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Trump found guilty on all counts. Here's the verdict on each of the 34
  • i'm guessing/hoping that he'll at least be on probation in november, but it's possible that he'll manage to pay that off

  • Trump found guilty on all counts. Here's the verdict on each of the 34
  • he can't vote for himself because he lives in florida lmao

  • Trump found guilty on all counts. Here's the verdict on each of the 34
  • he won't face consequences but i'm still cheering. there's a non-zero chance some very funny stuff comes out of this, inshallah

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • new unjust depths!


    crying a little at how nice it is to see homa getting everything she deserves. she got to wear a pretty dress and gets to feel like her body is her own, disability and all, and gets to kiss a pretty girl and find a connection to her heritage and gets lots of reassurance from the other union shmii members and gets to declare that she'll go with them of her own choice even now that she has a different community she could join if she wanted who would accept her and it simply makes me cry a lot

    i am going to ignore the stuff at the end (scared) for now and simply bask in the good times zone

  • will there ever be a midwestern fallout?

    this is just such a funny question. i can't imagine wanting this for the place i live

    Local himbo stumbles into a better stance on Gaza than liberal media and policy makers.
  • props to him for just saying straight up "i'm not voting for biden he's complicit in genocide"

    really makes everyone else who isn't even making a statement look like cowards when fucking macklemore does an entire song dedicated to palestine and just saying the damn thing

  • Local himbo stumbles into a better stance on Gaza than liberal media and policy makers.
  • his one big album also had a (cringey straight guy trying to be a good ally) song where he talked about how he was super pro-gay rights, so i assumed he was a lib but i never thought he was a chud

    I remember doing the math like, "Yeah, I'm good at little league."
    A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant
    For those that like the same sex had the characteristics
    The right-wing conservatives think it's a decision
    And you can be cured with some treatment and religion

    Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition
    Playing God, aw nah, here we go
    America the brave still fears what we don't know
    "God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten
    But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago
    I don't know

    If I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me
    Have you read the YouTube comments lately?
    "Man, that's gay" gets dropped on the daily
    We've become so numb to what we're sayin'

    Our culture founded from oppression
    Yet, we don't have acceptance for 'em
    Call each other removeds behind the keys of a message board
    A word rooted in hate, yet our genre still ignores it
    "Gay" is synonymous with the lesser

    not exactly the first brick at stonewall but for a cishet dude in 2011 it's pretty good

  • NSFW
    some incredible posts after not like us [cw: suicide]
  • frankly budd dwyering himself may be the only way out at this point, especially if there's more on the way

  • The average public policy professor
  • i'll give him this, it would definitely be fascinating

  • Decision 2024
  • not even that, it's about whether there will be someone in power saying "you know it's impolite to drive so fast" without any other difference

  • 😭😭😭
  • classics of anime

    shirou emiya (pictured here) very famously does not die when killed on several occasions

  • vivian seems to be confirmed trans in the english version of the paper mario ttyd remake

    cross-posted from:

    > original english tl for comparison > !

    saying "because of class consciousness" like "because of woke"
  • i think the tweet is a joke but you're 100% right

  • violent rhetoric on the left
  • that's totally fair lmao, she was kinda annoying

  • violent rhetoric on the left
  • she's cool and has good opinions. ai art isn't ontologically evil, and the genie will not go back in the bottle. also don't soft misgender her please!

  • a) i obviously didn't think that, it was very clear you were complaining about them being horny. i was saying that being dominated by male characters is at LEAST as important when discussing whether something is misogynistic or not as how horny it is. i am aware that they are horny, i mentioned the designs as shorthand for that. also when going "it's more than just the character designs!" you said "have you looked at baiken???" which is an example of... character design. but allow me to rephrase: there is more to misogyny than being horny
    b) "Even her fucking character portrait is a mild upskirt."

    this is a normal outfit. i see people wearing skirts like that all the time. you can see a hint of what looks to me like a pair of modesty shorts underneath, but i am only just now learning this because you have to REALLY zoom in, which i never did because why on earth would i? even if i were to concede that the art is horny (which i really don't, this is such a normal outfit. i wear skirts that short sometimes!) that does not equal objectification, which is when women are reduced to sex objects. bridget is not being reduced to a sex object here, she is a character with agency in the story and a good, resonant character arc

    this is in contrast to what i was discussing in point c, which was the most important point. she USED to be exactly as objectified as you said, with her existing solely so the game could be horny about her and set up transmisogynistic punchlines.
    compare. in strive she is a person, in her og appearance she was just a sex object. there is a difference between a woman in a kinda skimpy outfit and a woman who is being objectified

  • fuck off with that

    a) no fucking way fighters are that high in misogyny. at the very least they consistently let you play as women, which has to put them a fair way up there. there is more to misogyny than having horny character designs
    b) bridget isn't objectified? camera doesn't ogle her, she's given a story where she self actualizes and is given internality that is reflected in her character design, design isn't even horny, especially by the standards of the franchise
    c) i was specifically referring to an instance where a japanese dev went back and fixed an extant shitty tropey objectifying horny bullshit character (incredibly sexualized in her og design, being 14, plus all the transphobic jokes and inherent transphobia to the bit) by giving her internality as a character and making the gender stuff not just the trap narrative and instead allowing her to grapple with identity, as well as making her both way less sexualized AND an adult woman. please do not look at this and go "this isn't an improvement"

  • that's kinda what they did with bridget-pride

  • is cloud strife stealing valor
  • i don't have strong opinions on the sound samples, and i do mostly prefer the sprites. but those prerendered backgrounds are gorgeous, i really love them

    and i like the ff7 minigames about as much as the ff6 ones, though i totally get where you're coming from

