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  • jfc motherfuckers really be showing their whole ass

  • Deleted
    Lemmy Fediverse subscription data
  • ooh this is cool

  • Kids...don't do benzos.
  • it’s the benzos comboed with the existing bigotry but yah

  • But comrades, don’t you know Hakim’s a liberal?
  • gommunism is when poor. ultras are the worst.

  • NSFW
    (huge cw for transphobia and violence towards children) Literal worst wrestler in the world threatens to assault children
  • oh damn. hope this transphobic chud gets shot to death in a random act of violence.

  • Hog out or log out
  • rosa-salute uphold tc69 thought

  • Hog out or log out
  • was that the nazi who rage posted their shriveled chode

  • 🙅‍♀️🚫🇫🇷🤮
  • this is, ironically, the most French reason you could have for learning their language

  • Tag yourself
  • I’m in the audience shotgunning a wine cooler

  • People of Lemmy, I dare you to name ONE billionaire that's done anything good.
  • Any of the billionaires that have already died did one thing good by nature of having died.

  • NSFW
    Fascists keep making Biden sound cooler than he really is (CW: rope fetish + misgendering / transphobia)
  • the baggage theft thing is weird but also seems like a genuine mistake. either way, getting unique luggage is a good idea.

    I honestly haven’t bothered reading into it, but I figure anything posted by a rightwing hate account that advocates for bombing children’s hospitals is pretty safe to ignore.

  • CommunistBarbie CommunistBarbie [she/her]

    Does anyone else ever think about dying? Bimbo Marxist.

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    Comments 15