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Weird eh?
  • "Unlawful disruption" sounds like some absolutely made up and contemptible shit.

  • Not all reddit alt history is bad
  • It's althistory, except I'm a cute girl and the cracker states collapsed instead of the USSR.

    Ah what a world that would be.

  • Germany Looks to Stop the Far Right From Assuming Power
  • it's like that scene from Interstellar. It's not a mountain. It's a quadrillion soviet vanguardists.

  • @LemmyGrad, the Grad, the Comrades, Yoooouuuuu know the score. Piracy Rules!

    So can we steal the hexbear emotes yet? Not having the same range of lil' images sucks. It's detracting from my ability to dunk on libs.

    I mean, I still pull it off fabulously of course. Bit it'd be nice to have the emotes. Steal that shit.

    40-year-old homeowner says economy doesn’t add up: ‘I’m making the most money I’ve ever made, and I’m still living paycheck to paycheck’
  • I could easily afford three homes, groceries, four vacations a year, etc

    So you're a rich failson who's never worked a real job. Thanks for clearing that up.

  • Alex Jones explaining his tweet to the uncultured left
  • Tfw Alex Jones clarifies that he's not interested in hot dirty sex, but rather he's actually a deranged and dangerous predator.

  • Germany Looks to Stop the Far Right From Assuming Power
  • Love to climb up on my high chair with my sippy cup. Looking down on everyone while pretending at intellectual superiority and yet making no actual statement at all.

  • Ukraine war: G7 threatens sanctions if Iran sends Russia ballistic missiles
  • This is your brain detoxing from echo chamber induced copium. Welcome to not being on reddit.

  • Ukraine war: G7 threatens sanctions if Iran sends Russia ballistic missiles
  • The western liberal is an ongoing study on what no materialist analysis does to the Homo Sapian brain.

  • Canada's Justin Trudeau says he thinks daily about leaving 'crazy job'
  • If he retires he'll have more free time to perfect his Black Face technique.

  • President of Argentina Announces IMF Borrowing Plan
  • IMF Borrowing Plan

    Never turned out badly for a country before...

  • Me on my way to kick your ass
  • little stubby feet

    Organic landing gear

  • Me on my way to kick your ass
  • Don't pick fights when you have hollow bones. One clean hit from a fly swatter and you've got hundreds of thousands in medical bills.

  • "Canadians Present A Major Threat If They Realize They Won’t Own A Home" says Canadian police force
  • I have a coworker, old fat, broke ass, healthcare needing motherfucker. Immigrated here from fucking YUGOSLAVIA if you can believe it. Complains all the time about immigrants getting a "free ride", aka mad at imaginary shit he hears about brown people. Mother fucker watches tucker failson, and still won't stfu about the put in interview weeks later. I've tried to talk Sense to him but he just goes back to the same burgerland propaganda shit.

    Even the ones who should be based aren't. KKKlanadians are damn near hopeless.

  • "Canadians Present A Major Threat If They Realize They Won’t Own A Home" says Canadian police force
  • 2nd largest country by land, with a comparatively tiny population. Pretty wealthy per capita, aside from the obligatory capitalism based inequality. With a very wealthy government and ruling class. Still can't seem to house people in spite of the material circumstances suggesting that doing so should be extremely easy. Wonder why that might be. Could it be by design? Because scarcity of housing benefits the wealthy? No it must be the fault of the small trickle of immigrants.

  • Sometimes I think about my kids back in Whiterun and Solitude
  • you left them with enough weapons, armor, and gold to fulfill all their ambitions.

    Arm the orphans to institute regime change, its CIA Blades time.

  • Sometimes I think about my kids back in Whiterun and Solitude
  • I still have PTSD from the seige of Whiterun. War is hell.

  • Westerners learned nothing from South Africa

    At this moment we are seeing the same moral outrage and screeching of pacifism fetishists as we saw during the struggle for South African freedom. It's easy to take a stand against things like necklacing or killing concert goers when you are sitting safely at home on your comfortable couch. Not so easy to wring your hands when you are staring down the barrel of apartheid and all its horrors. Palestinians must do whatever they deem necessary in order to survive genocide at the hands of their colonial occupiers. And westerners who have supported - whether in word, or in deed through the material actions of their governments - the Israeli settler project and their genocidal campaign, have no right to judge the actions of Palestinians taken in pursuit of survival.

    Do Not Come.

    If you visit an apartheid state with an active and ongoing genocide, and something bad happens to you, you are not a victim. Palestine is not for settlers, and it is not for settlers to host visitors and tourists. Settlers have no right to be there, and neither do you. Stay the fuck home.

    To any liberal chauvinistic pigs who might be reading this. No one believes you give an actual shit about dead women or the fate of Shani Louk. Where was the wailing and nashing of teeth for the countless dead Palestinian women? Stop cynically using emotionally charged events to retroactively justify 80 years of genocide.

    The death of Shani Louk is only a tragedy in so far as collateral damage is always a tragedy, this time it was just particularly gruesome. If you don't want to be collateral damage, don't travel to occupied states. Hamas is completely justified in anything they do to resist the invasion of Palestine and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

    >2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle;

    all available means means any means necessary for Palestinian liberation. Death to Isreal, and stfu dotworlders.

    Cops be like

    "Ah its good to be home after a hard day murdering minorities, raping teens, and setting babies on fire. Wait, why isn't my family treating me like a triumphant Emperor and slavishly seeing to my every whim? You have forced me to go THERMONUCLEAR!"

    He's peaked, he will never be funnier than this.

    Trump trading cards may be 99$ but Magic cards are 1000$ so move over MTG.

    What is everyone's preferred method of escapism?

    Personally I've gotten embarrassingly deep into fanfic and CYOAs in the last couple years. What are you doing to stave off crushing existential dread?

    I'm sure some of you have already seen this, but it's really good. Hakim puts out another masterpiece.

    Hakim continues to knock it out of the park. This time covering the corruption, hypocrisy, and failing of capitalist media.