  • is cloud strife stealing valor
  • i really don't think so. this isn't nostalgia or anything, i didn't play either until i was an adult. if nothing else midgar is a way better opening to the game than ff6's, that's something i won't budge on

  • is cloud strife stealing valor
  • nah, they're different. kafka isn't that good a villain anyways, sephiroth is better because he's lame as hell

  • is cloud strife stealing valor
  • no, they got mad magicscience done to them and their souls got kinda mixed up

  • lmao matt gaetz

    > Usually, you need about 10 minutes to walk from the Rayburn House Office Building to the House Chamber. But if you’re running from a reporter, it’ll only take you five. > > When Matt Gaetz spotted me outside his office door one afternoon early last November, he popped in his AirPods and started speed walking down the hall. I took off after him, waving and smiling like the good-natured midwesterner I am. “Congressman, hi,” I said, suddenly wishing I’d worn shoes with arch support. “I just wanted to introduce myself!” I had prepared a long list of questions, hoping for a thoughtful conversation but ready for a tense one. He was a firebrand, after all, or so said the title of his 2020 memoir, Firebrand. > > Gaetz is a creature of our time: versed in the art of performance politics and eager to blow up anything to get a little something. He landed in Washington, D.C., as a freshman nobody from the Florida Panhandle, relegated to the back benches of Congress. Seven years later, he’s toppled one House speaker and helped install a new one. He has emerged as the heir of Trumpism. And he’s poised to run for governor in a state of nearly 23 million people. > >I had tried repeatedly to schedule an interview with Gaetz. His staff had suggested that he might be willing to sit down with me. But there the firebrand was, that day in November, running away from me in his white-soled Cole Haans. Gaetz broke into a light jog down the escalator, then flew through the long tunnel linking the Rayburn offices to the House Chamber. Finally, I caught up with him at the members-only elevator, my heart pounding. I stretched out my hand. He left it hanging. We got on the elevator together, but he still wouldn’t look at me. > > “Are you … afraid of me?” I asked, incredulous. Finally, he made eye contact and glared. Then the doors opened, and he walked out toward the chamber.

    everything about this guy is funny except the things that are horrifying

    violent rhetoric on the left

    > i have no patience for people talking about violent rhetoric on the left really because every day i read the news and every politician in this country and in most others is saying 'we gotta kill more people'. they use different words to say it. obviously you're not supposed to just say 'we gotta kill more people'. but there's all kinds of polite and okay ways to say it. > > 'we need to control our borders' is a phrase which here means 'we gotta kill more people, we gotta drown more refugees in boats, we gotta send more people back to warzones and governments that want them dead, we gotta make more camps and we gotta make the camps more fatal'. > > 'we need to be tougher on welfare fraud' is a phrase which here means 'we gotta kill more people, we gotta make disabled people do more song and dance routines to convince some indifferent bureaucrat that they deserve to eat and we gotta make sure that the bureaucrats say 'no', we gotta starve those kids more, we gotta make sure families and kids and old people are freezing in the winter'. > > 'we need to tackle violent crime' is a phrase which here means 'we gotta kill more people, specifically Black people, unless we said Terrorism instead of Crime, in which case it's specifically muslims, shoot them, imprison them, surveil them, disappear them, brutalize them, whatever.' > > and of course none of this is Violent Speech. this is Sensible Political Discourse. these are Common-Sense Policy Goals. we gotta kill more people: that's an electable policy. you can always count on we gotta kill more people as a platform. we gotta kill more people is gonna sweep the nation baby. we gotta kill more people 2024 -- vote now on your phones. now slow down. hold your horses. did that guy just say we gotta kill more people? well that just wont do. thats why im running on a platform of we gotta kill more people for cheaper, to stop this wasteful madness. and the people just keep dying but seems like there's still some of them left so i guess we're just circling back around to our main thing which is: we gotta kill more people


    the original is funnier tbh

    also why don't we have the reaction image as an emoji?



    "mr rogers was punk"

    "ohhhh, punk has been made too widely palatable and for everyone. REAL punks are like presbyterian minister mr rogers!" there are still hardcore bands out there! you can go see them if you want! i bet this person would listen to the ramones and go "umm, he wants to sniff glue? are we glorifying drug addiction now? this is SO not punk!"

    there are people in the notes going "yeah! this is so true!"

    i think this is part of a broader trend of people feeling to need to justify everything they enjoy, it can't just be a show they remember fondly from when they were a kid, it needs to be punk

    thank you! goodbye!!

    seeing this made me just break down crying. if you'd asked me yesterday what i thought of akira toriyama i would have probably said i respected him immensely, but his work didn't hold a special place in my heart. but realizing that he's gone is just devastating. such an iconic, important artist. the world is worse without him

    walrus or fairy? Baddy Wrong Legs

    I've asked this question before and been surprised by the results, now I have access to more weirdos it's your problem: It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expect…

    cross-posted from:

    > i've asked this question before and been surprised by the results, now i have access to more weirdos it's your problem: > > it is the middle of a sunday afternoon. you have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post. > > unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door. > > which of these would surprise you more to find on the doorstep? a walrus or a fairy


    walrus or fairy? Baddy Wrong Legs

    I've asked this question before and been surprised by the results, now I have access to more weirdos it's your problem: It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expect…

    > i've asked this question before and been surprised by the results, now i have access to more weirdos it's your problem: > > it is the middle of a sunday afternoon. you have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post. > > unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door. > > which of these would surprise you more to find on the doorstep? a walrus or a fairy


    Cromalin Cromalin [she/her]

    changing my shape i feel like an accident

    if i don't include a link in my post that means i probably found it on tumblr and the search was busted

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