber.

  • Holy shit, lemmitor's annoying liberal self righteousness is off the charts
  • The comparison to Christian fascists is interesting. I grew up in an evangelical cult and follow a lot of ex Christians on TikTok. A lot of these people, when they delve into politics, are unable to see anything but echoes of their own experiences with Christian fascists when talking about any kind of extremism. It’s understandable but I also don’t wanna dismiss people excusing structural violence under capitalism just because they have religious trauma. It’s something I empathize with a lot and simultaneously have no patience for because trying to get through to them often involves retraumatizing myself, too. Shit sucks, especially when I’ve put more energy than your average western leftist into deconstructing all the aspects of Christianity that are just baked into the culture here.

  • Slay the Princess’ endgame is now bigger and stranger with more choices and over 3000 words of new dialogue
  • I just finished this last month. What a lovely game. Gotta try out the update.

  • this is about a game you like
  • The specs required to run high render distance mods with beautiful shaders keep going down. There’s legit work being done if you don’t fall into the trap of moving the goalpost every time a new wave of mods comes out.

  • Do you think Russia would have become less terrible with LGBT and woman's rights if the Soviet Union was still a thing?
  • Yes, worsening conditions mean people need scapegoats. The people in charge of the political machine may not even necessarily be scapegoating (though they often are). Sometimes there’s just a cultural search for explanations and the reactionary reasons happen to win out by the time they reach the ears of someone who can do something about it. Also, improving conditions make it easier for activists to operate. More resources, more hope, more free time, less death. It’s not a 1-to-1 link and there are other factors, but there’s a connection. You can also look at things like unequal distribution of prosperity. The success of the black suffrage movement in the US followed a boom where white Americans came into tremendous wealth which wasn’t shared among the black population. And where black communities were able to get some for themselves and develop their own prosperity, towns were bulldozed, flooded, or otherwise destroyed. And of course we already know about things like red lining. Prosperity plays a major part in that story.

  • Some highlights from a recent lemmy lib dunking on lemmygrad
  • I believe it was originally squatted on by some maga communist type. Kinda like how redirects.

  • Some highlights from a recent lemmy lib dunking on lemmygrad
  • While this quote does not encapsulate marx’s entire view on the state, it shows that Marx sees that the state is bourgeois and therefore antagonistic to the proletariat.

    I understood why the person made this mistake, but goddamn it was funny to watch them repeatedly double down on it.

  • Every time Norman Finkelstein calls Destiny by his name
  • Hasan covered it in full and Destiny in turn covered Hasan’s coverage, resulting in Destiny rage quitting his stream multiple days in a row.

  • Your journey with Lemmy: When and why did you join? When did you leave and come back? Are you finally settled?
  • I first joined up almost 4 years ago following the r/chapotraphouse ban. It feels like it’s been so much longer.

  • "Tesla is KILLING my OPSEC" Good, I hope that's not the only thing it kills.
  • 0% chance this person has a threat model that necessitates not being tracked in their car. That said, most modern cars have similar tracking abilities and simply don’t expose them via an app.

    Edit: I didn’t catch that it was in r/adultery. Good lord.

  • What lesser known free and open source software do you use daily to improve your life?
  • It’s open source, so you can use their official hosted service or you can self host for free.

  • What lesser known free and open source software do you use daily to improve your life?
  • Loomio

    It’s project management software made by and for worker cooperatives. It’s useful for any kind of organization where you want to be able to scale without introducing management hierarchy, want members to be able to come and go, and just generally value transparency and spontaneity.

  • corpo chat apps are violence
  • There was a point at my company where I was expected to monitor Skype, Teams, and Slack all at once. And then my team also had an unsanctioned Discord that we used for day to day shit.

  • Is the idea that revenge is bad a lib one?
  • If you’ve sufficiently dehumanized someone who’s harmed you in a major and who you justifiably hate, fucking them over can make you feel absolutely triumphant. I think there are four problems with revenge:

    1. It’s inherently escalatory unless you’re really methodical and sneaky about it, which most people aren’t. Accepting revenge as a permissible response to being wronged can make you overlook other options that would help deescalate the situation or bring justice, especially if the wrong wasn’t that big of a deal.
    2. The pursuit of it can be really unhealthy and pretty obsessive. It’s very much a way of consistently reinforcing rage and feeding it, so if you have the option to not do that, it’s probably best not to.
    3. Dehumanizing anyone is a psychologically destructive act. Sometimes people don’t have a choice and not everyone deserves empathy from everyone at all times for all their actions in equal measure. But again, if you have a choice, dehumanizing people isn’t great for you.
    4. You can be wrong. Simple as. You can be wrong about the perpetrator. You can be wrong about the act itself. You can be wrong about a bunch of things and taking revenge on someone who didn’t deserve it is just needless harm.
  • Just finished watching the first part of the Dan Schneider documentary (CW pedophilia, child abuse)

    Just holy shit. Holy shit. Conservative conspiracy theorists always go on and on about secret societies planting subliminal pedophilic imagery in kids’ shows and it’s ridiculous because in reality you don’t need a secret society and it barely needs to be subliminal. Just wrap your abuse up as a “joke” and get people to laugh with you. The concept of sneaking adult themes into kids’ shows has never been more insidious.

    Neuroscientists: Autism is a disease that makes you too morally inflexible to murder puppies Right Temporoparietal Junction Underlies Avoidance of Moral Transgression in Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by a core difference in theory-of-mind (ToM) ability, which extends to alterations in moral judgment and decision-making. Although the function of the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ), a key neural marker of ToM and morality, is known to be atypic...

    Right Temporoparietal Junction Underlies Avoidance of Moral Transgression in Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Apparently not changing moral stances in private vs in public makes us unable to understand personal gain. Some real Ayn Rand shit.
