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[CW: Drug discussion] Will inability of the US federal government to enforce drug laws be one of the more immediate positive domestic impacts of slowly ongoing balkanization?
  • I live in a state where cannabis is legal. There have been numerous “busts” of illegal grow operations that are allegedly connected to China.

    I think it’s a good example of how, in a state where anyone can legally buy and use a specific drug, the enforcers are still very much involved with the policing of that same drug.

    I think what you’ll see is not less enforcement - the DEA hasn’t packed up and left - but rather more specific, targeted enforcement against a particular group or organization.

  • New Kelly cartoon
  • I know this word has lost its meaning, but is the statue of liberty getting cucked?

  • Apparently Geico won't insure the Cybertruck any more.
  • Was with Geico for 20 years. 0 claims. My R8 was $1300/6 months with them. Back in February they quoted cybertruck at $3k/6 months. Finally went with progressive for $1441.

    What I want to know is why you would ever sell your R8 for a cyber truck?

    I hate that it bothers me, but I just can’t put myself in the mindset of these people.

  • Putin has secretly turned every black American online into Russian disinformation agents and that's why Biden might lose the election
  • Imagine adding the hashtag Tumblr history with full sincerity thinking you’re preserving the record and preventing the erasure of real events that mattered.

  • No matter how many times I read the words on the image, for the life of me I can’t make out what it says.

    Where does “does the work for you” fit into this?

    Am I supposed to read the Hexbear logo as part of the text?

  • A 24-karat gold-plated Cybertruck
  • Good news babe, we don’t need the angle grinder today. Grab the hair dryer.

  • Caption this.
  • Before washing on a sunny day.

    After washing on a sunny day.

  • no inbetweens
  • How I see myself when posting online (left)

    How I look IRL (right)

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • True! Also, in a pinch, their bombs can take out a few tents and a gaggle of little ones. glee

  • 🙄 in surpising news, hillary clinton acquitance comes out as supporter of status duo
  • A big problem with Stein is that she only appears every four years to be the candidate and then goes back to obscurity until the next election. It seems that she has no interest in actually building a legitimate Green Party that could compete with or even form a coalition with the D’s and the R’s.

    At least Bernie is out there doing some kind of consensus building on things like healthcare or GND and backing other D-S candidates for lower office.

    The Green Party will never take the oval office without the support of Green mayors, governors, or people in congress.

    • It just seems like kayfabe to suppress any challenge to dems from the left.
  • Biden announces new tariffs on Chinese EVs, semiconductors, solar cells and more
  • But we NEED ship to shore cranes we don’t have enough [US Flagged] for the construction that’s already underway, most of which was paid for by

    Oh. The Joseph Robinette Biden Built Back Better Bill. Huh.

    So this will affect like everything that costs money. Cool.

  • No it wont
  • John Bolton is a fictional character made by the CIA for Amazon Prime Video.

    Or at least that’s what I’m going to tell my kids anyway…

  • Beached whale
  • Driven this and other beaches on Cape Cod. Doesn’t look like the driver aired down the tires. This is a must for driving on sand there.

    The Hummer, as awful as it was, had an auto deflate and inflate feature. Something you’d expect from a six figure off roader.

    The pleebs would have to go out and stick a key into the valve and then drive to the first air compressor when you get back on the road.

    Probably doesn’t have a physical key. Doubt he has one of those 50¢ tire gauges that have a nub on the back. Shit, the car probably won’t even let you put it in drive if you have less than 10 psi in the tires.

  • Friendly reminder
  • I don’t see Sophistry on this list. Curious…

  • This quote is from a 1930s speech Walt Disney gave to try and deter people from unionizing.
  • Nope. That’s real. Disney calls them Cast Members.

    Disney University

    All new Cast Members are required to attend 'Traditions' on their first day of work; this class imparts the importance of Disney culture, heritage, values, and policies through media and group activities. This is the day where new Cast Members get their first sight of backstage.

  • This quote is from a 1930s speech Walt Disney gave to try and deter people from unionizing.
  • Nope. That’s real. Disney calls them Cast Members.

    Disney University

    All new Cast Members are required to attend 'Traditions' on their first day of work; this class imparts the importance of Disney culture, heritage, values, and policies through media and group activities. This is the day where new Cast Members get their first sight of backstage.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • What’s more, Israel is like the taunting kid standing behind his big friend acting like they’re indestructible.

    The effect of launching an attack, and having such success, is a huge blow to the idea that they won’t get a well-deserved punch in the face.

    You look at the initial reaction on October 7 when there was such disbelief that Hamas was able to penetrate the Israeli defense that people were convinced Hamas had help. People just lost their minds. The propaganda had never prepared them for the possibility.