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Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • Afghanistan: Taliban negotiate with USA

    The Taliban, who rule Afghanistan, have negotiated with the USA about a prisoner exchange, as Taliban spokesman Sabihullah Mujahid told journalists in Kabul on Wednesday. Two US citizens are in custody in the country. They are to be exchanged for Afghans who are interned in the US prison camp at Guantanamo in Cuba. The talks took place on the sidelines of a recent summit with UN representatives and Afghanistan envoys from various countries in Qatar. Nothing is known about the results so far.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • Balloons from North Korea disrupt air traffic

    The balloons full of garbage that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been sending to South Korea for weeks are having an impact on air traffic. More than 110 flights have been disrupted by the balloon launches that have been going on since the end of March, said South Korean MP Jeong Jun Ho on Wednesday, citing the Ministry of Transport. More than 10,000 passengers were affected. The DPRK is using the balloons to respond to previous actions from South Korea in which propaganda material was also sent north in balloons.


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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • If anyone else wants to have a look here is a download link.

    Some choice quotes on the current situation from the title article which is for the most part just a liberal history of Germany after WW2:

    Here too, Botho Strauß was right: Russia is a force of tradition that is turning against the dynamics of the Western way of life.

    Germany was too greedy for cheap gas from Russia, has to break away from it with difficulty, and is now paying for having been driven more by economics than politics. Inflation, prices are soaring. A weak economy is plaguing the country, which has, among other things, relied on the combustion engine for too long. German engineers are somehow having a hard time with the electric car. No German government has taken climate change seriously, to the dismay of many young people.

    The good news from recent times: Germany unexpectedly becomes world champion in basketball.

    The bad news: violence against Green and Social Democratic election campaigners, an echo of Weimar conditions on German streets. Anti-Semitic excesses break out during protests against Israel's actions in the war against Hamas, especially at universities. Some Jews no longer feel comfortable in Germany, they are afraid. In the country of the perpetrators, which has pledged to "never again". Nevertheless, this is not a "failed state"; all in all, this is a successful country that has set the framework for a pleasant life for its citizens: freedom, security, stability, progress. For its allies and neighbors, it is a fair, peaceful partner. Congratulations, Federal Republic of Germany.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • Is the robot at the end something they captured from the IOF?

    Seems to be this thing. So I would assume definitely captured from the IOF.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion for February 19th to February 25th, 2023 - The Shadow of Suharto - COTW: Indonesia
  • While looking for some numbers on this I came up on a news article about people arrested at Palestine protests and it had this line from the pigs union which I thought sums up pretty well the cops attitude to all of this:

    The police union (GdP) condemned the attacks on the police. “We are experiencing the effects of a religious war on the streets of the capital, in which our emergency services are becoming the targets of religious fanaticism.”

    Couldn't find much on how many Jews where arrested at Palestine protests. Some tidbits on the situation in general I picked up though:

    In an especially absurd case, a Jewish Israeli woman was detained for standing alone in a public square while holding a sign denouncing the ongoing war waged by her own country.

    Shortly after the start of the war, the Berlin police banned demonstrations organized by Jews such as “Jewish Berliners against Violence in the Middle East” on the grounds that anti-Semitic messages could be spread there. This development is extremely dangerous. Jews who speak critically about Israel are silenced or accused of self-hatred.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is dead, the prison service of the Yamalo-Nenets region where he had been serving his sentence said on Friday.
    In a statement published on its website, the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District said that Navalny "felt unwell" after a walk on Friday, and "almost immediately lost consciousness".
    It said that medical staff had been called, but that they were unable to resuscitate Navalny. It said the reason of death was being established.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • Props to the sqirrel antifa division keeping the porkies on edge rat-salute-2
    Hope nobody got hurt though

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • I think they just see at as a holiday and promo tour.
    They probably get some wellness sessions, have some very expensive dinners and pretend to have a meeting in between.
    At the end they go back home and tell everyone how hard they fought and how much closer to victory Ukraine now is because of their valiant efforts.
    Everyone is happy. The End.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • No worries, I just love harping on about how shit the SPD is. Sorry lol

    I'm in the same boat, fortunately not Covid though, but still laboring on a cough that seems to want to stay rather than go.
    Anyways speedy recovery to you Care-Comrade

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • Interesting train of thought, although I have to disagree. I mean of course it could be worse, but it could've also been so much better.

