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Austria's far-right Freedom Party eyes unprecedented election win
  • Post-pandemic idiocity (historically, far right politics become very popular after a pandemic, or so I've read) coupled with all the other issues. The filthy rich playing off the masses against each other being a big one. And of course it's Austria we're talking about. They're resilient to learning from past mistakes even when it was just a couple years ago. It's actually baffling how easily they swing from one side to another, but that's probably partly because it's a tiny nation.

  • Shigeru Miyamoto comments on AI, says "Nintendo would rather go in a different direction"
  • He can't decide that and is purely speaking from a perspective of a (legendary) game dev with more experience than some studios have as a whole. He's been longer in the game than almost anyone else for better or worse.

  • Warum die Deutschen beim Sparen vergleichsweise erfolglos sind
  • Na ja warten wir mal die nächste Finanzkrise ab und schauen dann wie Deutschland im Vergleich abschneidet. High reward heißt eben auch high risk und da sind wir halt vorsichtiger, dafür aber auch resistenter. Und damit will ich nicht sagen, dass wir die klügeren sind. Ich denke aber, dass wir am Ende des Tages noch im Mittelfeld liegen.

  • YouTube Premium is getting a huge price hike in over a dozen countries, sparking user backlash. Some countries are experiencing hikes between 30% and 50%
  • You don't lose anything for the moment, but it might come back to bite you later regardless. Because Youtube needs to grow until the end of times but can't, it will end ugly one way or another. It's more of a symptom of a bigger problem than an isolated, 'smart' business decision.

  • YouTube Premium is getting a huge price hike in over a dozen countries, sparking user backlash. Some countries are experiencing hikes between 30% and 50%
  • Youtube doing what I told every Premium adversary they would logically do after dumping more and more ad space onto the site. And to make Premium look worth the price, they'll continue to shove more ads in your face just before, you guessed it, doing another price hike. Rinse and repeat. Premium users are strong drivers of this enshittification so I will continue to call them out on it whenever they tell you to join the scam as well. I'll stick to my ad blockers.

  • Lehrer schlagen Alarm wegen junger AfD-Wähler
  • Du hast halt das Xitter-Bubble Mindset. Wenn man sich die Aufrufe von rechtsradikalem Müll im vergleich zu anderen politischen Richtungen ansieht, wird sofort glasklar, dass antidemokratische Inhalte sehr stark auf TikTok verbreitet werden. Dass du das in deinem kleinen Mikrokosmos nicht wirklich mitkriegst ist teil des Problems.

  • Amazon, Tesla and Meta among world’s top companies undermining democracy – report
  • The most blatant examples in recent years are Monsanto and the Diesel scandal. Monsanto was an untouchable force until they got essentially taken over and now it rains lawsuits to extract stupid german money from them. US courts wouldn't be so willing to make them pay in a million years if they still were American.

    Same with the Diesel scandal really, though the hypocrisy is even more obvious here. Again, stupid german money. American car makers that did the exact same thing? Slap on the wrist at best.

    Miele tarifs under Trump? Well here he just feared superior quality, really. They didn't even do anything.

    And now we're seeing the same treatment with foreign tech companies. The American government wants to block TikTok or at least be in full control of it but can't really do so without looking like big fat hypocrites. And now other countries wonder if they should block Facebook, Google and Xitter for the same reason. They threaten democracy and our freedom.

  • Amazon, Tesla and Meta among world’s top companies undermining democracy – report
  • I know you're being ironic but it makes only sense they're American. If they weren't, some US court would've torpedoed them to bits with lawsuits and tarifs like they always do. They love that stupid foreign money but don't hurt their own American darlings for doing the same harm to everyone.

  • Foto-Nachruf auf Grüne und FDP: Sie waren Bürgerrechtsparteien
  • So einen Beweis für tatsächlichen Wahlkampf der Grünen würde ich auch gerne mal sehen, denn schon bei der Europawahl fielen sie in meinem Wahlkreis nur durch ihre Abwesenheit auf. Generell weiß ich momentan echt nicht, wie sie gerade zu vielen wichtigen Themen stehen, weil ich absolut nichts mehr von ihnen mitbekomme, außer wenn sie wieder angegriffen werden.

  • Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy
  • Please name an actual good store that can compete with Amazon. Now, I'm lucky my local book store has a digital front where I can order but when it has to be something more general, Amazon remains the only address where the majority of orders didn't range between faulty and actual horror stories so far.

  • Amazon's Monopoly of the tech industry is ruining the US economy
  • Just don't let them assemble anything. I am serious. Whatever they can mess up and break, they will. It's honestly astonishing how careless they handle sinfully expensive high end parts. And sure you can generally send it back and wait another week or two, but only after making several calls with their customer service. So yeah you better prepare to build your machine yourself. This is not really optional.

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