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Bountysource Stole at Least $21,000 From Open Source Developers
  • That's why I provided 18 citations for that claim in the first paragraph

  • Bountysource Stole at Least $21,000 From Open Source Developers
  • If you read through some of my other stuff, I mostly document controversy in the open source community. OSS developers being taken advantage of and loosing is just the norm, the only thing unique here is that the donation platform itself was doing that instead of the users

  • Bountysource Stole at Least $21,000 From Open Source Developers
  • I cannot maths sometime 😩

  • What is your favorite 100% non political "just nice music" music artist?
  • I must confess that you're the first person to tell that to me — English class was always a disaster! The only thing I can point to is practice: I have a blog here that I write at regularly. The other component might be luck? They say that a broken clock is right twice a day and I'm inclined to agree.

    In any case, thank you!

  • What is your favorite 100% non political "just nice music" music artist?
  • This thread has been reported to us. I've temporarily made the decision to keep it (other mods; feel free to override). While the question could have been phrased a hell of a lot better ("what are your favourite bands that people don't get the real meaning of?"), its a valid question and doesn't quite fall into the "offensive" rule.

    Community: please stay civil. The fact that a song can be political does not mean it is worth debating if it's politics are correct. If discussion significantly devolves into personal attacks, bans will be issued regardless of partisanship.

  • Bountysource Stole at Least $21,000 From Open Source Developers
  • Right? like the probably 50-100k they stole in total is whatever, but the fact they stole it from underpaid OSS developers and generous community members is disgusting.

    I might apply for funding to research the real number that was stolen...

  • Bountysource Stole at Least $21,000 From Open Source Developers
  • Sure! I've been meaning to depoy hedgedoc for a while now and this seems like a good use. Here you go:

    fixed; ignore

    Edit: Why does nothing ever work. Immediately hit some obscure error because of a cloudflare minifier edgecase:, well if you do a view source you'll see it

    Edit 2: You can also verify by asking at any of the methods in

  • When did reddit turn Facist?
  • I agree these claims are a little crazy, but not actually that crazy. Did a little digging and

    that the most redditors were in the town where Eglin Air Force base is located

    Ghislaine Maxwell

    their CEO made their career in the CIA before coming over to Reddit

    No fucking clue on this one

  • When did reddit turn Facist?

    Historically, I've perceived Reddit as slightly left leaning, with strong pockets of conservatives. Recently though, a vast majority of comment sections seem to excuse violence, such as in this thread (TW: police brutality), where people say things like

    TW: Supporting violence

    > The students didn’t hurt the bullets, right?

    > They paid to learn so....... You go learn today

    > Um...good?

    > Follow the rules of the people who own the property. If they ask you to leave then leave. Don’t interfere with people’s incomes or you’ll end up finding the fuck out >> Got it. The next time I stand on a private piece of grass that I paid 200 grand for the privilege of using, I should expect to be shot at like I deserve. I'll keep that in mind. >>> When the owner of the property wants you to move on? Yeah. Move on. Or don’t and find out.

    And I'm seriously wondering when Reddit got so bad that the hivemind supports calls for violence. Are these humans? Are they bots? Why does reddit allow this conduct?

    Suspending my alt... for what?
  • I don’t think so, the password was randomly generated

  • Suspending my alt... for what?
  • My main has 10s of thousands of karma from a different time in my life and it’s not banned

  • Suspending my alt... for what?
  • No

  • Suspending my alt... for what?
  • Username is completely clean. It was something along the lines of “BeautifulPuppies”.

  • Suspending my alt... for what?

    I made an account 3 years ago to make a single post, which I wanted to be anonymous for. I logged in again today as I wanted an account for... um... science, and discovered I was banned a year ago. I find this ban incredibly odd as

    1. I did not log into this account for two years between the post and the suspension
    2. They do not state what rule I broke, which is not standard in my experience
    3. They do not offer the opportunity to appeal, which I also believe is not standard
    4. They tell me to make a new account. If I broke their rules, why would they want me to make a new account? Temp ban makes sense. Permaban makes sense. This makes no sense.

    The only explanation I can think of is that they want to bump the user count.

    You Have Power: Making Truth Social Comply With The AGPL
  • Sorry I missed this! Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, and considering a donation! (no pressure on that last one though lol)

  • You Have Power: Making Truth Social Comply With The AGPL
  • Thanks for reading <3

  • What is your opinion on deradicalization/deNazication programs?
  • Why would people be against them

  • No support here! [Please report support posts]
  • For posterity, the post in reference is this

    Why are community subscriber counts different when watched from different instances?

    I created two accounts on two different instances and all the communities I see have different subscriber counts depending from which account I look. Why does that happen and how can I see the real subscriber count?

    i'm having trouble understanding how this isn't a support request. It's a (Why|How) <confusion with lemmy that has a single answer>.

    . This seems to be a post that would help many understand

    Yeah, all the support posts are like this. We get the same five over and over, but this community is not for support. I wouldn't keep questions about knitting in ! because they are helpful. This is simply not the place, unfortunately.

