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Minoan Tiddy rule
  • Huh, today I learnt, Minoans were settlers and had some settlements outside of Crete in nearby islands. I still couldn't find info about Santorini itself, but you presumably have heard that piece of info somewhere, so I'll take your word for it, random internet person.

    Which should be embarrassing, because I grew up in Crete, we studied Minoan history 3-4 times throughout school, and had multiple school trips to the various ruins.

    But nope. Just dates and languages, and some of the art (this piece's clothes are historically accurate, actually. Lovely era).

  • France declares state of emergency, bans TikTok in New Caledonia amid deadly riots
  • Tl;dr:

    France tries to pass an extremely unpopular reform on its colonized island on the other side of the world, allowing french citizens to vote after 10 years of staying on the island, that just so happens to be the world's 3rd largest nickel exporter.

    Locals, already fucked by years of colonialism and being economically disadvantaged, protested, and in the escalating violence, were suppressed by armed police, that killed 3 young locals. One policeman dies, days later in the hospital from a wound.

    France locks down the airport and port with military, applies 12 days lockdown to the already curfew'd capital, and stations another 500 police men on top of the 1800, making for almost 10% of the population now, being french police.

    Tiktok is banned, because it was said to be the main way protesters organised.

    Their politicians claim no colonialism is happening.

    This article sensationalises the violence of the protesters, and dryily describes that of the French state.

    It is also ordered such that the heavier crimes against the people of the island, are placed after: a vapid introduction that "takes no sides", one mandatory extra click to "load the rest of the article", and a bunch of ads.

  • Tiddy rule
  • Here in Greece where the weather gets hot as fuck in the summer, and where we get an incredible number of tourists, it's not uncommon to see some of them (one every two days for example, if you work around the busier places in the centre of the tourist city I live in) be braless.

    Mostly younger (white, probably middle class) women, but I think people are slowly being liberated again with younger adult Gen z, after a big sexual closing-off that happened last couple decades.

  • my rule

    "u always on that damned phone" there are little gay people in here that like me

    old rule posting

    mintgoth: just learned that the word "ferret" is derived from the Latin word furittus meaning "LITTLE THIEF" and that a group of ferrets is called a BUSINESS and i am absolutely pleased with this new knowledge

    insomniac-arrest: I am enriched by this knowledge, thank you

    Sony does not remove purchase restrictions from Helldivers 2 on steam and also adds them to Ghost of Tsushima
  • In case it's not obvious to anyone reading, fitgirl is not a working out guru, and don't Google her directly, her site has 50 bajillion copycats with malware. Go to your neighborhood's friendly piracy community, and look for her in the guides.

  • Uuhhh... help with new cat meeting old cat, or soothe me please
    Day 1, panicked cry for help

    Hello, I hope it's ok to not post a picture, I'm quite a mess right now. I lack sleep, and I'm stressed, and just stopping panicking, lying down to write this and sleep.

    I just brought home, on somewhat of a whim, the goodest and most communicative little boy cat from the street (he looks around or less than 6 months).

    And I already have a lovely, cranky, scaredy cat of a 6 year old lady (sterilised).

    I made the assumed mistake of letting them meet face to face as soon as I unlocked the door to the apartment.

    Anya (old lady cat) froze, and left, scared, and went to her room with her litterbox, and has stayed there since.

    The Boy, I left a bit around the apartment, to make sure he actually wants to stay instead of going back to the street (he loves it), took him outside and back once so he could emergency shit because he didn't like the sand in the second litterbox I prepared (maybe too little, I'll get more tomorrow), and now I've closed him in the WC, with a good-sized box with his new fluffy blanket, food and water for a day, and the insufficient but untouched litterbox. And he is very happy in his box, in the closed room.

    But in between all that, were the incidents:

    A couple of times, The Boy went into Anya's room, found her, sat far away, curled his tail around his feets, and slow-blinked at her. She was not accepting. Deep-mewls, staying as far as possible (cornered), raised hairs on tail, tail circling around her side not touching her body, lowered ears, wide eyes.

    He respected the distance.

    I put him in the bathroom, closed the door, put her food outside the door to the bathroom. Left him to relax (he is, he is fine). Sat with her in her room for half an hour, so she would relax. She did a bit. Still hasn't left her room, but came for pets after a while, in her room.

    So. Given how unprepared I am for this, and how much I love both kittens, what tips do you have for me? What to be careful of?

    The situation is not ideal. Is there any condition, where I should be prepared to send The Boy to be an outside cat, for the better of everyone?

