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Je vais à Polytechnique Montréal/en génie informatique!
  • Félicitations pour ton admission !

    Je ne suis malheureusement plus à la Poly (gradué en 2017), mais je peux te dire que ça a été l'une des expériences les plus enrichissantes de toute ma vie. Pour répondre à ta question, je ne te cacherai pas que la marche est très haute entre le cegep et l'université, particulièrement pour la Poly 😅. (Pour te donner une idée, j'ai toujours été un étudiant très "sur la moyenne"). C'est beaucoup plus une question de rester motivé plus que d'être "une bolle".

    Ce que j'ai vraiment aimé par contre est que malgré la difficulté des cours, il y a vrainent un esprit de collaboration et d'entraide. Dans mon cas (j'étais en elec), on s'est rapidement bâti un petit groupe où on faisait souvent nos travaux et nos études ensemble. Honnêtement ça a grandement aidé à me motiver et me dépasser. Ça vaut vraiment la peine de tisser des liens avec les gens de son génie et ceux des autres aussi.

    Je te suggère aussi de t'impliquer dans la vie étudiante. Sans nécessairement donner du temps à un comité, ne serait-ce que d'aller aux Pubs, aux 5@7, aux partys, etc. Dans mon cas ça m'a permis d'encore plus m'attacher à l'école et à me pousser à y rester malgré les moments plus durs. J'ai fait deux ans à l'UdeM avant et je peux te dire que j'ai senti un sentiment de communauté tellement plus fort à la Poly, ça motive énormément.

    Bonne chance pour la rentrée, j'espère que tu aimeras ton expérience ! ;)

  • Unforgivable
  • From what I know, jam is what you described as the heterogenous fruit preserve. It'a basically fruits roughly choped, sugar and pectine.

    Jelly is kinda the same thing, but instead of using whole fruits, you use juice (with sugar and pectine).

    Jell-o is generally artificially flavored gelatine (which comes from animal bones).

    If I'm not mistaken, in Canada there are laws specifying what can be labeled as jam and jelly, like sugar concentration and stuff like that.

  • When I die, turn me into soup
  • Of course the root of evil is capitalism, but you have to understand that we would need to greatly reduce meat consuption to have the "ethical" way of breeding that most people expect. The reason why the animal exploitation is so bad is that it has to satisfy a demand that keeps growing. People expect to continue their eating habits and that companies should just be held accountable, change their ways and still produce the same quantities of meat/diaries/eggs.

  • What movie trailer ruined the movie with how much it revealed?
  • SPOILER ALERT Not that big of a twist (let's say not the 6th sense kind), but the trailer showed the part at the end where the antagonist has his big transformation. And it was half the trailer. The whole movie slowly builds up to that moment, I thought it was a poor choice to show it. It made it look like half the movie was that when it is only the culmination of everything that happened before.

  • [music] is there/ was there/ will there ever be a perfect album?
  • Perfect albums that come to mind :

    Pink Floyd - Animals

    Depeche Mode - Violator

    Fleetwood Mac - Rumours

    Dire Straits - Dire Straits

    Curtis Mayfield - Superfly

    Daft Punk - Discovery

    Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Sseventh Son

    Death - Symbolic

    Rush - Moving Pictures

  • Shoppers prefer 'vegan' food labels to 'confusing' plant-based terms, according to new survey
  • I've also heard something along those lines. Or the other thing is that it is apparently super hard to make sure that everything in the process is 100% vegan. Even if an ingredient is technically "vegan", the way it is produced is not automatically. For instance a lot of refined sugar use bone char to filter and bleach it.

  • Richard Dawkins says Christianity is "fundamentally decent," but Islam "is not"
  • Where I live there were people that supported a law preventing government workers from wearing religious clothing/symbol. It was presented as "an effort to secularize the government". The same people did not see the importance in removing the crucifix we have at the National Assembly because it was "part of our history". More than that, some were openly against it. Can you see the hypocrisy and how that kind of law just happens to affect more Islamic people ? This is an example of underlying xenophobia. In the same way, I feel like Dawkins is clearly biased because he grew up in a nation were Christianity is more prevalent. Let's just think about how in Poland, a predominantly Christian nation, blasphemy is still an offense that can get you to prison. How can that be seen as "decent" ? Or how currently in the US Christianity is used to repeal laws for abortions or LGBTQ rights ?

  • Adhd songs
  • The name of the band can be offputting, but they are a really good punk band : Viagra Boys. They have a song called "The Cognitive Trade-Off Hypothesis" which is my favourite from them. The subject is straight up how ADD is maybe a result of our evolution. Really funny lyrics as well.

    Edit : just saw someone else suggested another Viagra Boys song, I guess it may be a recurring subject with this band lol

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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