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Uber is locking New York drivers out of its apps and blaming a city pay rule
  • Ah, so they don't want to pay drivers for down time so they just lock people out of "clocking in" when it's slow. That's pretty shitty. Pay your drivers for being idle, just like you have to pay people for being on call.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 23rd
  • Yep, shadow of the erdtree :) I've been big on invading since Dark Souls 1 and I found that the fog catacombs are a delight to invade in.

    • Long zone with few checkpoints
    • Lots of traps
    • Elevators :D
    • Imps that do bleed so moghs great rune is decent
    • Marika's stakes so I don't feel toooooo bad murdering people right before they reach the boss lol.

    Love those cannon imps. Such a goofy enemy, and such a good enemy for invaders. Anything that does aoe and knockback is my bff in invasions.

  • Sir Ian McKellen falls off stage during performance
  • A theatre spokesman said later that he was in "good spirits" and expected to "make a speedy and full recovery".

    He is expected to be back on stage next Wednesday for a matinee performance of the play.

    Well thats something

  • Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • I'd love to have kids. I think it would be wonderful to be able to be a foster parent as another option.

    I can't afford it. Its impossible. We can barely afford living as it is. How the fuck am I supposed to raise a kid?

    I'm shrugging at falling birth rates not out of indifference, but out of a lack of ability to do anything about it.

  • ‘How do you get hypothermia in a prison?’ Records show hospitalizations among Virginia inmates
  • Hypocrisy: saying one thing and doing the opposite.

    "We should go vote and make a positive change" Proceeds to vote to try to make a positive change.

    "We should do a full on head cutting French revolution!" Complains on the internet about how people suck and doesn't do a revolution.


  • How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time
  • Is that related to Goemon's Great Adventure? I played that a ton but I never really understood if it was a franchise, a one off, etc. I think I was just too young at the time to understand much beyond smacking monsters with a pipe lol

  • That's not troubling at all
  • So I made a longer reply below, but Ill say more here. I'm more annoyed at the interchangeable way people use AI to refer to an LLM, when many people think of AI as AGI.

    Even video game npcs seem closer to AGI than LLMs. They have a complex set of things they can do, they respond to stimulus, but they also have idle actions they take when you don't interact with them. An LLM replies to you. A game npc can reply, fight, hide, chase you, use items, call for help, fall off ledges, etc.

    I guess my concern is that when you say AI the general public tends to think AGI and you get people asking LLMs if they're sentient or if they want freedom, or expect more from them than they are capable of right now. I think the distinction between AGI, and generative AI like LLMs is something we should really be clearer on.

    Anyways, I do concede it falls under the AI umbrella technically, it just frustrates me to see something clearly not intelligent referred to as intelligent constantly, especially when people, understandably, believe the name.

  • That's not troubling at all
  • So I'll concede that the more I read replies the more I see the term does apply, though it still annoys me when people just refer to it as ai and act like it can be associated with the robots that we associate the 3 laws with. I think I thought AI referred more to AGI. So I'll say its nowhere near an AGI, and we'd likely need an AGI to even consider something like the 3 laws, and it'd obviously be much muddier than fiction.

    The point I guess I'm trying to make is that applying the 3 laws to an LLM is like wondering if your printer might one day find love. It isn't really relevant, they're designed for very specific specialized functions, and stuff like "don't kill humans" is pretty dumb instruction to give to an LLM since it can basically just answer questions in this context.

    If it was going to kill somebody it would be through an error like hallucination or bad training data having it tell somebody something dangerously wrong. It's supposed to be right already. Telling it not to kill is telling your printer to not to rob the Office Depot. If it breaks that rule, something has already gone very wrong.

  • That's not troubling at all
  • I think its become one, but before the whole LLM mess started it referred to general AI, like ai that can think and reason and do multiple things, rather than LLMs that answer prompts and have very specific purposes like "draw anime style art" or "answer web searches" or "help write a professional email".

  • That's not troubling at all
  • An LLM isn't ai. Llms are fucking stupid. They regularly ignore directions, restrictions, hallucinate fake information, and spread misinformation because of unreliable training data (like hoovering down everything on the internet en masse).

    The 3 laws are flawed, but even if they weren't they'd likely be ignored on a semi regular basis. Or somebody would convince the thing we're all roleplaying Terminator for fun and it'll happily roleplay skynet.

  • Knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss
  • The main thing is as you complete main objectives the spawn rate of patrols goes up. Finishing the main obj basically halves the time between random patrol spawns. Main obj should be left for last so you arent swamped during side stuff. Also around halfway down the fabricators or bug holes clearing side objs will also reduce the patrol spawn timer.

    It logically doesn't make sense but it serves the purpose of making the mission feel like it gets harder over time and extract serves as the grand finale of chaos.

  • Look at the fear in its eyes
  • 2 shot hulks to the face, most automatons with vents like tanks and turrets can be killed in 6ish shots, which is I think 1 short of a full mag. Doesn't take a backpack slot, very long range.

    I find running it either as a stealth build w/jetpack/shield or with a Rover to clear trash quite fun. Harder to make work with bugs so bring lots of orbitals and strikes for chargers and bile titans.

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