    The reason for my thinking is I sometimes have to think about what could've been if only the reformist ideas of people like Bernstein and Kautsky don't become dominant in the SPD preceding WW1 and they follow the line Luxemburg and Liebknecht followed, history could've turned out completely different.

    The possibilities, revolution in Germany(Europe generally), no WW1 and WW2 possibly, USSR and Germany allies not enemies, no purges like they happened, no forced resettlements, no 1930s famine maybe, endless positive potentials not realized because of goddamn sucdems, truly maddening...

    So because of all that I have to disagree.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • That is still true, you either go to a Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium(lowest to highest "degree" you can get) which basically determines what you are able to do after secondary school.
    I have no clue, but I would imagine the statistics to be a kind of sliding scale with the most dropouts in the Hauptschule and less the further up the ladder you go.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • Blowback's here

    Magdeburg: "Centuria", one of the most powerful neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine, has an offshoot in Germany

    full article

    The leader of the “National Militia” of the “Azov” movement swore his comrades to the final “clash of civilizations” on August 1, 2020 at the edge of a forest near Kiev. “The age of absolute darkness lies before us,” predicted Igor “Tcherkas” Mikhailenko and demanded that the hundreds of mostly masked fighters of his “vigilante group” present would make sacrifices for the idea of a “Greater Ukraine.” He gave a new battle cry: "Aut Caesar, aut nihil!" (all or nothing). By torchlight and with Nazi pomp, which was based on the war aesthetics of ancient Rome, the “Centuria” organization was born – and the “National Militia” was history. Since 2017, they had been practicing brutal vigilante justice in Ukrainian cities and, for example, tyrannizing the LGBTQ scene. “Centuria” has enjoyed the admiration of the small neo-Nazi party “Der III. Weg(The third way)” in this country for years.

    The organization (not to be confused with the military order of the same name and also associated with "Azov", which already existed before 2020) now has an offshoot in Germany: On August 24, 2023, immigrant Ukrainian fascists founded an initiative group in Magdeburg: "Although the Ukrainian youth are not in their homeland, they are starting to unite,” they announced on social media. The "enemies" of their country, whom they want to cause a "hellish storm" against, must understand that "Ukrainian emigrants" are not prepared to "forget their national identity for a few hundred euros."

    Photos and videos show a nationalist rally on the Old Market in Magdeburg on the 32nd anniversary of Ukraine's independence - as usual unmolested by Antifa and critical media reporting. According to its own information, the march was organized by “Centuria”. The participants posed with a flag of the Bandera wing of the fascist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). The “German-Ukrainian Society of Saxony-Anhalt” is also said to have been involved. Most recently, the group organized a solidarity rally for the “Defenders of Azovstal” in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin on January 27th, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    Since its founding, “Centuria Magdeburg” has also been inviting people to go on hikes together in the Harz Mountains. For example, with the nationalist scout association “Plast”, which has been based in Germany since 1951 and had already set up its first tent camp in Mittenwald in 1947. According to its own information, “Centuria Magdeburg” has members in a total of six cities and is networked with Ukrainian organizations throughout Germany. The group is currently raising funds for its parent organization's combat unit, which has been integrated into the third "Azov" assault brigade of the Ukrainian army under the command of Nazi leader Andriy Biletsky since 2022, and is participating in "information warfare." Not only against Russia, but also against minorities hated by the fascists: the "German Caliphate", Palestinians and other migrants from predominantly Muslim regions, as well as "black rapists" who are allegedly protected by the police, and "pedophiles", as the group calls homosexuals.

