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Technically, almost all video games are puzzle games.
  • That was in my OP though, that most games can be thought of as puzzle games with extra steps.

    I just don't get where you're getting "most games" from. If you would have phrased it like "many games can be viewed as puzzle games if you really think about it" you would have maybe had more people agree with you.

    I understand your reductive approach - it's just that there are so many games it doesn't apply to that I can never agree with "most games".

  • Technically, almost all video games are puzzle games.
  • If you have 2 minutes to solve a puzzle, is it no longer a puzzle game?

    Yes, clearly. It still behaves the way a puzzle - or puzzle game - would: knowledge of the solution trivialises the content. It's just a puzzle game with a timer.

    If moving certain colored pieces requires a button combo or sequence, instead of a simple action, is this no longer a puzzle game?

    Depends on how the combo works. Is there an element of skill involved? If it's like a rhythm game I would just call it a puzzle/rhythm game. Otherwise it's just a puzzle game with extra steps.

    For me, if the main challenge of the game is figuring out the puzzle, then it's mainly a puzzle game. If a measure of skill is required in the actual execution of beating the game it is no longer a pure puzzle game - but it can still contain puzzle elements of course.

    EDIT: I would agree that Tetris is not a puzzle game.

    Knowing the optimal thing to do can be seen as but a higher order puzzle.

    But knowing the right strategy and item build in DotA or LoL means fuck all if you can't mechanically execute your hero properly, which - in my opinion - disqualifies them as "puzzle games".

  • Featured
    Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 23rd
  • I've been mainlining Esports Godfather, which is the surprise hit of the year for me so far. The title is nonsensical and on the surface it looks like it can't be good, but it's been so much fun.

    It's a MOBA-themed sort of deckbuilder/autobattler/management game - which sounds like a hot mess but plays so much better than you'd think. At least after you get over the initial information overload.

    I wish the AI was a little smarter, but even with the game being a touch too easy it's incredible how much fun it is. Loads of cards and heroes to build synergies with and rotating version rulesets keeping things fresh even within a single run.

    At just €16 on Steam I'd easily recommend it to anyone with an interest in the genre, and there is even a free demo that covers the first couple hours of a run.

  • Elden Ring DLC launches to "Mixed" reviews as players bemoan difficulty, PC performance in Shadow of the Erdtree: "There's a big problem with balancing"
  • Vanilla Elden Ring felt pretty good in that regard (granted it's been a while since I played it). As I recall between weapons, spells, Ashes of War and Spirit Ashes you had a lot of tool choices and were free to sort of make the game as difficult or easy for yourself as you liked.

    Sounds like they lost that aspect in the DLC, which is a shame.

  • Technically, almost all video games are puzzle games.
  • I think your definition of puzzle games is pretty flawed, to be honest. A puzzle does not provide additional difficulty once you've identified how the pieces go together, consequently a game should behave similarly to qualify as a puzzle game. The dichotomy is between conceptualisation versus execution.

    Puzzle games can be solved or "won" by identifying the solution. Not-puzzle games require execution.

    Guitar Hero and OSU! are not puzzle games. Games like RTSes and MOBAs can be argued to have puzzle elements in terms of strategy and meta, but knowing the optimal thing to do will still not give you victory which imo disqualifies them as outright puzzle games.

  • Move to
  • An instance managed by a non-profit organisation sounds like a perfect home for Internet Is Beautiful to be honest.

  • [Spain GP] Qualifying: Alonso out of Q3 in his home race.
  • I know the car is getting the traditional Aston Martin mid-season downgrades, but Alonso has not been great lately either. Is he finally getting old, or is he still feeling the post-China hand injury? That was his last great race weekend wasn't it?

  • 2024 Spanish Grand Prix - [QUALIFYING] discussion thread
  • What a lap from Lando holy

  • Had my final assessment for autism the other day
  • I still feel like a bit of an imposter when seeking help, as I am very high functioning, and can pass as quite intelligent in most settings, and working at a job where I often encounter low functioning and even non verbal poung people, its hard to feel like I deserve to ask for help in the first place.

    I feel this. I was also diagnosed as an adult and I also pass well. The first time telling my friends about my then-new diagnosis was met with the reaction "what, no you're not!" and I'm still mentally affected by that conversation. Dealing with guilt and imposter syndrome type feelings is tough. I don't really have any advice but I know how you feel, at least.

  • Avowed's Creators On Why Romance Was Considered, But Ultimately Not Included And Skyrim Comparisons
  • I agree with you about BG3, but not about games in general. I think romance stories are valid narratives and can add to the experience if executed well.

    The presence of sex also depends on the scope and intent of the game. Ultimately, love and sex are integral parts of the human experience. And some settings - like Cyberpunk - would be strictly weird and implausible without stuff like oversexualised ads and street hookers.

  • Nobel Prize to Be Awarded to Forum User From 9 Years Ago With Same Niche Problem
  • The even worse feeling is when there is a reply below with "<message deleted>" and a reply below that with "thank you so much, that fixed it!"

  • Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12
  • I suspect uncapping FPS would break physics and damage calculations. FromSoft are fond of tying those to FPS.

    I'm not surprised about the rest either, though they really should start getting criticized for it in my opinion. No DLSS in 2024 is especially hard to excuse.

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • I don't think the writing is particularly good, and it is particularly problematic in Act 3. The pacing falls apart, all urgency disappears and there is also a big problem with the villains. Gortash and Orin are pretty bad characters and the nebulous blob that is the Nether Brain is not a compelling antagonist. The Emperor is a pretty interesting character, but he sadly doesn't really play out as an antagonist - which I find a massive waste in itself. It also felt like some parts of the plot only make sense if you're playing as Dark Urge.

