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Why do you still hate Windows?
  • I swapped away from Windows about a year and a half ago. The last straw was them sticking ads in the OS. And from everything I've heard, they continue to boil the frog; they continue to add more and more telemetry and unasked for "features" and bloat the system more and more and more with every update. Even my own parents are growing tired of Windows; it's a clunky, poorly optimized operating system that's positively frustrating to use.

    I will concede that not everything that runs on Windows will run on Linux. It's true. But I severely disagree that Windows is "easier to use." Of course, when you grow up on Windows, Linux has a learning curve. It's different OS. But once I got past that? Nah, Linux is far easier and more intuitive in most cases.

    Installing programs? Open your software manager and click a button.

    Playing video games? Open Steam or Lutris and click a button. Occasionally you might need to tweak things, but you have to do the same on Windows sometimes, especially for older games!

    I could go on but those are the biggest two examples that come to mind immediately.

    As to another point you made, I personally gave up almost nothing. Destiny 2 and League of Legends don't work, but I quit league before fgsh added Vanguard and neither of these games want me. That isn't my fault, and it isn't a short coming in Linux's fault, it's the devs being assholes.

    In spite of this, I do acknowledge some people would have to give up more than me, and for some people that's too much, and that's valid! I hope one day they truly get a choice.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 2nd
  • I've been getting back into Guild Wars 2 lately! Nobara Linux has made the game run the smoothest it's even been, and ReShade has it looking even better.

  • Right wing humorule
  • The answer is: no. It doesn't "trigger" me. You're not important enough to me to "trigger" me. I just think you're a piece of shit.

  • Truth rule
  • To be fair, they're nothing if not consistent in this view, because they think straight relationships are just about sex as well:

    Why do you think they always seperate boys and girls? They think they're gonna fuck if they're left alone unsupervised.

    What is the purpose of marriage to them? To have children. Which is just a really elaborate breeding kink. It's about sex.

    Why do you think the concept of a man and a woman just being friends is so damn alien to them? Because it's all. About. Sex. They can't fathome the notion that two people of the opposite sex won't tear off their clothes and fuck like animals the moment they're alone in a room together.

    Bigots are the most sex-obsessed people on this planet! And it shows in their actions and their rhetoric.

  • When was a game's price worth it to you?
  • Terraria. Hands down. No other game I've ever played has had the same sheer amount of value for $10 fucking dollars.

    A honorable mention would be Stellaris and good ol' Skyrim. But their larger price tag definitely means that Terraria is greater value.

  • Pipeline by Me (Blender 3D)
  • Now we just need to add some robot animals and dinosaurs to complete it!

    That aside, H:ZD is a beautiful game, so it's 100% a good thing IMO that it resembles it. You did a fantastic job!

  • Pipeline by Me (Blender 3D)
  • That's exactly what I was thinking!

  • Pipeline by Me (Blender 3D)
  • This has some serious Horizon: Zero Dawn vibes.

  • Reading about Autism has blown my mind, how have I had this many symptoms without at least looking them up atleast once.
  • My own therapist recommended a book that was already very helpful less than a chapter in called "Unmasking Autism." It may help you with learning more about what it means to be autistic.

  • Reading about Autism has blown my mind, how have I had this many symptoms without at least looking them up atleast once.
  • I feel that man! It takes a long time to get through it. If you're able, therapy is a huge help with it, but otherwise it will sort itself out. Just take your time to process it all and learn to accept yourself! Sharing with those closest to you and getting their acceptance is also an amazing and helpful experience!

  • Reading about Autism has blown my mind, how have I had this many symptoms without at least looking them up atleast once.
  • The hardest part about figuring out you're autistic is just the fact that so many of the symptoms are things that are perfectly normal, but you experience it to either an abnormally high or low degree. And you really only have your own experiences to go off of, so when you find out that one of your experiences is a symptom of autism, it's like "wait, you mean to tell me that's not normal?"

    And that first discovery starts down the rabbit hole and before you know it, your entire life is flipped upside down and you spend months re-evaluation your entire life and putting the pieces together.

  • Mastodon Usage Soaring as Twitter Rebranding Leads to User Exodus: CEO Eugen Rochko
  • I think a good amount of it is also "the straw that broke the camel's back." Twitter users have been taking abuse after abuse. Like many others have stated, they use Twitter to follow specific people. If those people aren't on other platforms, then they're going to stay. But after a certain point, the cost becomes too high. Now the platform is rebranded and now it looks as alien as it's begun to feel. I think that's why so many are once again leaving. Before they could just ignore everything else going on and try to move on with their day. Not there's a big, fat X reminding them of how much they're starting to/already hate the platform now.

  • Hotel > AirBNB
  • Didn't know that my autism made me racist too. Damn.

  • I think the average person just simply doesn't care about their privacy.
  • I understand your frustration entirely. And for the most part, I agree with it. But for music producers, especially if they're indie, they have no choice. Content creators trying to make a living off of their art rely on putting themselves out there on the biggest platforms to maximize the amount of exposure they're going to get. The importance of social media with millions upon millions of users for an indie artist cannot be understated. It is the difference between them paying rent, and getting evicted.

    As for the average user, as others have stated, they have friends, family, and content creators that they like to follow. Digital privacy comes at a cost. We cannot afford to create the misconception that acts protecting our digital privacy are free actions. And the level of cost and willingness to pay it varies from person to person. I don't need Facebook to keep up with my parents. But many people do. For their parents and the rest of their family and loved ones. I was willing to make the switch to Linux, but it cost me some simplicity in my gaming; some titles aren't just plug n play. Even ones that were on Windows. Switching to Lemmy was nothing for me, but for some people, they're giving up subreddits they loved, or they have to keep using Reddit to access them. And there are some valuable resources there.

    Privacy isn't free. It's invaluable and sometimes the price tag reflects that.

  • I think the average person just simply doesn't care about their privacy.
  • So, if I understand correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but the simplified version of this is: data collection allows massive cooperations to target Communities of Interest (CoI) and manipulate them by collectively altering their digital perception via a barrage of targeted advertisements, promoted articles and suggested social media posts?

    And all of this leads to an eventual shift in the opinions and desires of said CoIs, leading to what the company would deem desirable behavior, be it growing apathetic to digital privacy, buying their product or growing more engaged with their platform?

  • DaedalousIlios Dae

    I'm a 26 year old furry. my fursona is a fox. I'm agender; any pronouns are fine with me.

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