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  • 9Gag is pretty bad with them as well. They used to push anti-vax and anti-mask disinformation with obvious bad faith arguments there during the COVID period. Then when the "special military operation" started in Ukraine they immediately switched to posting pro-Russia bullshit.

    Until then I was only thinking this sort of nonsense was there as a result of the website being more open to diverse political views, for better or worse. But that sudden switch made me realize that it was actually a team of people trying to sow the seeds of disarray in any way they could for the Western world by pushing disinformation like this on websites mostly frequented by young adult males, who can be vulnerable to radicalization. To think back to it, it was obvious that they were using a bot farm to upvote their content as well. I haven't set foot on that echo chamber or propaganda and conspiracy nonsense since then. I can only assume this sort of thing is still going on there.

  • A street path named desire
  • I think the idea is to slow down the cyclists as they approach the intersection. But I bet cyclists going through it are too concerned about getting smoked in the kneecaps by that hard metal barrier if they don't go through the chicane exactly the right way to pay attention to what's coming at the intersection. Sounds like bad design. Good intentions don't necessarily mean good results.

  • That's Microsoft for ya
  • Big dumb corporation doing big dumb corporation stuff. It's so big it can't behave coherently anymore. But it's also so big that it acts like a black hole that sucks all the money towards itself regardless of how stupid, unproductive and wasteful it is being.

  • Let's test that theory
  • It is anecdotal, but I used to live in an area where there I was surrounded by people who were richer and more affluent than I was. I didn't envy their stupid luxury SUVs or their unnecessarily huge houses. But it constantly gave me a feeling that I wasn't as well as I could for myself and that I should seek more. Especially when I realized how dumb some of those people who make so much more money than I do are. This ceased the moment I moved to somewhere else where people around me were at my level.

    I think ultimately you want to be at the level that you perceive as "normal". But if you constantly look at people who make more than you, and there always will be, it will be much more difficult to be happy with your situation.

  • Finally
  • It must be mentioned however, at every floor kill enemies until the amulet icon turns back to green before you proceed to the next floor.

    I wasted a few runs until I realized that.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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