Got up at 5:45, rode my bicycle to the nearest forest, put up my hammock and got this shot =)
Keep in mind when powering both RaspberryPi from the same powerbrick: some chargers briefly turn the power off and restart the charging when connecting or disconnecting another device. Some do this only between the same type of ports but frequently restarting your RaspberryPi is probably not what you want.
I printed a few of these: And bought a few of these: Then store everything in vacuum bags after print. Works great for me!
Aus reiner Neugierde mal nachgerechnet:
- 84,7 Mio Einwohner in Deutschland
- davon 70,1 Mio Volljährige ( )
- 22,7% der Volljährigen sind Raucher = 15,9 Mio ( )
64 Mrd Zigaretten / 15,9 Mio Raucher / 365 Tage = ca. 11 Zigaretten am Tag.
Auf alle deutschen gerechnet gib das theoretisch ca. 2,1 Zigaretten am Tag.
Ich will damit auf nichts hinaus, hat mich halt nur interessiert.
Edit: Vielen Dank an für die Korrektur, habe ich so übernommen.
Da die Karte sich halbwegs deckt mit der aktuellen Windkarte, würde ich drauf tippen, dass das von den ganzen Kaminen kommt, die in den letzten Tagen befeuert wurden. Da diese Abgase in den aller meisten Fällen komplett ungefiltert in die Luft gelangen gib es während kalten Wintertagen öfters schlechte Luft. Wenn dann noch kaum Wind weht, bleiben die Verunreinigungen lange in der Luft. (Bin kein Experte, nur meine persönliche Meinung und Beobachtung)
Check out Serve the home's TinyMiniMicro project:
This is the route I went. SFF PC with I5 3rd gen, 8GB RAM and about 20 docker Containers running at the moment @ 10% - 15% CPU usage and 3GB memory.
Power consumption is around 15W. A bit more than a Raspi but much more potent and with a easy upgrade path.
So far I have absolutely no rerets. For most things self hosted the cpu is not that important. Even transcoding is no problem with the integrated iGPU.
If you have further questions I am happy to help.
Pihole seems to upstream your requests although there is a local entry for that domain in your settings. Maybe it has something to do with using IPv6? Maybe your device prefers the cloudflare IPv6 over your local IPv4 address.
Or Maybe your device queries your pihole as well as your Router to get the IP.
Check your current dns server on your device: ipconfig /all
I have the (more or less) same setup. Your DNS entries on your pihole instance should point to the local ip of your server (192.168.x.x).
If thats the case check the dns settings of your router. Under DHCP settings there should be a input field for your dns server. This has to be the local IP of your pihole.
One thing you could do to start diagnosing the Problem is running this command: nslookup servicename.yourdomain.tld
. This should return your local IP and not a public one.
How do you determine that the requests are leaving your Network?