    The companions all being extremely horny and protagonist-sexual gives off a weird vibe, and the progression and design of the relationship system is extremely bad. As an example, Shadowheart can say you're her soulmate that changed her whole life on like the second day you spend together! There is also a severe lack of bonding moments that are purely adventure party/friendship and not avenues for everyone else to hit on you.

    There being literally 0 consequences for dabbling in Mind Flayer powers felt weird and bad and generally undercut the impact of the entire main story. There is no reason not to fill out your whole tadpole tree (including becoming half illithid), and there is no reward for completely abstaining. No specific dialogue, no impact on the ending. Not even an achievement.

    Lots of small attempts at fanservice for fans of BG 1&2 feel like surface level lipservice made by people who never played the originals. The Flail of Ages being a shitty rare regular flail sold in a random shop is just depressing.

    I wish they left more BG 1&2 characters alone if they didn't know exactly what to do with them. Jaheira is mostly fine, but even Minsc felt out of place and shoehorned in and the character assassinations of Viconia and Sarevok just felt terrible. Especially since the role of both of those characters in the plot could have easily been replaced with brand new NPCs.

    On a similar note, it strikes me as extremely weird that they seemingly outright refused to have any voice actor reprise their role. Heidi Shannon has disappeared from the face of the earth so Jaheira needed to be recast, but Grey DeLisle (Viconia) and Kevin Michael Richardson (Sarevok) are still out there working for example and Jim Cummings (Minsc) was asking random fans at cons to remind Larian he exists.

  • GreedFall 2 is setting its sights high, hitting all the CRPG tropes at once
  • I have a deep love for Greedfall. I think it's sadly pretty underrated. It's very janky, and time and again it's non-AAA nature rears its head, but it has such heart behind it. The good parts are worth powering through its flaws in my opinion, and it's not like they were asking for €60 anyway.

    Like you say, the lore and world building is really quite interesting and I loved what they did with the language. Managing to create and enforce consistent accents for all the natives goes such a long way towards maintaining immersion.

    I'm very curious how the sequel will turn out. Teer Fradee was the best part of the game for me, so knowing that it's a prequel taking place on the mainland makes me a little hesitant.

  • favorite gaming medium?
  • For sheer versatility you can't beat PC, so that is going to have to be my choice. Having flexibility between KB+M and controller, having access to mods and tweaks and (typically) having a wider array of graphics/performance options to tailor to your preferences makes for an unbeatable package.

    That being said (and it pains me to say this given my distaste for Nintendo), I absolutely loved the 3DS. The dual screens were cool, it had good ergonomics for me and a nice weight in your hands and there was something very satisfying in the mechanics of flipping it open or listening to the click as you slam it shut. It's just a really nice device to use.

  • [Brighton Hove Albion FC] Albion appoint Hürzeler as new head coach
  • Very exciting appointment, and a typically Tony Bloom one too. Love that Brighton continues to show ambition and willingness to take risks and trust their analytics. It's been said many times but they really are an exemplary club in British football.

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • Can we not go after one of the few good guys in gaming? Please? If you want to hound someone Nintendo is right over there.

  • This is why the game lost me to be completely honest. I felt like the type of storytelling changed into more of a Sunday morning cartoon type vibe where the gang always wins and nobody ever dies.

    There was a point during the story (probably Post-ARR through the beginning of post-Stormblood patch quests?) where it felt like there were actual stakes and risks of consequences and the lives of beloved characters were actually in danger and I loved that.

    But instead more people seemed to come back from the dead than actually die.

  • Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port: 'If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble, but it's nothing I'm opposed to'
  • For sure. Will probably be even more likely if the Elden Ring DLC does really well and further propels FromSoft into a true mainstream household name.

  • STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Hands-On Impressions - Good Hunting, S.T.A.L.K.E.R
  • I'm not fussed about the minimap, I play with it off anyway. I might turn off the compass too if given the option, I like checking the PDA for directions.

    The ammo though is a travesty to me. Maybe I'm overly sensitive but for me it's such an immersion break, and these games thrive off of immersion. That's the whole dang point! Interchangable ammo is such a "video gamey" thing that every time I loot a container and see "assault rifle ammo" I'm going to be pulled out of the zone mentally.

  • Saudi Arabia unveils AI renders of their plans for the Qiddiya track

    You would expect Saudi to go all out and not let themselves be outdone on spectacle by Miami and Vegas, but this is more than even I expected. That turn one is straight out of Mario Kart.

    [Suggestion] Setting to show comment with context when clicking on an entry in inbox/comment history

    I will often have to spend an extra tap to show parent/context since I want to remind myself before replying. It would be a nice quality of life setting to be able to show them by default.

    [Official] West Ham confirms the departure of Declan Rice West Ham United Club Statement | West Ham United F.C.

    West Ham United can confirm that agreement has been reached for Declan Rice to leave the Club for a British record transfer fee.

    West Ham United Club Statement | West Ham United F.C.
    For those who have played both the originals and the Early Access, how well does BG3 capture the feel?

    I'm not particularly worried about whether BG3 will be good or not since D:OS 1&2 were both excellent, but I'm a little worried about it feeling like a Baldur's Gate game and not Divinity: Dungeons and Dragons.

    How is the writing style and atmosphere? Does the story connect in any meaningful way? Are there any recurring major characters, hopefully even potential party members? In short, does it feel like a Baldur's Gate game?

    Coelacanth Coelacanth
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