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  • I grew up as the "IT guy" in small town America.

    This guy, and the people here (not you) sound like a lot of people I know. I'd look for a different job and grow your passion somewhere else. It isn't worth it. You won't change them, and they're just going to make you feel like you're wrong, even though you're right. It's like the movie Idiocracy.

  • Deleted
    Forgive me that it's Reddit, it's too funny not to share.
  • Man, I saw one 2 weeks ago up close.

    Its such a fingerprint magnet, it's not even funny. The owner was using it just like a normal pickup and normal things you do with pickups were causing serious wear and tear that should take years. The buttons for the bed cover feel cheap and like they're going to break. There's no way they'll stand up to California sun. The front quarter panel corner is SHARP. There are lots of sharp corners that are very capable of causing harm.

    I always look at everything with a "how could I fix this if it breaks" mind, and the cybertruck just drives me nuts. It'd be impossible to fix

  • Do you think/feel that you are living well? Happily? Embodying your values and dreams? If so, how did this happen?
  • I'm doing it!

    The crysis center already has an apartment for me. They're going to pay first months rent and deposit, I can even have my cats with me!

    Since I left my wife, I've been saving sooooo much money. I know how to cook on a budget, the kids aren't picky, and I'm not wasting my money on door dash!

    It's gonna be a tough journey, but I can do this!

  • Do you think/feel that you are living well? Happily? Embodying your values and dreams? If so, how did this happen?
  • I think I'm on my way to happiness.

    I finally left my abusive wife this week. It was really scary, and she keeps sending me threats (to take me for child support and ruin my life) but I was able to get ahold if a crisis center for abused people, thankfully they have support for men. The crisis center is going to help me tackle all the debt she's put me in and get me into an apartment that will have room for me and my kids!

    Yesterday for the first time in 14 years, I was completely free. I just drove around town. I went and got an ice cream cone, and I got a Mexican Pizza from taco bell, and nobody insulted me, put me down, or made me feel worthless. I got a glimpse of me and I really miss that guy. I used to have the nick name smiley because I always walked around with a shit eating grin on my face because I love life and I love my job, but she's worn away at me lately.

    I might be homeless technically, but I have a safe space until I can get on my feet. I get my kids tonight, we're going to have a pizza party and play Mario Kart together. I think everything is going to be fine soon...

  • Thought we lost this mighty void today.
  • We snuck our cat into our apartment skirting the lease. About 4 years in, they noticed our cat. We were given the ultimatum, pay $500 by the end of the week, or get rid of him by the end of the week. I was absolutely devistated, but we had no choice but to rehome him. We found a nice family across town to take him in. They would send us updates for about a week until he ran away.

    About 6 or 7 months later, I'm watching TV with my wife at midnight, and I hear frantic meowing at the door. It was him!

    The management company was in such disbelief, they waived the fee for us and he lived to be 12 years old. He passed away in my arms about 2 years ago. I'll never forget him.

  • Dramatic rise in women and girls being cut, new FGM data reveals
  • I imagine being in tact would feel better because it'd be protected like it's supposed to. I haven't had any issues with the underwear, but I did recently find underwear down at the Walmart that has a separate compartment specifically for your junk. It's an absolute game changer. No more awkward ball pulling!

    I was just messing with you, I am bored!

  • Dramatic rise in women and girls being cut, new FGM data reveals
  • If I'm not mistaken, the FGM they're referring to is cutting off their clitoris.

    To compare to circumcision would mean just trimming the clitoral hood exposing the clitoris, not cutting it off.

    I'm circumcised, they didn't cut the entire tip off, I can still use the lil guy. Also, like the other dude said, women tend to be relieved to find out you're circumcised.

    I see where you're coming from, but I just don't think comparing the two is very equal.

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