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Supportive dad
  • Forced? Only by myself, as I thought it was the only way to keep living, though maybe that's just proof that I am trans, and I simply constructed a bunch of mental hoops to jump through due to internalized transphobia?

  • Supportive dad
  • I guess I am rather unique in my experience of transness in that I started living full time (and even passing) as a woman before I even self identified as one. The thing is, lifing as a women for aabout a year literally changed my internal sence of gender, I wanted it to happen and I made it happen. Maybe that's just me rationalizing my inherent "transness" but that's my recollection of events.

  • Supportive dad
  • I'm somebody who absolutely does think I am trans purely by life circumstances, but I also recognize that the vast majority of trans people aren't. Like I am incredibly glad that I transitioned and am now living life mostly stealth as a woman, years down the line, but I'm almost positive that if I wasn't put through literal hell as a child (in the very cruel and specific ways that I was) I wouldn't have even thought to have transitioned as a young adult. Perhaps I am completely incorrect in my assumptions about myself, and I would have turned out this way no matter what, but I find it hard to believe that if I wasn't relentlessly bullied, harassed, beaten, and rejected by my peers as a child, that I would be sitting here now as a woman. I feel like I literally became a woman by sheer force of will in order to save my life, because I literally could not continue as the broken husk of a "man" I was at 21, and by some miracle it worked. But maybe I'm just delusional, idk

  • Holy fuck
  • Where were you, when you find out you are trotskyist

  • thank you Cenk, very cool!
  • Bro I can't even get free bottom surgery and I'm a citizen, what the fuck are they even talking about

  • It's Bad Opsec But We Say Goodnight Anyway: The Goodnight Thread
  • Goodnight guys, I'm really sleepy in real life and it's been a long day, my circadian rhythm is telling me, now is the time to rest, due to it being night time here in my part of the world

  • Too many of you are g*mers
  • Yeah, I'm a gamer, what are ya gunna do about it? Ban me for gaming? Huh, we truly are the most oppressed minority.

  • hexbear major lore posts?
  • Yes, to all your questions, lol

  • hexbear major lore posts?
  • If you look back at my post history I made one of the threads during the Vegan debocle and it's still up if you wanna do some struggle session archeology. It's still crazy to me that we didn't win that one and we are just at a permanate cease fire like it's the DMZ.

  • It's so fucking surreal to me that almost decade old lookmaxxing memes from r9k are dragged to the surface for 13 year olds to also rot their brains with, unaware of the context from which they originated....

  • From a leftist standpoint, what is the right thing to do if you were sent back in time?
  • The book I'm pulling from, "The Frugal Wizard's Guide to Medieval England", doesn't actually have any time travel, it's dimentional travel, which has its own quirks that are explored in fun ways. It's a good book if you like Brandon Sanderson's particular brand of slop (mmmmm Sanderson slop 😋).

  • From a leftist standpoint, what is the right thing to do if you were sent back in time?
  • Help a small village stop a Viking raid using your nanotechnology augments, then track down your old mafia boss who humiliated you for years and is also back in time in order to exploit the probability weirdness that comes with dimentional travel, re discover your boxing skills in order to finally beat the man you threw that fight to so many years ago that started your life down the spiral it had been going through the last few years and rediscover your self worth. Make some new friends with the local Himbo, traveling grifter, and the weird old lady in the woods. Potentially unleash lower dimentional God like beings into your own dimention with your technology after deciding to live the rest of your life interegrated into this new (old) world. Call that a good day 😊

  • [4chan Toxic Male] "Soyboy" backfires
  • God. I wish soy worked like chuds say it does...

  • White people make up only 22% of the population of my city, and yet, they make up 80% of the worst customers I have to deal with... Curious 🤨

    Seriously, they must get some kind of sick pleasure out of ruining the days of us fucking peons who serve them... It's all so tiresome...

    God I'm so fucking lonely

    I would like one (1) friend please, does anyone here know how to go about acquiring one on the cheap?