    I'm dying of sleepiness, ask anything, and any help is welcome. Thank you so much for even reading all this. Now I'm gonna sleep, and I'll be back in the morning.

    Day 2 update edit: Okay, everything is smoother now. Further updates in body for everyone interested, but thanks a lot either way, all this info was pretty helpful, directly or indirectly, and just writing this all down has helped immensely with my maddening anxiety with this whole situation.

    The boy got vet-ted, he has nothing serious, just a little snot for which I'll be giving him a small antibiotics treatment.

    good boy spiel

    He is a very good boy, smartest and most communicative and trusting cat I've ever met, and even after the messy vet visit, he still repeatedly chose to come back with me whenever I gave him the choice of returning where I found him, or even just outside the building. No, he wants to be here. That fact helped me calmed down a lot.

    Current situation

    Currently, the boy has gorged himself full, from the stress of the vet visit no doubt, and is contently sleeping in his box in the closed bathroom. Anya is walking around the house, generally smelling everything, and paying occasional attention to the bathroom door. She is eating and drinking normally every so often, eyeing warily the faraway but visible door. She no longer looks actively scared or stressed, looking ok enough with the current arrangement.

    Short term plans

    I read Jackson's guides, and they've been really helpful for context and building intuition, but neither my house, nor my situation allow really following them step by step, so we're gonna wing it a bit.

    I'm going to have each of them inside their own room (different rooms) for a portion of each day, leaving the other one to roam the entire house for that time. Anya evening to noon (play->sleep->job->relax) time, the boy the rest. I'm lucky I have 5 days off work starting today, to give them the attention they need.

    Once I find out why I can't upload pictures, I will show the kitties off, and give an update on their situation.

    Thanks everyone!

    Should I text him back if we've each ghosted one another for a month at a time and had great phone calls before even going on a date that didn't go well? Please read post for full context
  • Honestly, it sounds to me like he just really wasn't present in the moment.

    I just cannot believe he would intentionally do such a thing, if he was aware of the entire situation, given your previous interactions. I might be projecting, (for I've been in such situations, and it was horrible for everyone involved), but I believe he was strongly tuned out somehow. Dissociated, either because of other things in his life at the time, or because of the date itself.

    I think, no matter the cause, that's still a bad sign for a date, he was not in a situation to pay attention to you, which was not a good thing at all.

    If you feel some kind of empathy for that, or if you have any degree of interest, you could literally ask him. I think it's good and proper to ask what was going on, about a time you were hurt, assuming you want further association with someone.

    Otherwise, as a rule, I believe other people's minds are kinda unknowable, and Very unreliable (we make mistakes all the fucking time), so I would not take it personally. I'd be willing to bet, it was not meant to be any kind of slight to you, or any intentional message. He probably just fucked up, and you should probably let it go, and move on.

    To be clear, I don't think there's a right answer about whether you try to connect with him again or move on. Whichever you honestly feel you want, in your gut, is probably right.

  • Should I text him back if we've each ghosted one another for a month at a time and had great phone calls before even going on a date that didn't go well? Please read post for full context
  • I can't advise you on anything that happened on the date itself, those are entirely yours and person-specific.

    Assuming that you are not interested in anything with him at all, and just want to properly reject him, I strongly recommend not ghosting him fully, and instead give a kind but firm and clear rejection.

    You don't have to go into detail explaining. Especially after mutually keeping distance for that long, it's clear that there was no spark between you, and you can just say something along those lines. "Sorry, I didn't feel the chemistry, and I really feel like we don't match. But I wish you happiness."

    For those last couple questions you ask... My opinion is that they're are no rules.

    1. Guys being expected to pay feels slimy to me, but paying itself can be good, like a gift, especially if you reciprocate and pay for something else another time.

    2. The gal asking for what would make her happy in terms of which shop to go to... Should be an absolute given. If you feel like you're not gonna have fun somewhere, recommend the better option, absolutely.

  • Millions rule

    I'm sorry for the bad rule, but rule number rule rule.

    EDIT: I'm glad people like and are discussing the post. For the record though, I posted this for the funny number lol

    The Art of War ✂️ Sun Tzu said

    5 seconds · Clipped by The Act of Generating Playlists · Original video "What Video Games Get Right About Women And Activism" by Ana Fern

    ✂️ Sun Tzu said

    in 5 seconds.


    Wow look, they even make these out of this material.

    recently found his tumblrule

    happyroadkill has the funni (and the gay) (but not the tumblr, I lied, I found his insta)

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