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Drinks and snacks of choice while playing?
  • Vodka is the typical option cause you can take it near, on the rocks, or used with a mixer. People know their limits at this point and can adjust safely.

    As far a sushi we used to rotate getting takeout, but overtime we started to default to sushi. There tends to be enough variety to mix up the type of sushi each week, it keeps people from getting too full/hungry, and typically is contained enough to fit with all our play supplies.

  • Wife just gave birth, this is my life now
  • Also if you got the money to spare a wet dry vacuum is a life saver when your kid barfs I the middle of the night.

    Ours got daily use for the various messes the kid and cats would make.

  • Those of you that have children. What does it mean to be a dad or mom to you?
  • We just celebrated nonbinary parents day for me yesterday in our household.

    Although my parents are conservative they did not always meet typical gender roles. My mom was more nurturing and also the breadwinner/disciplinarian of the household. My dad did more help with my schoolwork, did a lot to show me how to garden/cook, and helped me to really enjoy reading. Both taught me about the value of good work ethics, how to use a chainsaw, and how to have a sense of humor.

    The biggest takeaway that I have though is that religious ideology and toxic masculinity caused my dad to have a more distant relationship with me than we could have had. Even now I struggle to have a conversation longer than 5 minutes with him on the phone, but my mom keeps telling me how much he likes to talk to me and how much it means to him when I visit.

    My kid is a bit older than 2 and a half, and he tends to view me as the comfort parent because I'm the parent with enough upper body strength to still hold him for an hour or longer. He also likes to brush my hair after a shower and do gardening/composting with me. I also tend to be the goofier parent and am enthusiastic during play time.

    My wife does more reading and baking with him. They make up songs together and she loves to try to get him to think critically about the world. My wife also loves to talk with family and friends on the phone, so she involves him in those conversations and works to plan playdates and other activities.

    Ultimately being a parent to me means listening to my kids needs, educating him on a number of topics, and as needed being an authority figure that helps keep him inline and well mannered. No one is going to be perfect at it and what will work for one kid might not work for the next.

  • How's your week been?
  • My wife and I just finished celebrating our 5 year anniversary. Each year we write letters to each other and plan to open them at every 5 year increments.

    Getting to read the wedding night and 4 years worth of anniversary letters was reaffirming as hell. To hear that I was accepted when exploring and the confidence she saw me building brought me to tears.

    I'm sick as a dog and my back is sore from the bed at the inn we stayed in, but I am the happiest I've felt in years.

  • Those who hold/held out hope for the acceptance of a loved one: How do/should you let go of it in a healthy way?
  • I think it is important to talk with a professional about this moving forward. Based on your description this sounds more like it will be to help with processing things after the dust settles though.

    I have family that I am still not out with, and for those that would be unaccepting they are either not worth telling or communicating with at all. I come from a big family, so I've had to learn to cut folks out that are dangerous (drug addiction and prone to acts of violence) or toxic (verbally abusive, manipulative, etc) over the years.

    The family members that felt the hardest to loose were my grandmother and my aunt/godmother. We didn't agree on a lot politically or religiously, but they were both such kind people through their lives. My aunt passed suddenly, so there was no chance to wrap things up or say goodbye. My grandmother passed from cancer and it was a lot slower. By the time we knew she wouldn't make it out of the hospital she was not the same person that went in, and generally was frustrated to have so many people saying goodbye.

    Ultimately I still swing by both their graves to leave flowers and to talk at them. Life ending is messy and far from ideal

    In time though regardless of the actions you take I'd recommend remembering how you feel now and show compassion and patience for yourself and those around you.

  • Secret Lair Equinox Superdrop 2024
  • It is crazy how quick some are selling out. Didn't even get the chance to buy the tarot one.

    This definitely went from a product line I would consider getting to something that is not designed to get into the hands of non-scalpers or the deeply entrenched collectors.

  • "What is Your Gender Identity" Survey
  • What about adding the poll temporarily to the community resources section?

    That way it is not just in everyone's feed, and it takes a little more efforty to participate. I'm active here, but I found this community through cross instance bleedover.

  • Rulerrection day
  • Bit sus that it went from a generic invite to a religious event after one text.

    Sorry to hear your family are being buttheads. They at the least did you the favor of forecasting that they were going to be a buzz kill to hangout with.

  • Request: Recommendations for brands for taller builds
  • I am a men's 12w and I can get my feet into the largest size from Torrid. I'm not sure if it is a combo of height/weight, but I can only go about 2 hours in them before I need to give my feet a break.

  • Request: Recommendations for brands for taller builds
  • Not going to lie that is a big factor in me considering HRT. The women in my family have been well endowed, and I already get enough back problems from having to take care of my two year old.

  • Request: Recommendations for brands for taller builds

    Hey folks,

    I was wondering if folks had any brands or stores that they particularly enjoy or find have sizes for the tall.

    I've been doing a wardrobe refresh through Torrid, but keep finding the sleeves stop inches before my wrist. Finding masc clothing is less of an issue, but femme clothing or fun shoes tends to be a longer or less fruitful shopping trip for me.

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