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Evolution of a headline
  • A guy I knows thinks ukraine could still win, if we only sent the right weapons and the right ammount. This is for him.

  • BREAKING: China Orders ALL Hotels to Allow Foreign Guests
  • Oh that is very nice. It was one of the things that made me wary of travelling in china, since it would have really limited me. Though I also heard you could just get the cops to get you a place at a hotel, if you didn't find one.

  • Showering is bourgeois decadence
  • To be fair, my hair actually frizzes out when I don't wash it (with conditioner). It's fine for a day or two, but after that I should really get to it, because it also starts to itch.

    You are right though, hygiene is a space of myth nowadays. Most info out there is bullshit.

  • Woman killed by her two XL bully dogs at home in east London
  • Yeah, that common with dogs, but they wouldn't kill you over it. Like warning bites are a thing.

  • Woman killed by her two XL bully dogs at home in east London
  • If your dogs hates you to the point of opportunistic murder, it's your own fault.

  • Woman killed by her two XL bully dogs at home in east London
  • Yeah, that is the behaviour of a severly abused animal. People just horribly mistreat them.

  • Woman killed by her two XL bully dogs at home in east London
  • How bad do you have to be with dogs for your own to attack you? Like, they are psychologically so close to humans, they are social pack animals.

  • China pledges $42 billion in a slew of measures to support the struggling property sector
  • The state is not buying stocks, or securities here, but physically existing real estate and turning it into a state owned good, not one owned by a private landlord

  • Learning French in school is functionally the same as learning Latin
  • I actually like going to france? I seem to be the only person. I also like speaking the language. It is a fun one, very melodic.

  • #ThrowbackThursday: ...the Gulf War really was just one giant marketing exercise, wasn't it?
  • This is an extremly fascinating piece of nedia, I only ever knew these for the football world coup, or the like. Did they sell these to children?

  • Poor young black kids in bronx 😢😢😢
  • It's the clishee of americans asking other people if they have electricity and cars, but internally applied.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • Armenia is where Brits go to learn persian, they are excluded from Iran, and I guess Tajikistan is too "exotic" for them or something (CIA goons go to tajikistan, if you meet an ami, with a tajik accent in his persian, you know why). So they go to Yerevan, have the "orient lite" experience, and learn persian from iranian teachers.

    It is why all of those academic programs to yerevan are so expensive, because the british upper class/junior spies go there.

    Yerevan itself is a lovely city, an beautiful example of soviet urban architecture. Outside of the big cities the country becomes very poor from what I have seen. Here is a good podcast episode of the war with azerbaijan, from an Armenian

  • Communism is when Japanese capitalists manipulate the market system to extract more profits out of dipshit gamers
  • PSN is not available globally. People can't play the game, also suddenly altering a contract is garbage.

  • Palestinians are now "Stateless" according to German law
  • tbf, that was usually shortened to flak, or in this case Gebrigsflak

  • Palestinians are now "Stateless" according to German law
  • This is only a legislative map (circles) of the HRE, not a territorial one. Which used to be different things, back in the day. Each circle had an imperial court of law. Which was responsible for disputes in that circle.

  • Why is individualism a bad thing?
  • Because we live in a society and are social animals. The only way to achieve something big is by cooperating with other people. Big groups of people working together are able to achieve amazing things. Individuals cannot even really built a modern house,by themselves. It is a collective societal effort that allows for modern homes to be constructed( for example).

  • anglo moment
  • Yeah, I spent too many words to say "This is a bad idea, don't do it" tbh

  • anglo moment
  • What tge person in the post there is doing isn't working. Replacing the names in a way that still provides the same context(which is your proposal) would need you to understand exactly why each name is used each time, it is more exhausting than just learning the names. The translation also left the names in place, they didn't try to translate it, because that is a ludicrous idea. I am not sure it is possible.

  • anglo moment
  • How are you going to edit the name usage out of a book exactly? It has a meaning, you can't replace it at all, really. It's not context you can provide otherwise.

  • [Incoherent but genuine rant] Family Guy isn't funny, but the existence of Family Guy is extremely funny
  • Is there enough family guy for that kind of consumption, or does he watch it endlessly on repeat?

  • My phone died a sudden and very final death, what are some good phones to get?

    As the title says, the mainboard of my phone broke and repairing it would cost more than a new one. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'd like to be able to change the battery, if possible. Thanks for any help in advance.

    Germany in one Picture

    For those not speaking german:

    The Headline means: >Being honest means admitting: > We have imported antisemitism

    The rest of the post is about how immigration from muslim countries and "radical-islam" are to blame for anti-semitism in the country.

    This is supposed to be most leftwing party in this cursed country.

    :germany-cool: :agony-acid:

    Here's a german podcast talking about how horrible germany is with israel.
