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  • Unless you're a spy who ran from Russia (and basically not even then, as we have supo), why would that matter?

    Unlike the US, Finland has and continues to successfully avoid Russia meddling in it's affairs.

    We got labour protection, social security and have among other things, fixed homelessness.

    Yes, there's a lot of issues as well, but compared to other countries, I'd say the average person is fairly well off in Finland in terms of financial security. Mental health is a whole other matter, though.

  • Alright, you've had enough fun today buddy.
  • 50 nonconsecutive laps in a day isn't even that much, tbh.

    As a cabbie, I could drive 25 fares a day, and if I go back to my station after the fare, then I'd drive one lap while driving the customer home and another while going back myself.

  • Time to move
  • I'll let anyone buy a Finnish residency. Just pay me a to-be-agreed-upon sum and then we'll get married and it should be quite a done deal. Perhaps need to keep addresses the same on paper for a few years but that's it.

    Hit me with them offers.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Yes, abusing drugs of other classes can cause depression too.

    Who ever argued it didn't?

    A depressant, when not abused, relieves symptons of depression (and even when abused, often relieves them upon intake).

    It also relieves those symptoms despite being abused.

    on drug abuse and addictiveness are incredibly flawed in the first place. That doesn't make your anecdotal experience from a drug ward

    I literally emphasised how anecdotal experiences aren't evidence enough, which is WHY I LINKED ACTUAL PEER REVIEWED DATA.

    My point is not that CNS depressants don't cause depression from abuse, but that it's just a result of abusing drugs, not the fact that they're a depressant class drug.

    And you're wrong. First off, research the difference between the terms "addiction" and "dependence", and then read the science I just linked in my previous reply.

    You're willfully ignorant, pretending you understand a subject you're barely conversant in. (Why do people feel the need to do this online?)

    I used the analogy, because it's literally how the depression causing part of downers caused psychological depression; by long-term CNS depression.

    That's why alcoholism is so strongly linked to depression. Just like benzo abuse and opioid abuse, but unlike meth, speed and other stims, which tend to cause mania.

    (I feel like I'm repeating myself here. Probably because I am, and you just keep ignoring the actual science, because it proves you wrong and you're not man enough to admit to having not understood something perfectly.) have reported that prolonged,medications for non-pain symptoms. can not only lead,reducing or stopping alcohol use.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Isn't linked?

    That's just wrong. Correlation is a link. The long term high dose use of any CNS depressant correlates with actual depression (the psychological issue [I added the brackets because you seemed to miss when I specified the difference earlier.])

    Oh wow, an anecdotal story, well that just proves what you're saying is 100% correct.

    Science couldn't possibly disagree

    "Pure" psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin rarely cause any sort of abuse, really, but I've been on a drug abuse closed ward and the manic people were generally in there because of CNS stimulants of all sorts. Psychedelics are just less likely to yield any long-lasting harmful effects compared to say smoking crack or snorting meth.

    So yeah, while a CNS depressant isn't the a thing that directly causes psychological depression as such, you can probably see how they're linked from the following analogy; imagine that I tie your legs together. That doesn't remove your ability to walk, per se, as long as you remove the restraints. But if no-one removes them for 50 years, do you think you'd walk as well as before?

    In much the same way, yes, CNS depressants are linked to depression, and alcohol and benzos are the clearest examples. have reported that prolonged,medications for non-pain symptoms. can not only lead,reducing or stopping alcohol use.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Abuse of any psychoactive drug on the regular leads to depression.

    That's a biased generalisation.

    While abusers of psychedelics are rare, they're generally manic and psychotic moreso than depressed.

    Yes, depression can be caused by any addiction and abusing stims can cause a lack of neurotransmitter due to exhausting the resources for the body to do so.

    It's a bit different than using something that's a direct depressant though.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Alcohol is a depressant my man.

    Neurologically speaking, so in a different context, yeah, but neurological depression also seems to lead to actual depression, the mood disorder, which also show up as neurological depression.

    We really need better imaging tools to measure neurotransmitter activity, would make for several advancements I'd say

  • All Knights Were Rule
  • The main advancement of capitalism was the rich handing their knights to the state

    Seriously, why do people think capitalism = market economy?

    How hard is it to understand that capitalism is only a single form of market economies, and literally the worst one?

    Capitalism didn't bring down the concept of divine right, ffs.

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • Only to be CEO of a massive capitalist company.

    I've heard a few tales of some CEO's (of very small companies) here in the Nordics actually being generous to their employees. Like it's most definitely a rarity, but I believe it is possible.

    Like a CEO who values profits but values employees and paying their fair share more and isn't blinded by greed and addicted to money. A socialist, literally. A market socialist, but a socialist nonetheless.

    Everyone could have their basic needs met, and we could still have rich people. Just not filthy rich, not "rich-to-the-point-no-one-else-has-anything" rich.

  • And they never will
  • They don't read the Bible. They quote parts of it to suit their needs, the hypocrite fucks.

    Usury is banned in the Bible, but it's essentially what the US runs on.

    Hell, based on the Bible no Karen should ever quote the Bible in an attempt to teach someone.

    1 Timothy 12 “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet."

    Mixing fabric? That's a stoning. (And not the good kind.)

    "Extensive knowledge of scripture" don't make me laugh

  • Amazon hit with $5.9 million fine for violating California labor law
  • Yeah, without paying it, so you save like 10 dollars by not paying for your shit, and then only have to pay 4.80 back in fines.

    Idk what labour laws they broke, but companies are always getting away with shit like this, or even if they're penalised, they're still left profiting from the crime.

    Hell I live in the Nordics with arguably one of the best labour protections in the world and like over half the jobs I've done have had the companies try to fuck me over with the compensation. From private people to large companies. Overtime, mandated breaks, whatever it may be.

    Fuck capitalism. (Love market economies though.)

  • A time traveler's survival guide. The vertical green bars are the only times in Earth's history with enough oxygen to breathe (hypoxia) and low enough to avoid oxygen toxicity (hyperoxia).
  • Also someone like a proper Sherpa sherpa from the Himalayas can function with oxygen that's comparable to 7% sea level oxygen.

    And there are towns with elevation so high the oxygen is equivalent to 15% sea level oxygen.

    So this chart has pretty narrow limits. Sure, the legend does specify "breathe forever unaided", but someone like a well accustomed sherpa who regularly climbs Mt Everest would have a much wider range than 20-25%

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