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Define Praxis: Wrong Answers Only
  • I saw their set at Burning man.

  • Governor Gretchen Whitmer's touching message to those affected by the thing in the place
  • Michigan has a very large Muslim community, there are about 3 times more people practicing Islam than Judaism there. I think at one point Dearborn had the largest Muslim population in the country. She probably doesn't want to go to far in either direction.

  • The state of reddit
  • Astroturfing or advertising. They can generate a bunch of medium to high karma accounts with genuine looking post history, then sign a deal with an advertising firm or lobby group to make posts on their behalf. They'll steal a bunch of posts like OP's then start posting stuff like "Biden is actually the most progressive president" and fill the comment section with some propaganda. This site sells a range of services.

  • The most pro-union liberal
  • My lib buddy was saying he doesn't give a shit about the entertainment strikes because they don't really work hard or create anything necessary to live, but he supports the autoworkers because they actually make things that people use everyday. I had to point out that he doesn't own a car and watches hours of TV everyday, so in reality the writers/actors provide much more to his life than the autoworkers do.

  • Kim Jong Un Blood Shirt
  • I used to wear this shirt around, some people yelled at me up at the Gorge Amphitheater. They said it was like wearing a Hitler shirt in public.

    Link for shirt I posted
    Op's shirt
    Bonus shirt

  • Hahahhahhhahhahaha. There are photos.
  • Woke up this morning, got yourself a bribe

  • Fellas, is it gay to drink water?
  • I dunno how if this trick works in other airports, but at Portland's airport you can fill your hydroflask with beer at the bars inside the terminal. PDX has anti price gouging rules too, so the business's can't sell things for more than $1 over their menu prices outside of the airport.

  • Now try doing it while keeping your eyes on the road
  • I've seen a video of an old VW Beetle that was converted to electric, it still had a stick shift but the guy just left it in like 3rd gear. Electric engines have instant torque, their power is readily available all the time so gears aren't necessary (i think that's how it works anyway)

    Here's a similar video.

  • Incredible
  • George Lucas almost directed Apocalypse Now during the Vietnam war. John Milius wanted to film on location in South Vietnam.

  • Incredible
  • There is definitely a correlation with people who like the prequels (just the movies I haven't watched the cartoons) and people who are drawn fascist ideology. I'm not sure if its because r/prequelmemes was frequented by fascists and it bled over, or if those are people who just like shitty media. Prequelmemes had its roots in Red Letter Media's Mr Plinkett reviews of the films. Almost all the original posts were aping quotes from their videos, but they were soon drowned out by people who thought they were in good company.

  • What's a surreal, odd, or generally interesting thing you've experienced that sticks with you?
  • I was on a road trip through going through Arkansas and got pulled over. The cop searched my car and called in a K9, had the K9 reached my car it definitely would have ruined my day. A mangy stray dog ran out of some bushes nearby and jumped into my car, it started eating all my funyon trash in the backseat. The cop was walking his dog up to my car at the time, he looked at the stray and just said, "I'm not going near that thing," then turned around and left.

  • A small thread of Amerikkkan freedom
  • A friend of mine was shot and killed over a road rage incident. The shooter was illegally carrying the gun, got off with a slap on the wrist. My friend was black, the shooter was white. Happened just outside the city limits of Portland.