    “We are creating a new generation of heroes!” they promise. True to its leader Mikhailenko - who wants to "destroy everything anti-Ukrainian" and was head of the Nazi organization "Patriot of Ukraine" in the Kharkiv region and commander of the "Azov" regiment of the National Guard from 2014 to 2016 - the group relies on violence: "Free People have weapons,” it says on her Telegram channel. The German traffic light government supplies these in abundance to the Ukrainian armed forces and thus also to the fascist and other ultra-right units belonging to them. It can therefore be assumed that “Centuria” will be able to expand its structures in Germany unhindered by the local security authorities.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • Israel-Lebanon border plan

    France has made a proposal to Lebanon to bring an end to the confrontations between Hezbollah and Israel. The dpa learned this from Lebanese government circles on Tuesday. The proposal therefore calls for Hezbollah to withdraw its fighters from the border - to a distance of around ten kilometers. The border region is to be monitored by the Lebanese army and UN peacekeepers. The proposal was developed together with government representatives from the USA, Qatar and Egypt. There was initially no official confirmation from Lebanon or France. Hezbollah circles said that they had not officially received any paper with suggestions.

    Le evil French scheming again macron

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • Economically they might be the biggest power within Germany, also just because Bavaria is the biggest state, but is far from being the only economical center you have the other two big car producers(Mercedes and VW) in Stuttgart and Wolfsburg, you got the banks in Frankfurt and so on.

    But it sure is like one of the places the bourgeois like to mingle.

    Bavaria is also one of the most conservative places in general in Germany, with them being basically a one party state ruled by the CSU(Christian Social Union) since the end of WW2.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • Rule by pogrom
    India: Renewed repression against Muslims amid upcoming elections

    full article

    Repression against Muslims has increased in the run-up to India's elections in April and May. The scene of the latest violence against the country's largest minority is the northern state of Uttarakhand. It is ruled by the Indian People's Party (BJP) of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is aiming to secure a third term in office in the upcoming vote.

    On Thursday last week, the administration of the city of Haldwani razed a mosque with an attached Koran school to the ground with bulldozers. Apparently it was built on state property despite the lack of approval. However, the legal issue is still being heard by the highest court in Uttarakhand. When angry residents tried to prevent the demolition, emergency services used live ammunition against them, leaving five people dead. A state of emergency was declared over Haldwani. Police entered Muslim homes, attacked family members, including women, demolished property, and captured several men.

    When a journalist from the news site visited Haldwani at the weekend, emergency services denied him access to the Muslim-inhabited Banbhoolpura district. Nevertheless, he went in and found locked houses and destroyed vehicles, while the residents no longer dared to go out on the streets. Many have already fled to other states.

    Bulldozing the mosque is not the only anti-Muslim move by the Uttarakhand government. According to dpa, a law was passed in the state one day before the mosque was demolished, which, on the one hand, makes the cohabitation of unmarried people dependent on whether they receive official approval. On the other hand, it does not prohibit polygamy, which was previously permitted for Indian Muslims, for other Indians. The thrust is clear: under the motto “equal rights for all” the aim is to create a mood against Muslims. At the same time, legal options are created to take action against them.

    This is not new in India. Rather, it has long been the recipe for success of Modi's Hindu nationalists, especially before elections, to turn the country's different population groups against each other and at the same time present themselves as defenders of the rights of the Hindu majority. This had already worked perfectly in 2002, when Modi was still Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat and allowed pogroms against Muslims to take place for weeks, whereupon he emerged as the radiant winner of the election at that time.

    However, a polarization of the population and depoliticization of the election campaign is urgently needed this year. Farmer protests are currently being revived in India, as they completely paralyzed the metropolis of Delhi a few years ago. In India, too, fueling so-called ethnic or religious conflicts is a proven means of defusing and diverting legitimate social protest.

    Does anybody know if there's any challenger to Modi in this election or will it be just another formality?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from February 12th to February 18th, 2024 - The Prodigal Failson - COTW: Brazil
  • Germany among the top of Europe for school dropouts
    Only three EU states are worse off in statistics than Germany. Education Minister calls for a “Trendwende(turnaround)”

    some excerpts:

    On Monday evening it was announced that Germany has the fourth highest rate of school dropouts among all EU countries, with only Hungary, Spain and Romania performing worse.

    For almost two decades, the education ministers have drastically “underestimated” the need for educators, which is now taking its toll in the form of a historic teacher shortage.

    OECD Education Director Andreas Schleicher researched the causes in two interviews. Quote: "To be honest, I have little sympathy for teachers who only insist that they are overworked." Furthermore, their job is "financially attractive, but not intellectually attractive."