    Why do you think it's not a support post?

  • [Grandmother] faces 10 years in jail for a fake letter ‘canceling’ an oil industry conference Climate activist faces 10 years in jail for a fake letter 'canceling' an oil industry conference | CNN

    A climate activist in New Zealand faces 10 years in jail after a court found her guilty of forgery for sending a fake letter to the speakers at an oil industry conference, telling them it had been postponed due to the climate crisis.

    Climate activist faces 10 years in jail for a fake letter 'canceling' an oil industry conference | CNN
    Do you want to moderate asklemmy?

    Hello! We've reached 15k members (afaik we're still the largest community on lemmy). It's a lot for only a couple people, though there is admin support.

    I'm looking for a couple people to join and help moderate. Ideally you:

    1. Have a history of contributions to this community
    2. Have been on lemmy for a reasonable* amount of time and do not plan to leave any time soon

    *Genuinely not sure what constitutes reasonable, I suppose it will be case-by-case. It's a little frightening to appoint someone who just came via the reddit migration, but I understand that 4/5 of this community are newish so it's fine. The main hope is that you'll stick around.

    Ideally I'll pick a few people out in the coming days. I'm also going to correspond with the admins before changes.


    No support here! [Please report support posts]

    There's been an influx of content surrounding lemmy here. Some of it is open ended:

    • "What kinds of things from reddit would you like to see Lemmy avoid as the user base grows?"
    • "Lemmy, what do you call users of Lemmy?"

    And these are a-ok! There's also been a lot of questions like

    • "How do I block a user?"
    • "How do I join a community on a different instance"

    These aren't open ended (at least, relatively). They are objective based, and just need a resolution, rather than discussion. These sort of questions are more relevant to !

    I know there's also questions like "What are you guys doing when there’s multiple communities for the same thing across instances?". I'm inclined to let those stay, there is lots of opportunity for discussion. It's a game of discretion from a moderation perspective, but I assume most can easily guess what is cold hard support.

    At least from me, moderation of support posts has been sporadic at best, despite the long standing rule. I will begin redirecting these questions to !, however I'm of course willing to listen to the community here if that's not what is wanted, as well as other feedback.

    edit: support posts will now be removed, not locked

    Consider contributing to lemmy!

    Hi everyone, welcome, ect... It might go without saying but lemmy is open source! The platform is written in rust and typescript (which is a big pro for me). I'm sure we all have our little gripes with the platform, and those are fixed with collective teamwork :)

    These are "good first issues", here is a contributing guide), and here is a chat where developers coordinate.

    Let's make the best link aggregator!

    Do you want to nominate someone for mod?

    Hey all, I think it's unfair for me to be the only moderator (plus the admins!).

    I was trying to find some good candidates and I certainly found many, but I think it's much more fair to open the floor for nominations.

    Some groundrules so this goes smoothly:

    • You are allowed to nominate unlimited people, including yourself
    • You must make each nomination in a separate comment
    • Please ensure the user in question has not yet been nominated, if they have please upvote the existing nomination and maybe leave a comment in support instead!

    This is somewhat of a popularity contest, although note I do not promise the most popular candidates will be the ones selected.

    This post will be updated when mods are appointed with the logic behind appointment.

    --- has been appointed. This is because

    • Overwhelming support
    • 7 hour timezone difference (if I did the math correctly)

    • I needed one more, I see tmpod around often
    Do you hate raids?!

    Hey all, if you notice any comments that clearly don't belong here please hit the report button! In the next few days I will be checking in every few hours to ensure this community is in tip top shape.

    I have also recruited two new mods.

    Someone should really revamp email

    Email is already nicely federated, but I think it's time for a change. Services like protonmail claim to offer encryption between users, but you can't host your own instance. It would be awesome if there was a spec somewhere for a federated email service that defines

    • email encryption between users
    • markdown
    • connection with activity pub? (What would this look like) I mean some way to "email the web", ie: add comments via email
    • compatibility with standard email users (if you send/receive to/from a user who does not have email v2 implemented it just uses normal features)
    • somehow better support for email discussion groups (hop in and out, public interface defined)
    • this spec should be focused heavily on usage for humans instead of automated mailing, I expect html would not be defined.

    I'm just spit balling here. Does anyone have any ideas? Does something like this exist?

    Thanks, Evan

    [Mod] What is your vision for asklemmy?

    Hey! Back after a large break from lemmy and after returning to the community it seems it is more advice focused: what is the best way to learn programming vs story focused what is a bad mistake when you started programming.

    My job as a moderator is to serve the community best I can, so instead of changing the rules to recklessly to bar topics further without consent, I want to extend an invitation for you, the members of the community, to share what you want to see content wise from this community.


    > I like it as is!


    > New rules ideas > - Only questions about cats are allowed > - Posts about dogs will result in being banned

    Thank you!