    The average school dropout rate in the EU improved from 10.5 to 9.6 percent from 2018 to 2022. In 2018, the Federal Republic of Germany was still above the line with 10.3 percent, but things have been going downhill since 2019. Germany was already in fourth-to-last place in 2021. “This is a sad revelation of German education policy,” said Bundestag member Nicole Gohlke(Die Linke). "Neither the federal government nor the Conference of Ministers of Education are able to decouple educational opportunities from the economic and social status of the family." And further: "A completely overburdened and underfunded education system is simply not a recipe for success."

    Sorry but no education for you we got to buy some more weapons.

  • Classic Communist infighting smh

    Continuing on from yesterdays revolution in 1894, the French, with a bit of help of the Soviet Union, were able to establish the Paris commune. Which at some point just flipped the whole of France communist.

    Now I was looking at my relations and it's not looking good smh

    In other news, in 1903 Teddy Roosevelts US declared war on us to force us to go capitalist. In return I now could also define some wargoals and I chose to do the opposite to them. If they lose, which looks like a likely outcome at this point(we got a bigger army and they already tried doing naval invasions when it was still Russia), they will have to become a council republic, ban slavery and liberate California. ! We'll see how it goes....

    Soviet Union in 1894

    Just finished the revolution, which I kind of stumbled myself into, and was able to form the Soviet Union in 1894.

    I thought this was pretty early, what year where you all able to get communism to kick off in your saves?


    Your average German antifascist Magazine:

    >Dear readers, >One wall, two posters: In Hamburg, unknown people at Rote Flora changed the clear statement against Hamas into a statement of solidarity with Palestinians. It should no longer be written on the wall that the killing of Jewish people in Israel and around the world is not a liberation struggle. Anti-imperialist movements have been criticized for years for uncritical solidarity. The occupied cultural center in the Schanzenviertel has not changed its position. “Free the world from Hamas” is now hanging there. This demand reflects that Hamas is an Islamist terrorist organization. On October 7th of this year, the Islamists, who have controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, confirmed that they were, above all, carrying out terrorism by targeting civilians, murdering the defenseless, executing babies and children, raping women and displaying the dead. That day, Hamas hoped to murder as many Jewish people as possible. They killed people true to their fundamentalist Islamism. On that one On that day, Hamas didn't just take over 250 people hostage by kidnapping them from Israel. They also took hostage the approximately two million people in Gaza, who serve as human shields alive and as propaganda material when dead. Propaganda and contempt also seems to come from parts of the Israeli government post October 7th that articulated scenarios, such as the relocation of all Gazans to the Sinai or the use of nuclear weapons. > >With all justified compassion for the civilians in Gaza: If you are a leftist, you do not demonstrate with reactionaries, if you are a feminist, you do not show solidarity with the rapists and murderers of Hamas who are close to the Iranian regime. If you are an anti-fascist, you stand with the Jews and against anti-Semitism, especially in Germany. Any secret joy for the organization driven by religious fanaticism is no less an anti-Semitic reaction. The criticism of parts of the migrant communities and the left-wing solidarity spectrum because of anti-Israel positions and/or anti-Semitic sentiments is not new. It has been expressed for years and often comes from the respective milieu. In the current discourse, some politicians and journalists are now taking a harsh tone against migrants and “the” left. And they suggest that the entire migrant left and all migrants living here stand in unison against Israel. A generalization that also applies to other leftists. The fact that the German section of Fridays for Future is quickly drowned out when it spoke out clearly against one-sided “Free Gaza” solidarity. It is even more quickly drowned out that anti-Semitism is not just virulent in majority society, but omnipresent. But let's not talk about the Aiwangers and Walsers of this society. Let us also not remind you that the German fraternity decided to exclude Jews at the Würzburg Burschentag in 1822. Let's better forget that "Death (...) is a master from Germany". Anti-Semites are always the others - especially the strangers, the immigrants. > >Your editorial team >MAGAZINE #derrechterand 205/2023 3

    Just got this in the mail and immediately cancelled my subscription. Like literally reproducing every Israeli propaganda talking point that has been debunked already and calling yourself leftists, all the while scolding every actual leftist that is not a Israeli lapdog. Infuriating.

    German original

    The cover translates to "Against all antisemitism - without question!"

